The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 81—The chaos

“Zhao Gao … Luo network organization … Yin Yang home … Wei Zhuang’s quicksand … Qin State generals, Meng Yu … public lose family domineering organs … this is a big deal, almost for the sake of it? Just intend to destroy the Mohist government city?” On the corridor of Yunya, Ningjing stood next to Sun Wukong, watching the battlefield under the clouds, a faint road.

“This kind of means… It is clear that it is aimed at Goku! Small ink factory city, you don’t need such a big handwriting in the government…” The eyes of the red-skinned spirits flashed extremely dangerously cold.

“It’s true… for the emperor like 嬴政… It’s absolutely impossible for Goku to have a great threat to the empire…” Snow girl looks cold and calm, standing still, like the Qinglian fairy Beautiful dust.

“This kind of big hand… It seems that the Mohist family can’t resist… Goku, do we need to shoot?” Xiao Li looked at Sun Wukong, although the facial expression was gentle and calm, but the tenderness in the eyes could not hide. of.

“It is true… this time, the reputation is to attack the Mohist government. In fact, the purpose of TRUE is me… Hehe… This guy really can see me!” Sun Wukong smiled and didn’t care. Because if he wants to destroy all the enemies here, he only needs one thought.

“Goku adults! Goku adults!” At this moment, a Mohiko disciple who was not far away ran to Sun Wukong in front of him, respectfully clenching his fist, but now he is running out of breath, momentarily I couldn’t speak at half-point. It seems that in order to find the whereabouts of Sun Wukong, he did not run less…

“You don’t have to say it… I have already known the passing of things…” Sun Wukong watching The ink disciple smiled faintly. Immediately, turned and walked toward the corridor: “Go!”

Xiaoli’s daughters are just next to him.

The moon took Sun Wukong’s big hand, and in the bright eyes, there was an inexplicable light: “Goku brother, are we going there?”

“The core of the city of the government…” As Sun Wukong’s words just fell, their figure disappeared here. The Mexican disciple behind him saw his eyes wide open, like a ghost, a shocked color.

“The public loses adults… Our time is running out… If you don’t hurry, the inkmaker’s expert will probably be rushing here…” A masked black man’s facial expression indifference watching The old man, the tone is cold, the whole body transmits evil, he is the archer expert, the sinister person represents the leader: chaos! In addition to cruelty, it is also extremely insidious. For anyone, being an enemy is a desperate choice.

The old man, naturally, is a revenge for the public. Although the chaos can easily sneak into the core of the city, but he does not know what he wants to do, but he wants to break the organs here.

“The chaos of the gods… I don’t want to worry about it. Although the Mohist’s organization is not worth mentioning, the setup is quite subtle. I want to crack it. Still needs a little time…” The public invincible turned his own hands. The mechanism that cracks the core of the land is very calm.

“You seem to be very laid back!” Suddenly, a faint voice broke the silence here.

“Who?!” Chaos watched a few figures that suddenly appeared, posing as an attacking gesture, and now sighed. The strong murderous aura emerged from his body, showing his bloodthirsty and cruelty.

“Zhao expert… the chaos in the six sword slaves?” Sun Wukong watching the man who exudes evil in front of him, faint.

“That sword… you are the rumored sword god… Sun Wukong?!” The chaos stared at the sword of Sun Wukong’s waist, his eyes suddenly condensed, and the tone was dignified. Just a glance, the person in front of him gave him the feeling of extreme danger. This is a formidable opponent that cannot be underestimated.

The public lost his heart and couldn’t help but be amazed. The movement in his hand also accelerated a lot… Sun Wukong gave him a faint look and did not stop it. Instead, I smiled a little: “I didn’t expect that such a broken sword turned out to be the Peugeot of my Sun Wukong? How can everyone guess my identity by seeing it?”

“wēng wēng ~~~” The magic sword suddenly burst into trembles. It seems that Sun Wukong called it a broken sword and felt a little wronged.

“There is a spirit in the sword… The rumor is not fake…” The facial expression of the chaos is more dignified, but the tone is still still so arrogant and arrogant: “It’s really a good sword… Now, it belongs to me. ……”

“wēng wēng ~~” The sword trembled even more powerfully. Obviously, it was angry because of the chaos. However, Sun Wukong gently touched the hilt, making it immediately quiet.

Sun Wukong looked at the moon near him, faintly said: “He will give it to you…”

Luna said nothing, the facial expression calmed calm and calm, slowly went forward…

“Luna??don’t tell me…Do you want to betray the First Emperor?” Watching the moon god slowly walking out, the brows of the gods are slightly wrinkled, some accidents, at the same time, it is cruel and a smile, the eyes appear strong Bloodthirsty, Berserk’s killings are like a bloodthirsty sinister magic beast.

Luna did not answer, the fiber refers to the dance, the fluorescent fluctuations in the hands, and the chaos of the chaos… She used her own actions to answer her choice…

“Hello is a good means! Even the moon will be betrayed?” The chaos looked at Sun Wukong with amazement. His body flashed and instantly turned into a shadow. The chaos in his hand turned into a cold mang Going to the neck of the moon, cut away…

Seeing that the sword is approaching, the moon god is still a financial expression. It should be a little bit, and a terrible yin and yang force suddenly swept out of her fingers. In an instant, it was shrouded in chaos…

However, at this time, the mouth of the chaos is a fascinating smirk, as if it was expected, the body shape flashed away, avoiding the shroud of Luna yin and yang, turning into a black afterimage It’s actually going to watch the lively moon and go to the side…

“It’s mean!”

Chaos Gods this kind of shameless behavior suddenly angered the snow girl and other people, a few women’s face is instantly cold, and the red practice is at the for a moment, the chain snake soft sword is pulled out, the hand is shaking, the chain sword is like a Endlessly extended snakes, rushing to the chaos that rushed straight…

“唔?!” The chaos was stunned, the fierce light in the eyes flashed, the internal force was running to the extreme, and the chaos in the hands turned into a terrible cold mang, and slashed away from the chain sword that came through the sky…


The two swords intersected, and the facial expression suddenly changed. The soft and seemingly powerless chain sword contained extremely terrible power. Just one stroke, it was the shaking of his palm, and the sword in his hand wanted to fly out. My heart suddenly felt shocked…

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