The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 91 Decision

“Damn! What did you do to the giant?!” The big hammer screamed at the moment.

“Goku, he is…” Snow Maiden watched the man in black robes, his eyes flashed a bit of surprise, his head turned, and he couldn’t help but look at the moon next to him.

Sun Wukong faintly waved his hand, and Snow Maiden was also interested in what he was saying.

At this moment, the giant, in a coma form, like his expert, has always been cautious and careful, Zhao Gao naturally will not give him a sober time. Only when you are in a coma is the absolute security.

“Oh…” Zhao Gao’s face once again restored the tranquil and calm of the past. He looks like a sinister, it seems so evil: “How do we make a deal?”

“Transaction? What do you want us to do?” Xiao Gao at this moment, the facial expression is extremely cold, the water in the hand of the cold sword, exudes a faint cold cold, which makes the side of the sky straight.

“The Emperor’s Majesty has already issued a stern command to us. At all costs, it is also necessary to break through your Mohist government. From the current situation, it seems unlikely. Of course, this can only depend on you not caring about your Mohist school. The life and death of the giant…” Zhao Gao at this moment, a face of calm and calm, caressing his sharp nails, it is extraordinarily enchanting.

“What you mean is to let us abandon the Mohist government, and you can break through our Mohist government without any effort.” The professional expression of the class is extremely ugly and angry.

“Talking with smart people is simple… In this way, we can also make a mess to the emperor, and you, can also save your Mohist giant, how?” Zhao Gao looked at the calm and calm, he believed, himself The chip that is spoken, the Mohist has no reason to refuse.

“This… what to do?” Xiao Gao and others suddenly got upset. The government city is a great project that the Mohist family has done for hundreds of years. How can it be said that it will give up when it is abandoned? However, this is related to the safety of their Mohist giants. They are in a dilemma.

“Mr. Sun, you said, what should we do now?” Master Ban suddenly put his eyes on Sun Wukong.

“Yes! Mr. Sun, let’s talk! You tell us how to do it, how do we do it!” The big hammer yelled at the moment, but he is very revered for Sun Wukong.

Xiao Gao, who looked at Sun Wukong, unconsciously, they have already regarded Sun Wukong as the backbone of their Mohist family, although Sun Wukong is not a Mohist.

“You say it! We listen to you!” Duan Murong also looked at Sun Wukong and said firmly.

“This Mojia government city has been known by the government, so it is no longer a secret. In the future, it is possible to send troops to attack at any time. Therefore, it is no longer safe. I think still leave here as soon as possible and save you. The giant, isn’t it?” Sun Wukong said faintly. Even if he shot the Mohist giant, the city is not safe. In this case, still let them choose!

“Although I am not reconciled, but Mr. Sun said it makes sense… I decided, still abandon the government city?” The class master finally stopped his heart and made up his mind that this city is the life of his life. Just give up, can you be willing? However, things have to be abandoned now.

The class masters nodded, and others naturally had no objections. They nodded and agreed.

“Your proposal, we agreed, and quickly put us in the Moji giant…” The class master looked at Zhao Gao, cold channel.

“That’s time for you to return to the city and say…”

Obviously, it is impossible for Zhao Gao to return this life-saving symbol to the Mohist family. The Mohist side, regardless of Sun Wukong, even if he is a one, is also a taboo. Not to mention the moon god and other experts.

“You have no choice, let go!” Sun Wukong watching Zhao Gao, a touch of the road.

Zhao Gao’s brows were slightly wrinkled. While he was afraid of Sun Wukong, he did not dare to let go. When this person was released, he would be absolutely passive and would be in an absolute situation.

Of course, Zhao Gao is in the heart of a gentleman’s heart, because he is such a sinister villain, for the purpose, without the means, naturally will not believe anyone.

“In front of me, do you think that someone is in the hands of the hand, is it absolutely safe? It’s ridiculous!” Sun Wukong looked at Zhao Gao with a disdainful look, with one hand and a wave, suddenly the wind swelled, ‘touch’ The two black men who held the Mohist giant suddenly flew out and crashed directly into the mountain wall, fainting.

Xiao Gao’s eyes flashed away, his body shape was almost the same for a moment, and he moved. One of them was to catch the Mohist giant and return to his camp.

“Giant!” The class masters and other dry-faced disciples all surrounded the past.

“Rong girl, the giant is all right?”

“Nothing… just coma in the past…”

“That’s good!”

When I learned that the Mohist giant was fine, the Moh family was a dry man, and all of them were angry with Zhao Gao.

“How! Don’t tell me Do you want to ruin the contract?” At this moment, Zhao Gao’s facial expression is ugly, and it seems a little scary. The change is too fast, and his imagination is exceed. The shock that Sun Wukong gave him was too great. This person is simply an unmatchable feeling. Even if you are strong, in front of him, you will become so weak and desperate!

He is like an invincible God. Under the heavens, no one can be enemies, all the intrigues and tricks will be inaction, against him, just looking for a dead end!

“With the insidious villain like you, the hunting dog of the government, what morality can be said, today, you will want your blood to sacrifice the heroes of our Mohist family!” The big hammer immediately screamed, rushing to the front, in the hands The big hammer screamed at Zhao Gao! That terrible power is enough to open a hill!

However, the two black shadows suddenly flashed out, and the soul that was freed from Sun Wukong restrict, turned left and right, turned into an afterimage, and the rifle-like thorns in the hand took the heart of the big hammer and the vital parts of the neck. ……

“Well?” The big hammer Eyes was shrinking. He suddenly felt that death was so close to him… He was powerful, but the speed was not good. Obviously, he could not escape the deadly attack of turning and destroying the soul!


The sound of two fine irons sang, the sharp thorns exuded the glaring cold, and the half-inch from the heart and neck of the big hammer stopped!

“Is it okay?” Xiao Gao’s eyes were cold and faint.

At the beginning of the millennium, Xiaogao and Gai Nie blocked the deadly attack of the smashing and destroying souls.

“Oh? You two have the courage to launch an attack. It seems that the wisdom is good!” Sun Wukong watching turned and destroyed, and some small accidents. The two men who had been scared by their own Ki now have the courage to launch an attack. The firmness of the heart is not comparable to the average person.

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