The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 33鈥擨 have no love

“Are you OK?鈥︹€?#8221;

Sun Wukong pretends to be able to help Ji Yun.

After the facial expression is red, hurriedly bowed, hands on the chest, some confused: “That, you still go out first…”

“Okay…” In order not to make Ji Wei, Sun Wukong nodded, and placed the cup on his left hand on the table. He looked at the unknown liquid on his right hand, but his heart was hey hey. It鈥檚 that stuff, no wonder so nervous…鈥?/p>

Ji Weiwatching Sun Wukong, who has already stepped out of the door, is now relieved, and the scene just happened is really too embarrassing. Watching his chest wet, and even the remaining temperature of Sun Wukong’s powerful palm, the facial expression of Ji Yun is now more red. The heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

“It鈥檚 already so crowded out… how come there are so many…”

Just did not take a few steps, Sun Wukong found that Snow Maiden and Nong Yuchang were discussing the music, thinking about it, said: “You go down and call Xiaoli, then come to my room…”

The snow woman and the jade nodded and got up and left…

In the room of Sun Wukong.

The young girl came to Sun Wukong and was very puzzled. “Goku, what do you ask us to do here?”

“The days when I was born from the moon are getting closer and closer. I have to find a quiet place to train a period of time. So I am asking you to come and pick up the luggage. We will immediately I am leaving here!” Sun Wukong facial expression is a bit serious. He can’t always be so leisurely to accompany a few women to cultivate their feelings.

He must understand the perfection of the law as soon as possible, because his time is not much! It is necessary to improve the strength as soon as possible when the strength of the Yuan is completely restored! Comprehend the supreme rule of the Dimension god! Become a TRUE’s supreme master! That way, there will be a battle.

“You suddenly become so serious, it’s really a little uncomfortable…” Snowwoman smiled softly: “But since you said so! Let’s do it!”

“Retreat?…” Xiaoli and the high priest looked at each other and saw a sense of surprise from the other’s eyes. At the same time, they remembered that because of Wu Wukong and another god’s battle, they destroyed the original. The world.

“don’t tell me that god… will it still appear?”

The departure of Sun Wukong and others did not alarm anyone. After they had finished packing up, they were wearing a small raft to break through the clouds, looking for a place to avoid the world, and retired!

Here the mountains are surrounded, lofty majestic, misty! Deep in the white clouds, the most dangerous lofty mountains are like a dragon, and aura is so proud. Among them, the sound of fine water came, and the sun shone, and a colorful rainbow hung across the horizon, beautiful and colorful, beautiful and beautiful, a shot of the immortal atmosphere!

“It’s here!” Sun Wukong patted the back of Xiaoxiao.

On a stone cliff, several people from Sun Wukong landed down. There are constantly flowing water on both sides of the stone cliff, which is very clear, but the middle part is dripping. The sun shines through the clouds above the water, and is refracted by the water, turning into a brilliant rainbow.

Surrounded by clouds, like layers of clouds, blowing in the breeze, like the turbulent waves, surging!

Looking up at the sky, the sky is like a wash, the blue is like a transparent! The four sides of the sky, wide and infinite, under the clouds, gently floating, surrounded by the group surrounded and rugged. A good place to escape the world! It鈥檚 fascinating, and the mind is broad.

“Here… beautiful…” The Snow Maiden watched everything around her and made a heartfelt exclamation.

“You like it! From now on, this is our place of residence!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Here? It’s beautiful…but in such a rugged place, there is no place to live?” Nong Yu looked around, all the steep mountain walls, the frowning road.

“I said it can, it can!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, a wave of sleeves, God shines the whole mountain! At the time of the encounter, the Snow Maiden was a miracle of the unfathomable that they saw in their lives!

The land where the god shines, it is a strange rise to the mountain floor! Surrounded mountain peaks… For a moment, a natural fairyland is in front of a few women!

“This…this…this…” The Snow Maiden has been completely stunned by this strange scene! This kind of means is no longer what people can do?

“As you can see… Goku is originally a ‘God’! Legend, that’s omnipotent… God!” The high priest watched the expression of the snow woman, watching Sun Wukong beside him, his eyes full of piety and respectfulness .

“God…” The snow woman was a little dazed looking at Sun Wukong, and some unfathomable words: “Goku, are you really… God?”

“That’s right…” Sun Wukong nodded lightly, with a few women landing on a jade-paved floor, saying: “I will let people explain it to you!” Ten sisters, such as Xunzi, have appeared on this pavilion!

For a moment, many enchanting females, a paradise on earth!

Snow girl and others watched the sudden appearance of many sister papers, for a moment, stunned!

“You explain it to them! I went to retreat training…” Sun Wukong nodded to the lily, and his body flicked and escaped!

“Goku this guy, every time this time… I threw the mess to us, but I ran away…” Shayton dissatisfied scorned.

Above the mountain, Sun Wukong watching the girls below, could not help hey hey smile: “It will be frank sooner or later… Snow girl, you will live in peace with your nephew, adapt to the future environment… I left the period of time and went to my goddess paper training…” After that, the figure flashed and disappeared.

The goddess space, here, is no longer the endless void of the nothingness before, but a beautiful and dreamlike goddess The Lookout!

Perfectly beautiful goddess elegant standing stand in the hall, with a soft smile, watching suddenly appeared in front of Sun Wukong, a smile: “I did not expect, we are so fast, meet again!”

“Hey! Goddess! Do you miss me?” Every time I saw this perfect goddess, Sun Wukong had a sense of horror. But because people are goddesses, it is difficult to Raiders!

“How, don’t tell me Do you want to put me in your harem?” The goddess smiled softly and looked calmly at Sun Wukong. That fascinating figure, every move, is so fascinating!

“Well! There is an idea…” Sun Wukong laughed without hesitation.

“…I have a selfish love for the world…but I don’t have love…” The goddess facial expression is calm, with a look of tranquil and calm. Her emotions are waveless and will not be shaken by any foreign object.

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