The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The third volume of Naruto articles (a) the first chapter of the shock of Uchiha

Here is the country of fire, Muye Village, Uchibo. In the usual, the Uchibo area, which is usually lively, seems to be so quiet and serene in the eyes of the outside world! If there is a well-prepared person watching here, you will find that there is an invisible enchantment that is completely isolated from the outside world.

From the outside, Uchiha is so peaceful and serene, but in it, it is like a human purgatory! The screams of screaming are endless, and there are also some unbelievable horror questions.

“Hey! Why are you doing this? We are all of your people!”

“Ah~~ Hey! Don’t kill me, have you forgotten? We also got together to do the task yesterday! Ah~~~”

“Demon… this guy is a Demon… crazy… he must be crazy… ah…”

“Help!! Hurry… Go out and ask for help… Ah…”

A man in black ruthlessly slaughtered his own people. His eyes were very cold, like a stagnant water, without the slightest emotional fluctuations. For the mourning and forgiveness of the tribe, he was indifferent and still waved his own butcher knife…

His eyes are scarlet, with a black windmill shape inside, which is the highest skill of the Uchiha family: the kaleidoscope writes the eye. He is the genius of the Uchiha family: Uchiha!

Under the eyes of the cockroaches, the Uchibo people are under absolute repression, and no one can resist the illusion that they display them. They have no to resist and die in the hands of 鼬.

All the way to the massacre, and finally walked into a room, there are only two people, Uchiha Fuqiu and Uchiha Miqin, the parents of his parents.

“I knew this before, I shouldn’t have sent you into the darkness at the beginning!” Uchiha Fuqiu sat quietly on the floor, faintly watching. And Uchiha Miqin stood aside, his shoulders swaying, and the eyes of tears watching Uchiha, I don’t know what to say.

“Now that I am late, I can’t look back!” The tone was very cold, but when faced with his parents, his unfeeling eyes still fluctuated, but he was hidden in an instant. .

“I didn’t expect that my Uchiha Fuqiu would one day die in the hands of my own son. This is really ironic!” Uchiha Fuqiu laughed at himself and looked at her eyes: “This is our high-end martial arts kaleidoscope.” Write a round eye! It’s really a pair of charming eyes… So, hey, what are you still hesitating? Let’s do it!”

“Hey, Mom never asked you anything, but this time, can you promise Mom a thing? Please let Sasuke! He is just a child…” Uchiha Miyin tears his eyes and watched, look The pleading.

“…I promise you…” The voice of the cockroach became a little hoarse, and the sword in his hand waved. Fuqiu and Meiqin fell into a pool of blood at the same time.

Sasuke, who came home from school, happily ran back to his home. However, the door that had just entered the yard was stunned by the corpse of the cross! Crazy to run to his own home…

At the same time, in a spacious courtyard of the Uchibo family, a colorful light door emerged out of thin air, and a strong figure slowly came out of the light door…

Watching the people in the pool of blood, especially a little seven-year-old Loli, not far from him, Sun Wukong shook his head and shook his head: “This is really enough to hate! So cute. Little Loli also got a hand! What sacrifices me, success, I can’t understand!”


Suddenly, a terrified scream came from a distance, and then abruptly stopped.

“Listening to the sound seems to be a child, don’t tell me is Sasuke?” Sun Wukong curiously went for his voice…

When he arrived, he found that he was standing beside Sasuke, who was already in a coma. In this situation, I don’t want to know what happened. It must be that this bad big brother used the monthly reading for Sasuke, and recreated the scene when he killed Uchiha and his parents. Poor Sasuke couldn’t stand it. , was scared to faint!

“Who?” 鼬 suddenly turned around and watched Sun Wukong, and there was a murder in his eyes: “Whoever you are, since you have come here, you will stay here forever!”

“Hey, don’t do this! Brother is just a soy sauce that’s all, and will leave soon!” Sun Wukong looked innocent.

“Hey!” At this time, the murderous aura was very heavy. When he listened to Sun Wukong, he saw a shuriken slipping out of his sleeve and attacked Sun Wukong directly.

“Why are you here again?” Sun Wukong shrugged helplessly, his body suddenly appeared behind him, and he flew straight out with a kick, slamming into a rock garden not far away. Spit a big mouthful of blood. This still Sun Wukong is in the foot, or a foot enough to insta-kill him.

“Fast speed! My writing eyes didn’t even see his movements!” At this time, watching the face of Sun Wukong, the facial expression was unprecedentedly dignified. The three hooks in the eyes slowly turned, forming a windmill shape, and opened his own kaleidoscope to write the eye.

“Monthly reading!” Once I arrived, I launched my own trick. However, Sun Wukong stood there, indifferent, and was not affected at all. The spiritual force gap between the two is simply a heaven, an underground, how can the illusion of the singer be effective for Sun Wukong?

“I am immune to my monthly reading! How is it possible!” This is really shocked, but he still does not give up: “Azure!” The black blaze directly wrapped Sun Wukong, but this The black blaze, which is said to have nothing to burn, can’t even burn a hair from Sun Wukong. Just kidding, what is the formidable of Sun Wukong’s body? How can it hurt him only by his strength? The gap between the strengths of the two is a gap that cannot be easily overcome.

“I said, you have finished in the end? Then dare to do it to Laozi, be careful that Laozi has killed you!” Sun Wukong snorted and slammed his black blaze with gas. Then the slow pilgrimage went over.

“Who are you in the end?” 鼬watching Sun Wukong, the look of dignity, Sun Wukong’s formidable, far beyond his understanding, he has always been proud of the surgery, there is no such thing in Sun Wukong’s body effect.

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