The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The seventy-first chapter is a sword

As the moon god concealed the last knot, the slenderness of the hand was smashed, and the layers of smog spread open at an alarming rate, so that the mist was blurred by the vague and strange moments…

“Not good! Retreat!” Duan Murong was shocked and lost, but the speed of the dense fog was too fast. Just now, it was an instant, and the two were shrouded in…

In fact, at the time of Luna’s for a moment, Sun Wukong has already discovered her secret movements, but the Yin and Yang curse is not effective against him at all, so he is too lazy to pay attention to it doesn’t matter! Let the moon god toss it! He wants to let the moon god give in to him from the bottom of his heart, and he will no longer be able to resist.

Because Sun Wukong knows very well that a woman like the Moon Gods this kind of indifferent, you only have to be so disgusted with her, or to take out the absolute strength, so that she is powerless to resist, leaving an indelible shadow in her heart, Whether it is direct, still negative, time for a long time, slowly will get used to it… used to it, still afraid of no chance?

The smoke dissipated, Duanmu Rong felt the changes in the body, and hurriedly looked at his wrist. The facial expression changed greatly: “This… this is… the curse of the Yin and Yang family…”

“This is the most powerful kind of curse of my yin and yang family. It is called the Six Soul Terror… Now, once you have done it, the curse will happen… Invade the internal organs, and when it comes, even the god of the big Luo comes. Can’t save you!” Lunai looks calm and calm watching Sun Wukong, very calm: “You are strong, but unfortunately, you can’t escape the fate of death…because this is your destiny…”

“My destiny? Can you master it?” Sun Wukong watching Luna, a sly-faced saying: “But… aren’t you mastering the seal of silence? How can you even have six souls?”

“Well?” Luna watched Sun Wukong, the facial expression changed slightly, some unbelievable: “You… no six souls curse?!”

Duanmu Rong was also slightly surprised, and immediately and stunned. Can someone who left the big commander and the younger brother to stay with him, if there is no means, would he dare to leave such two dangerous people around? Thinking of Sun Wukong’s magical healing means, Duanmu Rong suddenly restored the calm of the past.

“If the curse is effective, do you think that I dare to leave the big commander and the lesser?” Sun Wukong watching Luna, a sly smile.

“…Is there still a fear of the existence of yin and yang curse?… It seems that your threat to our yin and yang family must die…” The lunar expression of the lunar expression is calm and calm, but in the eyes, it is emerging. Icy killing.

I saw the force of yin and yang in her hands, violently rushing, emitting terrible fluctuations, raising my hands and lifting my feet, it seems to make the emptiness tremble, this is the performance of Yueyue to the yin and yang to the extreme, thick fluctuations At first glance, it seems to distort the whole space…

Of course, this is only visual, and there is no TRUE enough to distort the power of space…

The first matchup, Luna was just trying to try Sun Wukong’s skill, but he didn’t want it. In an instant, it was forced into a desperate situation by the magic sword. It was too late to resist the full strength… that was the result of underestimating the enemy. This time, she is prepared, the yin and yang operation is the ultimate, and the shot is the lore. She is very clear that to deal with such an unfathomable expert, there must be no hesitation, victory or defeat, often only It’s in the blink of an eye…

At this moment, Luna, there is no light gauze, and the power of yin and yang is running, pervading the body, thoroughly outbreaking, her body swinging, under the wrap of yin and yang, it is suspended in the air, full of beautiful hair, seeing It is so lonely and cold, and the gesture is extremely confusing… Looking at this posture, she obviously has to work hard with Sun Wukong.

Because Sun Wukong gave her too much pressure, even if she faced the East Emperor Taiyi, she did not feel so horrified, which for her, is almost unfathomable…

Luna is so high and confident, like a god in the sky, how can you really follow the words of Sun Wukong and follow him? Although she knows the best to, but she still resolutely chose to shoot, in order to fight for even a little bit of hope!

At the beginning of the Luna, an amazing energy wave broke out, and the strong yin and yang technique was exhibited. The fluctuation was too severe. It was worthy of the expert of the most powerful person in the world!


Yueshen has a hand, his body is white, his clothes are dancing, his hands are pinched, and he hits Sun Wukong…

This is too fast!

The yin and yang power of terror is like an invisible wave. In a twinkling of an eye, it is swept away toward Sun Wukong…

At this time, Luna is temperament, and it is noble and cold. There is a different kind of beauty. This is the performance of yin and yang to the extreme!

“I haven’t found it in peacetime. It turns out that Luna’s body is also so impactful!” Sun Wukong looked up and watched the charm of the moon god, unlimited and moving, and now I can’t help but admire.

Seeing the horrible fluctuations, the magic sword suddenly flashed his hand, and I saw Sun Wukong swaying forward. The horrible sword swayed out. In a twinkling of an eye, the energy wave that swept through it was given. two……

The remaining strength of the sword is gone, almost in the blink of an eye, in the blink of an eye, swaying over the lust of the moon god…


No blood spray, no screams exclaimed, and some, just rags and rags…

Duanmu Rong watches the moon god at this time, the whole person is stunned…

Luna watched himself, for a moment, and did not return to God, but also stayed on the spot… Just a moment, she thought that she was going to die… but now…

“tut tut! Can’t see it, the moon’s body is so hot!…” Sun Wukong climbed his chin and watched the moon god, his eyes stunned by his sword, and the eyes of the thief were bright, not to be admired by tut tut Out of voice. I am full of praise for my own sword. Others are killing people with swords, brother is taking a sword and bursting clothes! There is wood!

In a word, awakening the moon god, in an instant, on the face of the face, dyed a layer of seductive red glow, and the lust of the moon god, but it is becoming more and more icy, even the temperature here, It is reduced by several degrees…

She talked without a word, her body flashed, her hands were horrible in yin and yang fluctuations, and she slammed into the heart of Sun Wukong…

Sun Wukong stood there in the face of calm and calm, until the terrible killing of Luna was close, and he was only arrogant. The discovery of the moon and the horror, he lost his control of his body in an instant. The strength seemed to be taken away in an instant, and it fell softly and fell into the arms of Sun Wukong…

A faint scent, Sun Wukong held the moon in his arms, but hey hey smiled: “Āiyā! It turns out that you look so cold on the surface, I didn’t expect it to be so bold! This sudden change, my momentarily Some can’t accept it!”

Well, Sun Wukong is actually playing the moon god, in the disgusting luna, for such a god-like woman, you only have to disgust her, she will firmly remember you in my heart. Because of love and hate, the same, can also love because of hate!

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