The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Forty-fourth chapter Jinghu Medical Village

“Here, this is a peaceful and peaceful village, but now it is such a broken cannot bear… It’s really a rumor…”

The jade watched the broken wall in front of the eyes, the scorched earth was dead, the brow was slightly wrinkled, and some could not bear it.

In the road full of clay dust, the tattered people are slowly moving forward under the supervision of some guards riding high horses…

In the war, they lost their homes and lost their dignity.

“Goku brother, they are so poor! Can we help them?”

A cute girl like a jade, holding her strong hand and holding Sun Wukong’s powerful right hand, shaking.

Her body is white, her skin is sparkling and translucent. It is a little bit of fluorescence. The beautiful hair is black and bright, holy and agile, and the childishness is above the pretty face. It has already begun to take on the look of the country.

The sound is sweet and sweet, crisp and sweet, and it makes people feel uncomfortable.

She is just the month of 12, and Ji is a thousand years old.

“…” Sun Wukong watching the bright and bright eyes of the moon, it is really a parry, but shook his head, shook her soft, beautiful hair, and sighed: “You little girl, is a multi-tube Nothing…” Speaking, with a light hand, a soft white light that mortals could not see shrouded the group of refugees and instantly fell into their bodies…

At that time, the exhausted groups of refugees became red and light in an instant, and they became more and more vigorous.

“In this case, they can safely reach the destination they are going to… This is the head office?” Sun Wukong watching The exclaimed refugees smiled at the moon.

“I know that Goku’s brother is the best!” The moon smiled sweetly, holding Sun Wukong’s hand and letting him bend over and pick up his toes and tap on his face.

“Āiyā! You dare to attack me! I want to come too!” Sun Wukong laughed, picked up the moon and smashed her face into her face…

“Don’t! Don’t!” The moon laughed and laughed, twisting the little head and avoiding the bite of Sun Wukong… This warm scene, the face of the jade woman was full of smiles. Because of him, they can live so happy in this troubled world…

All the way to play, unconsciously, there are a small lake in front of a few people. Under the sun’s rays, the sparkling lake reflexed a little starlight, and it was dazzling.

“Is the front of the mirror lake medical village? It is really secret…” Red practiced with one hand on the hips, posing a very tempting and sultry posture, charming and natural, people can not help but rise.

“Let’s go!” Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile, holding the hand of the month, with a little daughter, and then stepping on the lake slowly toward the Jinghu Medical Village…

There are more white cranes flying over the top of the head, and the clouds are lingering. It is like a paradise…

“Look, the front should be…” The month pointed at the house in front of the line of sight, and it was very happy.

A few people slowly landed, watching the plaque hanging on the doorway, Sun Wukong faintly shook his head: “I didn’t expect this side of the wood Rong still the same as before, set the rules for these three unsuccessful…”

“The first: Qin people do not save … Second: the surnamed people do not save … Third: because of the fierce fighting, and the injured than the sword, do not save …” Yue children watching the words on the plaque, smile Dao: “This sister Rong is really interesting! There are so many rules to save people…” Although Sun Wukong teaches the main month of the man, but Ji Wei used to be the Prince of Yan, so he naturally taught the month. The text of Yan Guo.

Sun Wukong watching Month, the corner of the mouth can not help but hang a smile, she should have lived here from the same end Mu Rong … but now … fate this thing, it is really strange! It is also because of some kind of psychology that Sun Wukong will come here, and will bring the moon too!

“Goku…Sir?!” At this moment, the door was opened slowly, and a young woman came out of it. Watching the Sun Wukong group at the door of the Zhuangwai, a flash of surprise in her eyes.

“Hey, Duanmu girl, we are not invited, you will not be welcome?” Sun Wukong watching Duanmu Rong. Can’t help but smile.

“There… you can come to this mirror lake medical village, it is our honor to be a Mohist, please…”

“You are the sister of Goku’s brother, who is very beautiful!” The child looked at Duanmu Rong and looked up and down. It seemed to be looking at something, and immediately clicked on it. It looked very satisfying.

“This is?” Duan Murong looked at the past with some doubts.

“Hello! My name is Ji Ruqian, you can call me a month…” The month is very polite.

“Moon??” Duanmurong nodded, and the facial expression was still cold and calm.

In the living room, Duanmu Rong sits in a dignified manner, watching Sun Wukong, faintly said: “I don’t know how Mr. Goku knows about this Jinghu Lake Medical Factory? What are you doing here?”

“don’t tell me, can’t you come without it?” Sun Wukong watching Duanmu Rong, smiled lightly.

“That is what I said…”

“Oh! Actually here, I just waited for a few people that’s all !”

“Wait?” Duan Murong has some doubts about watching Sun Wukong. Who can she wait for this mirror lake doctor?

“Well! If there are no accidents, they should arrive tomorrow morning. We have to disturb you for a night tonight! You won’t mind?”

“You are my Mohren benefactor, and my savior, how long do you want to live, no problem!” Duanmurong nodded and said: “I still have patients who need care, I will leave, you are free…”

The setting sun gradually fell, and the sky slowly darkened. In the room of Jinghu Medical Village, Sun Wukong said to the snow woman next to him: “I am going out… you are staying here for a while…”

“What’s so fun? Goku brother! I have to go…” The moon suddenly hugged Sun Wukong’s right hand, and the bright big eyes were full of prayers to watch him.

“Is it Shaoyu, Tianming, are they?” Xiaoli watches Sun Wukong.

“Well! They will have a little trouble at night… I am still going to have a look… you are waiting here!” Sun Wukong said, with the moon, walked out of the door.

The moon of the moon, the wolves howl…

Under the moonlight, a carriage galloped over the grassless plains, followed by thousands of hungry wolves… The twinkling green eyes exude a ruthless bloodthirsty light!

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