The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 100 Little Black

“Fast! Grab them, don’t let them run!”

“Separate chase, you can’t let them run…”

“Hurry up!”

“Stop! Don’t run!”

“Damn! These Qin soldiers are really endless! After chasing us big quite a while, still don’t give up…” Tianming ran, turning his head and watching the chasing soldiers behind him, tired and gasping.

“Block them!” Suddenly there were several Qin soldiers.

“It’s not good, we are surrounded…” Shaofei’s facial expression changed slightly, watching the woods around him, and suddenly there was an idea: “Tianming, fast, we are hiding in the woods…”

“Stop! Don’t run! You can’t run!”

“Hey? What about them? Just now it’s still here… How can I disappear after a blink of an eye?”

Two sets of Qin soldiers in this round, eyes looking at each other, looking around, a look of doubt.

“Search~ Give me a careful search! They can’t run far, they must hide somewhere around… they show me carefully…”


A Qin Qin suddenly took a spear and searched carefully in the grass…

But for a moment…


Suddenly, an angry roar rang in the forest, and the sound shook in the wild, and even the leaves fell down, and countless birds were stunned…

“This… What is this sound?” The group of Qin soldiers’ facial expression suddenly changed dramatically, clenching the arms in their hands, and the look of tension and alertness.

“Mom! What kind of monster is this!” Lin Zhong suddenly came to Tianming that surprised scream.

“Kid, what to send! Run!”

“Ah! I found those two kids! Quickly chase…”

“Catch your head! Don’t hurry to escape!” Tianming and Shaoyu also went out from the forest to watch out, and watched the group of attacked Qin Bing, now shouting.


Behind them, they followed a huge black panther with a tall, beautiful line, and Golden’s Eyes showed a chilling cold.

However, this black panther, the action is obviously inconvenient, it seems to have been hurt, but the intrusion of outsiders, so that it gave birth to a sense of self-protection, so it is an attack on the anonymity of Shao Yu and others.

“Oh my god! A big black panther! Fast! Let it go!”

Qin Bing was shocked at this time, they were all scared by the fierce and huge body of the panther.

“Don’t panic, this black panther has been seriously injured, the movement is inconvenient, the bow is ready to shoot, shooting the black panther!” The leading Qin Bing leader, but calmly issued orders.

“Hey!” Watching a large number of Qin soldiers surrounded themselves, the injured black panther and more beserkk upset, red eyes, a paw to the left of the Qin Bing took pictures…


With a scream of screaming, a Qin Bing was in a blink of an eye, and the sharp claws of the black panther broke the armor, leaving three extremely scary claw marks on his chest, blood flowing, fascinating, frightening .

“Put the arrow!”

However, at this moment, with a command, more than a dozen bows simultaneously fired powerful and powerful horrible arrows. In a flash, they penetrated the black panther and the joints of the limbs…

“Hey!” The black leopard suddenly gave a snarl of angry, but it was seriously injured, it was once again wounded, and the joints of the limbs were full of sharp arrows, roaring, banging to fall to the ground…

“Little black!”

Suddenly, an exclamation came, a girl with a lunch box appeared in the forest road not far away. At this moment, she covered her mouth, watched the dying black panther, and indifferent eyes, there was a faint mist. ……

“You… damn it!” In the eyes of the girl, suddenly there was a very indifferent and angry killing, and the delicate body, such as the elf, was as light as a swallow, and several of them were flashing, and the Qin soldiers who had moved around had attacked the past… …

“Hey! Shaoyu… We won’t do anything bad about it?” Watching the girl who wrestled with Qin Bing, Tian Ming watched Shaofei next to her, some uneasy roads.

“What did your kid say? It wasn’t the black panther that we hurt…” Shao Yu didn’t have a good white look.

“Then what do we do, are you going to help her?”

“This is still used to say? This matter is due to us, do you have to stand by and watch?” Shao Yu smiled and joined the battle: “Girl, I will help you!”

“But! It seems like you are very great!” Tian Ming suddenly muttered, and the Qin soldiers who rushed around all rushed over…

Facts have proved that these elite soldiers of the Qin State are obviously not the opponents of Shaoyu’s three people. They only saw them punching and kicking, but for a moment, they laid down countless Qin soldiers…

However, different times in the past, the Qin Bing here is not only a few dozens. When the three Shaoyu wrestles with the Qin soldiers here, there are already hundreds of elite soldiers who will be surrounded by hundreds of troops. At the same time, the bow was aimed at the three people. In this situation, the three people are afraid that they will not fly.

“Hello! You are not quite able to fight? Why don’t you fight!” A general was wearing armor, holding a sword, and under the guards of several elite soldiers, he came forward and watched the three feathers in the field. The way.

“This is a big trouble!” At this moment, the lack of feathers, the facial expression became extremely dignified: “You must not act rashly, those arrows are made by the domineering organs of the public family, the power is not the same…”

“Less feather! What do you do now? Damn! I know that I will bring the non-attacks…” Qin soldiers around Tianming, showing a rare serious color.

Girl facial expression calm, carefully check everything around the watch, it seems, looking for what flaws… At the same time, the hand dancing, seems to be knotted, silky fluorescence, it seems so Mystic/mysterious and weird…

“Hey? It’s so lively! What are you doing?” But at this moment, suddenly a leisurely and tranquil and calm body affected, more than a dozen figures slowly walked out of the forest path…

“Goku Big Brother!” Seeing people coming, Tianming and Shaoyu eyes suddenly brightened, and at the same time, they shouted in surprise.

“He…he is Sun Wukong?!” Hearing the screams of Tianming and Shaoyu, the Qin soldiers around him suddenly rioted, because the words Sun Wukong almost became the nightmare of their Qin soldiers. be terrified!

“The few people behind him…not the God of the Moon…and the big commander and the lesser commander? He…he really is that…the sword god…Sun Wukong…”

For a moment, Qin Guojing soldiers all face fear, holding the weapons in their hands, they all began to come out with cold sweat, and they couldn’t help themselves fall back. Maybe only by doing so, they can feel a bit of peace of mind…

“It’s him…” The fierce hand danced, and the girl who had knotted Mystic/mysterious suddenly stopped her movements. The Sun Wukong group who watched appeared, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. Involuntarily, she recalled shortly before, in the inn, the man who rescued himself…

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