The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 25—Launch (2)

“Hey~Hey~ What happened?” Master Roshi took the belt and rushed out of the toilet and saw the scene at the door suddenly stunned: “Hey~~Send…What happened?”

Launched slowly under Sun Wukong domineering’s kiss, Launch suddenly woke up, Zhang mouth biting on Sun Wukong’s lips, and the painful Sun Wukong condition reflexed her.

“Dare to eat the old mother tofu, but to pay the price! Haha ~ ~ go to death! Go to hell!” Launch immediately fell back a few steps, ‘哒哒~~’ to Sun Wukong is a pass to fire … Goku is nothing However, Master Roshi at the door was stunned and danced in the rain with the belt, which was funny and ridiculous.

Launch Seeing the bullet can’t hurt Sun Wukong at all. He reached out and touched his waist. He even found a grenade and threw it at Sun Wukong…

‘嘭’, Master Roshi flew out directly, and ‘噗通’ slammed into the sea… and ‘Turtle House’ was blown up and collapsed half of the wall…

After the dust was exhausted, Sun Wukong patted the dust on his body, and watched again against the golden hair launch of his crazy to fire. He sincerely exclaimed: “This sister paper is so ferocious! Nanlixiang Shenma is just like her. It’s weak!”

Sun Wukong stunned, grabbed the gun in Launcher’s hand, threw it on the floor, and then squeezed her hands with one hand. The volley lifted her up: “I said, you have enough trouble? As a girl. It’s such a ‘murderous’ that I seem to have a good training for you!”

Saying, Sun Wukong’s ‘crackle and rattle’ on her ass was a slam shot, and the screams made by Launching a burst of screams, and then slowly became a cry of pleading.

“Good boy, you are the first person to dare to treat golden hair launch like this, you cow!” Master Roshi came to Sun Wukong and gave him a thumbs up.

Sun Wukong smiled slightly: “Master Roshi, how are you!”

“Well? You know me? Who are you?” Master Roshi’s question mark, doubting watching Sun Wukong, carefully looked at him, suddenly widened his eyes: “You… you won’t be Goku?”

“Oh… I haven’t seen you for more than two years, Master Roshi still is so spiritual!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Yeah! Is it really Goku? It’s all so tall!” Master Roshi looked at Sun Wukong up and down and was still surprised.

“Ah~ too domineering, too masculine, I like it, decided, Goku, you are my man in the future!” The side of the Launch finally slowed down one’s prime, and the relatives took Sun Wukong’s left hand and let go. It is.

“Ah?!” Master Roshi was shocked and stunned.

“咦?!” Sun Wukong was also shocked, just took a few slaps of her, so she conquered her?

“Hey! Even if you refuse, it is useless! The things that the aging mother decided will not change!” The Launch at this time called a domineering, and sure enough there is the prestige of the tomboy!

“Since you have said this, then I will accept you as my little wife!”

“What? Little wife? Have you already had another woman? The woman dared to rob the man with the old lady? The old lady is going to collapse her!” The golden hair launch suddenly became furious, picking up the pistol in his hand and facing the fire to the surroundings.

“Break your sister! Give your brother a good point, otherwise I want you to look good!”

“I knew this, I also slammed her up!” Master Roshi had already regretted the slap in the face.

“Ah, oh~” Suddenly, a cold breeze blew, and Launched a loud sneeze again, and instantly changed back to the original blue-haired soft soft sister paper.

“Hey? How can I hold you…in the end What happened?” Launched his face blushing, and immediately let go of Goku’s hand, apparently she had forgotten everything.

Sun Wukong is pulling her into her arms: “What a shame! You just didn’t be too aggressive to say that I want to be my woman! How can it be shy!”

“Hey~ be your daughter…man? I…has I said it?” Launched his face blushing and his doubts.

“555…Goku, you are really too bad! I just turned off the Launch! I care for the old man who will take care of me!” Master Roshi has already wiped his tears!

In the living room, at this time, Launch is happily pouring tea for Sun Wukong. Master Roshi is looking at Sun Wukong: “Goku! I didn’t expect you to go to The Lookout training for two years, and it was open! I just turned my family’s Launch!”

Sun Wukong turned a blind eye: “What is your home’s Launch, you are perverted old man and don’t scatter your urine to look after yourself!”

“Goku, you are not cute at all!” Master Roshi said, turning his head and looking at Launch: “Let’s say Launch! You have to go with Goku. It’s better to let me touch how before I leave!” Said.

“Go to hell! You are a bad perverted old man!” Sun Wukong suddenly became furious and flew up. He directly flew Master Roshi out of the window of the house and fell into the sea again!

“TMD, dare to pay attention to the woman of Laozi, you are the rhythm of death!” Sun Wukong snorted. Suddenly I saw a H-book at the side of the table. When I opened it, my eyes suddenly brightened: “The view of this perverted old man is quite high! Hey hey ~ now you are here!” Sun Wukong accepted the book directly into the world ring.

Goku took the Launch and went out and waved at Master Roshi, who was on the shore. “Master Roshi, let’s go, the book on your desk, I will pay you back in a few days!” After that, an Instantaneous Movement disappeared.

“Bad boy, that’s my collector’s edition… Hey? How suddenly disappeared?” On the beach, Master Roshi’s face was sore and puzzled.

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