The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 95—The New Giant

In the organ city, many of the Mohist disciples are looking at the room in front of them. There are thick clouds and sorrows on the surface, because they all know that today, the Mohist giants who have been with them for many years will leave them…

The slight footsteps came slowly. A handsome young man and several temperamental old men came from far and near, and appeared behind the class masters and others. The old man who took the lead immediately held his fists in his hands, and his face looked awkward: “The ones of the Mohist family are really unstoppable… I didn’t expect that this would happen… Your giants… He… is it alright?”

“Hey! It was originally a Taoist predecessor of Taoism, and a friend of Confucianism…” The class master saw the coming, and he said with a courtesy, and immediately shook his head and sighed, showing sadness, not words.

“Don’t you always walk with the giants? Why are you all right? Our giants have been so poisoned?” The big hammer looked at the group of Xiaoyao and shouted loudly.

“The big hammer, not rude! Apologize to the seniors of Xiaoyao and others…” The class master immediately screamed with a serious look.

“…hey!” The big hammer was coldly snorted, and he turned his head off and ignored everyone. This is to blow the beard of the class master.

“Nothing…” Xiaoyao was very generous in swinging his hand and said: “The human nature, we can understand…”

“Which is this happening on the way?” Xiao Gao looked at Xiaoyaozi, and the facial expression was serious.

“Oh… we all blame us for our care… We were asked by the Mohist giants to go to the Mohist government to rescue them. I didn’t want to be surrounded by the Luo network and a lot of Qin army. We had to disperse the team. When we were After opening the enemy… I don’t want to, the Mohist giant has already… 唉…” Xiaoyao’s head shook his head and sighed, in his tone, full of self-blame.

“This is no wonder that you… This tyrant, the tyrant who is dealing with our Mohist family, is almost out of the nest, the family of the public, the yin and yang, the military, the quicksand, the net, almost all come out… this time It is not the help of Mr. Sun and Mr. Gai and others. I am afraid that our Mohist family has been fierce and less!” The class master shook his head and sighed.

“It is true that this lineup is enough to compete with the hundreds of families. Our Mohist family is still safe and sound. It is a blessing… but unfortunately, the giant he… oh…” Xiao Gao shook his head and sighed.

“Mr. Sun? Don’t tell me?” Behind Xiaoyao, suddenly came out of a handsome and elegant man, with amazement.

“It turned out to be the Confucian quilt, and it’s really long-awaited!” Masters and others are all holding hands.

“The younger generation did not dare to be…” Zhang Liang hurriedly respected the Confucian etiquette and said: “I don’t know what you said is Mr. Sun… Where is he now?”

“It has already gone… If there is him, the giant may still have a rescue. Oh!” Xu Fuzi shook his head and sighed.

“Is it already gone?” Zhang Liang was slightly disappointed, and his eyes were stunned. However, he saw the Shaoyu not far away, and there was a hint of concealed light in his eyes: “Is he?” The fate was changed… …the dragon has been born…he is the person you have chosen?…I didn’t expect that in this world, there are actually people who can change their lives…”


At this point, the door suddenly opened, and Tian Ming came up with a head from the crack of the door. He said to the class master: “The old man, the giant told you to come in…”

The class master brows slightly and walks into the door. Tianming immediately closes the door…

It didn’t take long for the class master to bring out the sky with sorrow, and the Mohist and his party were surrounded by deep sorrow…

“Master of the class, the giant him…” The eager master of the big hammer looked at the past.

Looking around at everyone, the class master lifted the hand of Tianmei holding Momei, and said very seriously: “From today, Tianming will be the next generation of Mohist giants!”

“Ah?!” The people present were extremely shocked and horrified.

“No? This kid… turned out to be a Mohist…big?” Shao Yu’s eyes widened at the moment, and he couldn’t believe the facts heard in his ears.

“This is the mouth that the giant son passed down before his death. The disciples of the Moh family listened to the orders, and they did not come to see the new giants of our Mohist family!” The class master once again shouted very seriously.

“Seeing the giant…” After the disciples of the Mohist family looked at each other, they stood up and shouted loudly.

“hey hey ~~ that, get up, get up, you all get up!” Tianming was a little proud, but also a little nervous smirk.

“Hey! I didn’t expect this kid to become a Mohist giant. It seems that some people have played in the future…” Shao Yu held his chest in both hands and watched Tian Ming shaking his head and sighing.

The subsequent Mohist government city began to get busy…because they are about to leave the Mohist government that they have lived for most of their lives…

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the white clouds floated and floated, and the two figures stood side by side… Sun Wukong watching the Mohist City underneath, faintly facing the woman who was surrounded by luxury: “I didn’t save him, you won’t blame me.” ?”

Ji Yun shook her head and calmed her voice: “Thank you, let me see his last side…”

“Don’t care! I’m not the kind of chicken!” Sun Wukong waved his hand, very generous: “But you really don’t want to tell the moon about this?”

“No, tell her, it will only add a sense of sadness. If so, why bother again, the father of the month, only you…”

“Hey… I have said it many times, I am not the father of the month…”

Sun Wukong watching Ji Xiao, who was screaming, screamed and chased it up…

Planets/stars Point, starlight, star-shaped planets/stars high-hanging sky, sparkling, lead clouds, fascinating, sparkling and translucent crystal ground, reflecting the world of the sky, making it full Fantastic colors…

And a man with a black mask and a black robe covered his body on the main platform, watching the star soul and others, the tone is majestic, unpredictable, he is the highest leader of the Yin and Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi.

“Thank you for the help of the Emperor Donghuang!” Yun Zhongjun’s fist is respectful to the East Emperor.

“You don’t have to be polite… I didn’t expect that Luna, the big commander and the lesser commander have already betrayed my yin and yang family, and the ruling party is so arrogant, and still loses. This is Sun Wukong, what is the divine? ”

“On the rivers and lakes, he enjoys the reputation of First Under the Heavens, and his strength is even more unfathomable! I am not the enemy of this person with the Star Soul.” The monarch in the cloud is respectful. When it comes to the words of Sun Wukong, there is a strong hatred and jealousy in the eyes!

This time, if the Emperor Dong Huang personally shot, he is afraid that he has already lost his life.

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