The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 86—Shenghong


The half-bone rainbow fell to the ground, and it gave a crisp and tremor. It was accompanied by a bit of red blood dripping, and the cold light flashed. Gayni held a half-short sword and placed it on the neck of Wei Zhuang…

The blood ran down his hand holding the broken sword and slowly dripped down…

It seems that the outcome has been divided…

“Ah~~~” Tianming and others have already opened their mouths with surprise.

“Using a broken sword level to defend the village…” Xiao Gao at this moment, the heart is also difficult to calm down, Gai Nie’s understanding of the see, made him admire and admire.

Gane’s eyes are cold and said: “You are indeed a get stronger, but one thing, you have never changed. As a swordsman, you are always too concerned about the sword itself, Xiaozhuang, you are defeated…”

“Okay! Uncle!” Tian Ming suddenly shouted happily.

“It’s the first Juggernaut in Qin! It’s amazing!” The big hammer and other people are amazed.

“hum hum 哼~~~ Very good, you finally proved that you are not a waste… Unfortunately, brother… you are still the same as before, so innocent, so ignorant cannot bear!” Wei Zhuang’s mouth suddenly hangs Some disdainful sneers.

“Hands!” Not far from the real Gang, broken water, the three suddenly burst into a cold, cold cold killing from the body of the three, icy, so scary!

Three black shadows, like the three ruthless tereric fierce animal, with the meaning of bloodthirsty, in the twinkling of an eye, facing the back of the Nie, the right and left of the key points to kill …

The speed is fast, almost blink of an eye!

“Be careful!” The big hammer and other people suddenly screamed!


Pu-chi ~~~


With the blood splashing, the broken sword flew into the sky, like a slow motion, slowly falling to the ground, making three scorns, but it was a heavy tap in the hearts of the Mohist people…

The blood of the silk flowed down from the arm of Ge Nie. On the top, a clear bloody mouth was visible, and the abdomen was infested with the blood of the red. Obviously, Gaine was not hurt…

“I thought that this duel was only between you and me…” Gane’s facial expression. The cold watching Wei Zhuang, a faint road.

“So, brother, you are like everyone else, so ignorant cannot bear…” Wei Zhuang looked disdainful.

“Oh? In that kind of murderous situation, even can avoid the key, to resist the assassination of the three sword slaves! This Gai Ni is a bit of a skill!” Sun Wukong watching At the moment, Gai Nie, the moment can not help but sigh.

“But now that Gai Nie is seriously injured, it seems that he can no longer fight…” Nade jade watched the bloody Gai Nie, a touch of the road.

“This group of bad guys, I am going to fly them all!” The moon is angry with hū hū.

“There is nothing wrong with you here, don’t give me a trick…” Sun Wukong gently pinched the little face of the moon and stopped her. The latter was auting, still staying beside Sun Wukong.

“Reassure, Gai Ni can not lose so easily!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, picked up the magic sword at the waist, waved a hand, the magic sword instantly turned into a stream of light, ‘铮’, Inserted on the ground in front of Gai Nie…

“This is?…” Gagne turned around and looked at Sun Wukong.

“Allow you to use it once and let them see your new comprehension sword!” Sun Wukong watching Gai Nie, a touch of the road.

“The new comprehension… the sword that will kill? What is that?” Xiao Gao and other people showed a confused expression.

“It seems that everything is awkward, but Mr. Sun’s eyes!” Gai Nie couldn’t help but feel his eyes, and his eyes regained his unprecedented fierceness and self-confidence, and he gently held the magic sword in front of him. When the time, rising winds, scudding clouds, Gai Nie’s body robes were blown and squeaked. At this moment, his whole person’s aura has changed, becoming so sharp and terrible, such as the same handle can cut through the sky. Sword, Ki amazing!

The hand holding the sword, a stroke on the void, the world seems to be in the wēng wēng, only the terrible sword! At the moment, Gai Nie is like an emperor of a sword, so that the soldiers are sending out the tremors of ‘zhēng zhēng~’. The weapons in the hands of the people can hardly be grasped. They want to break free of their master’s hands and go to worship the front. Sword of the emperor!

“This…this is…therefore, the soldiers are resonating…this Gai Nie…” At this moment, Xiaogao tried to stop the water-sword that was about to fly out, and watched the Ki in the field. Nie, shocked and wide-eyed, at this moment, he finally revealed the horrible shock!

“What a terrible sword… When did the teacher brother…learn this terrible sword?” Even Wei Zhuang, at this moment, the facial expression is also a big change, and his heart has a touch of fear.

The three sword slaves under Zhao’s expert are now a big change in the facial expression. Just look at the aura. They know that the sword that Ge Nie is about to issue is exactly what terror…

However, the most shocking thing at this moment is Gai Nie: “Is this the rumor, the world’s number one sword? Even with such a terror sword… Holding it, my injuries seem to have healed… strength even It has been improved several times… and the hidden magic, it is such a terror… but it is so suppressed that it is suppressed… Can Mr. Sun who uses this sword, what kind of level is forformidable?”

Although the heart is shocked, but the action of Ge Nie’s hand is not stopped, the magic sword in his hand seems to be slowly lifted slowly by him, the horrible sword is gradually rising, the amazing sword gas can almost tear the ground, making the scalp Hemp, this sword, has not been issued, it can make people feel that it is terrible!

“Not good! We are locked! Let’s go!” At the moment, the three swords slaves were shocked and stunned, and they flew directly to fall back…

“Escape?” At this moment, Gane’s financial expression is cold and calm and calm, the magic sword in the hands of the room, now the world suddenly fell into a silence, between heaven and earth, there seems to be only such a sword, turned into a scary rainbow Light swords, in the twinkling of an eye, cut through the sky, the road is spread, the sword is amazing, like Changhong, the day has a tearful aura rhyme!

“Brushing brush!”

Jianguang flashed in the void, swaying out, almost blinking is the body side of the three sword slaves disappeared!


The three-sword slaves spewed out a mouthful of blood, splashed with blood, and fell straight down from the sky…


Jianguang flashed again, with the sound of “ka-cha ~~”, Wei Zhuang defended the shark tooth sword in front of him, the blood mansion instantly collapsed, and the sound of ‘叮’ was broken into two pieces. Unseen, smashing shark teeth, in an instant, and unrelenting ailments on the chest of Wei Zhuang, blood splashing, a mouthful of blood spit out, suffocating, Wei Zhuang’s body shape directly fly back And out…

Suddenly there was a terrible silence here. They were all terrible swords that had been erupted by Gai Nie. They were all shocked!

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