The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 38 Shock

Watching Sun Wukong’s movements, the blind eyes are extraordinarily dignified, and the seemingly random sword-drawing action is to make his heart follow the mad jump!

Immediately, a touch of invisible fearful aura was shrouded, and when ordered to be stunned, Eyes tightened instantly, and his heart was blank: “Well… terrible… people… even… Ki only …so I can’t move…don’t tell me ……legend…is it true?!”

Watching the figure that comes to you casually, it is cold and sweaty in the moment! The hard-working body and mind turned out to be under this terrible Ki, and instantly collapsed! The deep fear floats on my heart, which is the fear of the soul! You can’t resist it!

“He is… fear?” Shao Yu watched that Eyes tightened, trembling, sweating under the rain, eyes full of shock! That is the famous name of Qin Guoding, ignoring it! Was scared so scary bear? How can this be!

“That is…pot…the performance of aura…only the hermit strong person in the legend can have…but, just by aura, the general of the Qin State is scared like this… I still The first time I met… This person’s skill is unimaginable… It seems that the legend may be true…” Fan Zeng’s shocked watching Sun Wukong is full of surprise.

“You mean… He really has one person, can you destroy the terrible strength of a kingdom?!” Shao Yu’s eyes widened and his eyes were unfathomable. Watching Sun Wukong, his eyes sparkled inexplicably.

“Yes and no… I will know what I will see!” Fan Zengqi looked at Sun Wukong with his beard and his eyes stunned.

“Hey! You don’t want to see if the legend is true? Why, now you are scared, but the strength of the bomb is not there?” Sun Wukong came to the side of the monk, a touch of the road.

Meng Meng bite his teeth, do not say a word, sweating cold, trying hard to fight the fear of his heart!

“It’s useless! Even if I can’t resist a little bit of aura, don’t give me a casual talk!” Sun Wukong waved, and the sword in his hand turned into a cold mang, instantly smashing The armor shed a long blood in his chest!

In the screams, Meng Meng suddenly fell down!


The Qin State cavalry in the surrounding area suddenly became shocked, and they raised their arrows in their hands and they were about to launch!

“Be careful!” Shao Yu suddenly screamed out!

“Miscellaneous fish! Just give me a flash! Don’t give me ugly here!” Sun Wukong looked indifferently to the Qin soldiers around, and the magic sword in his hand waved, the terrible swordsman flashed away! The cavalry above the road was instantly smashed in half, and immediately, everyone was horrified to see, and the smack of cold light and swords, the rest was gone, in an instant, it would be a few hundred meters high not far away. The mountain, the waist is broken! The terrible mountain top is roaring, falling down, rolling like a thunder, shaking the earth!

When the dust is gone, everyone is watching. Not far away, it is cut off from the top of the mountain, and the mountain is smooth and mirror-like. It is all right, and the sound of air-conditioning is ups and downs, and the heart is filled with deep horror! Watching that gentle and calm The sword-bearing person has a deep fear in his eyes! The heart is cold, time, no war! Such a terrible person! Simply non-human can compete!

“Too… too… too powerful…” Shao Yu was also shocked at the moment! Only the deep shock!

“Oh ~~ It seems that they have been swallowed up by fear…” Red-skinned people around the faces of those who were full of horror, the corner of the mouth could not help but reveal a fascinating arc, looking at Sun Wukong’s back, eyes filled with endless Worship!

“This is not at the same level, since Goku appeared here, their ending is doomed!” Nade jade strokes the strings in his hand.

Sun Wukong glanced at the cavalry around him, faintly said: “In this case… do you want to force me to face each other?”


Everyone was swept away by Sun Wukong’s eyes, scared the heart almost jumped out of the body, and the conditions of reflex-like throw away their weapons and turned over! Obviously, they have chosen to surrender under the terrible strength of Sun Wukong!

“Only one person! Even shocked thousands of fine riders dare not raise the slightest to resist heart! This is simply unfathomable…” Shao Yu and others watched the scene in front of them, they are full of deep shock!

“A person like this… really has the terrible power to subvert the whole continent!…”

“Now, do you believe it?” Sun Wukong watching the obscurity at the foot, the faint road.

“First Under the Heavens” is really worthy of the name… the defeated army, I have nothing to say! Let’s do it!”

“If you kill you here! But it’s not fun!” Sun Wukong smiled faintly: “Take your people, let’s go!”

“What?!” looked at Sun Wukong with a look of surprise.

“No! Others can go! But his head must be left!” Shao Yu is now stepping forward, watching ignorance, eyes filled with hateful blaze!

“I want to kill him! Can! Wait for you to have strength in the future! Personally cut him off!” Sun Wukong looked at Shaoyu, faint.

Shao Yu’s brow wrinkled, contemplating for a moment, and said to the hateful hate: “Today is not my own hand to you! Next time, I will personally take your head!”

“I will wait for the arrival of that day!” Meng Yu got up under the help of two Qin soldiers, and respected Sun Wukong with respect and arms: “Thank you for your sorrow! For the rebellion of the empire, it will never be light.” Rao! I will not subordinates the next time I meet, now I want to kill me! I am still in a hurry!”

“Oh! With your own, the laity, I am not interested in asking…”

“…resign!” Meng Yu took a deep look at Sun Wukong, and his heart was relieved. Such a person, if it was really used by Chu, then they could be dangerous! Riding a horse, shouting high, with his own remaining cavalry, heading for the distance…

“Thank you for your great help, this life is unforgettable! In the Xichu Guoshi family’s Shaoyu! I don’t know the benefactor’s name?” Shao Yu came to Sun Wukong’s body, respectful manners.

“My name is Sun Wukong! If you don’t mind, you can call me a big brother Goku!”

“Goku Big Brother!” Shao Yu was very cried. Can call these people a big brother, that is no regrets in this life!

“Qin destroys the six countries … unified seven countries, this is the arrangement of fate! It is also an indispensable step in the advancement of the world! It is a good thing to do everything in the world! In the future, there will be no war between countries… but unfortunately, The ambition of the government is too big, not a Renjun… Now you should not think about how to eliminate the Qin State, but to be eager to wait for the opportunity! What is the Chu State in the district! You will be in the future! Unify the world!”

“Unified … the world!” Shao Yu and other people are eyes bright, my heart is full of excitement and yearning!

“Chu three households, death Qin must Chu! Good trying hard! Shaoyu! I am very optimistic about you!” Sun Wukong gently patted Shaoyu’s shoulder, body shape flash, with Xiaoli four women is It disappeared in front of Shao Yu and others.

“Chu three households … death Qin must Chu!” Shao Yu carefully recited, my heart is excited, the eyes are filled with awkward warfare! “Let’s go!” At the moment, let’s scream, ride on the horse, gallop away…

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