The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40 meets again

The mountains here are one after the other, lofty and lush, with lush forests.

Sun Wukong, with Xiaoli four women walking on this mountain path, seems extremely comfortable.

The red and sleek and exquisite, the mature and enchanting body is very close to Sun Wukong, the eyes are like water, the light is intoxicating, the fiber bracelet holding his right hand, so that it falls into the deep ditch! With the slow movement, the gentle friction made Sun Wukong feel cool.

The snow-girls next to me are extremely envious of the watchfulness of the Sun Wukong. Can be so bold and unobtrusive with the sultry attitude of Sun Wukong, and only this fox, natural-born, enchanting woman can do it. As for them, although they really want to do that, but in this broad daylight, with their heart, still can’t do.

“Look at you! There is a village below!” Xiaoli pointed to a small village below the mountain road, a faint road.

“I didn’t expect… In this deep mountain, there will be a village presence…” The village below the jade watched, suddenly frowning slightly: “But… there seems to be fighting…”

“It’s the minions of Qin…” The snowy girl said a little. Even if they are far apart, the scene below can still be clearly visible.

“Goku! Look over there…” Xiaoli pointed to the forest in the back of the village, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“Hey? It’s them! Oh, it’s really a fate, don’t know what other bad things they are doing?” Sun Wukong glanced at him, his mouth could not help but hang a smile.

“Do you know?” Snow Maiden watched the shadow of the fight below, frowning slightly, looking at Xiaoli next to him.

“Well… In my former world… the big divisions of the Yin and Yang family and the lesser lives… but now, they don’t know us anymore!” Xiaoli nodded. Since the Snow Maiden followed Sun Wukong, things about him have naturally been confessed to them.

“This way? It seems that we have a few more sisters…” The red-haired enchanting smile, the mature body close to Sun Wukong, almost wants to break the whole body into his body.

“Sure enough, is it different from the original work? It was also… they were originally rescued by Xiao Gao, and they did not appear. Instead, I wanted to personally go out…”

“The woman seems to be in danger… Are we going to save her?” Sun Wukong, who was meditating in the jade, looked over and said softly.

“Is she?” Watching the woman who was attacked, the snow girl seemed to think of something, and her face could not help but flash a trace of surprise.

“Oh! It seems that you think of it… She was the woman we used to escape from Yan Guo, who met in an inn… I didn’t expect it to be farewell/goodbye in this way…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly Road.

“I just saw the other side, have you already remembered the appearance of others? Sure enough, as long as it is a beautiful woman, will you be deeply remembered in your mind?” Snow Maiden immediately took a look at Sun Wukong.

“You can remember, how can I forget it! Ok, let’s go! It’s a little dangerous to not save her…” Say, Sun Wukong stunned and went straight down. !

“You really like what they said, it is a beautiful savior! Nothing to do…” Snow Maiden could not help but sigh. Followed up.

“Go! Go to see our new sisters later!” Red practice is a smile on Xiaoli and Nongyu, and the feet are light, and a few women are so ruined…

Red mans eye-catching, flying shuttle back and forth!

A silver needle was violently shot from the hand of Duanmu Rong, and under the sunlight, it gave off a dazzling coldness! Through the concealment of the forest, she was the two great experts of the yin and yang family: the big commander and the lesser commander.

The flowers are raining, a sparkling and translucent, bursting with fragrant scent, but it is hidden with extremely fierce killing cold!

Lesser commander gauze masks, eyes and gentle and calm like water, revealing a trace of indifference. If the body is shuttled back and forth between the branches and leaves, the leaves of the flying flowers are spurred under her control, and the end of the sneak peek at the end of the wood!

“Oh! The game is over! Miss Moss’s doctor…”

A demon shadow suddenly came out slowly from an old tree in front, stopping the way of Duanmu Rong! The bloody red hands danced lightly, and the red bloody mans appeared slowly in her hands…

Duanmu Rong鈥檚 eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and there is no words. With a wave of hand, the cold silver needles go to the front of the big division to kill and go…

“The gap between you and me… is not a star and a half… Oh, but also facing us both…” The big commander is a faint smile, the yin and yang prints have already started, and the red awns from her hands are red Taiji patterns. In the spurt, the silver needles from the spurt are all knocked down, and they pierce the tree trunk and the ground!

The beautiful flower whip suddenly flashed. In the twinkling of an eye, it was firmly trapped in Duanmu Rong鈥檚 hands and feet, causing it to fall on the ground in an instant.

“Well…” Duanmu Rong’s facial expression is slightly different.

“Oh ~ ~ so beautiful, killing is really a bit reluctant…” The waist of the big division writhed came to the front of Duan Murong, revealing the extreme danger in the enchanting.

“The yin and yang family’s big commander and less commander… oh… that ruling is really a big problem! For this remote village… even send an expert like you…” Duanmu Rong watching size , cold channel.

“Oh! Just happening that’s all… I didn’t expect to meet you with a fairy who has the name of a medical fairy… I want to come… For the secret of the Moh family… you know a lot…” The bloody red hand, the enchanting, reveals the extremely dangerous Ki: “Now…let me go 鐬х灖You are in this beautiful brain, hiding secrets that are unknown…”

Said, the bloody red mans are filled out from the hands of the big sergeant’s fiber, and directly attacked the brain of the end of Mu Rong…

Seeing the red manskin, so far, Duanmu Rong鈥檚 eyes widened. She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that the other party will get all the secrets about her in the brain… In that case, the hidden place of the Mohist family will be exposed, so that the whole house can be finished…

“Da Shou! You are not obedient Xiao Nizi is doing bad things again!”

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the top of my head. Da Shi Ming frowned and looked up, watching the figure falling from the sky, when the next shock, leaping backwards and squatting, and merging with the few divisions.

Watching a man and four women descending from the sky, Da Shi Ming helped the frontal hair, and faintly said to the younger side of the body: “It seems that the Mohist reinforcements are coming… We will retreat for the time being!”

Less fatal expression The ancient well has no waves, gently nodded.

“In front of me… I still want to escape?” Sun Wukong smiled a little, pointing at one point, an invisible force of force will instantly force the size of the secretary to restrict the movement! The two women suddenly became shocked…

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