The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fifth chapter of the most powerful fusion

Now that Naruto lives in the same place as the original work, the messy room is very cold, and Iruka usually visits the Naruto. But now Iruka is just an ordinary, and is going to complete the task. So usually only Xiao Ming people live here alone. As for the nanny, what happened to Xiao Ming people is no longer there.

For those who grew up living in this kind of environment, they haven’t gone bad. It’s like a miracle!

When Sun Wukong came to Naruto’s home, he let the girls out, and the girls expressed their pity and love for Naruto’s misfortune. Do cooking, clean up! It didn’t take long before it was completely new!

Among them, the happiest thing is Naruto. At this time, he only feels the warmth of home! Happy crying. At the same time, he also made his first friend in life: Alice. Both of them are orphans and children, and naturally they soon become good friends.

After everyone had dinner together, they began to study the ninja. All the girls are intelligent people. Although they have never been exposed to ninjutsu, Sun Wukong is on the sidelines. They still learn the techniques of Chakra refining, and they sit down and start to refine Chakra! Even Alice and Shizuka are no exception. See everyone is training, and the hard-working Xiao Ming people naturally will not fall behind.

However, Sun Wukong began to practice the technique of multiple shadows. Although he did not know much about the meridians and other knowledge, he had already understood the use of Qi, and his memory has almost reached an unforgettable level, so he learned. Nature is very fast. Just familiar with the order of the next print and the way Chakra runs, he succeeded in splitting the first shadow, although not perfect.

However, after repeated practice for a while, he finally succeeded in mastering this technique. Watching three of them are exactly the same as their own clones, Sun Wukong is an excitement! Look at one of the shadows, clone: ​​”Try to hurt yourself and see if it will disappear!”

“Understand!” The shadow clone naturally knows the idea of ​​Sun Wukong, pinning his hand into the blade and inserting it into his chest! No blood flowed out, and the shadow clone did not disappear. The shadow clone pulled out the hand that was inserted into the chest and saw that the big hole on his chest healed very quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no trace of a scar.

Sun Wukong looked excited: “Sure enough, as I guessed, I have an undead body, and the split clone has this feature. In the future, do I have thousands of undead clones? Wow kā kā ~~~ Evil Dragon, God of God God of Destruction, even if I can’t beat, the group can kill you…”

After calming down the excitement, Sun Wukong looked at the small house, thought about it, and greeted the girls, leaving a shadow clone to protect the safety of the women, and he left the place with an Instantaneous Movement. . The movement of Next may be very large, and this small space may not be suitable.

An uninhabited island, Sun Wukong looked at the surrounding environment, nodded with satisfaction, and immediately split the two shadows, and suppressed the excitement in his heart: “You try to integrate the two!”

The two clones nodded and stood side by side, no need to adjust the strength of Ki, because he has only one of Sun Wukong very strength. I saw two shadows clone posing in a strange position, bending sideways, hands out of the index finger, colliding together, shouted in unison: “Fusion!”

At the same time, the two shadows clowned with dazzling light. Under the eyes of Sun Wukong, both excited and looking forward, they slowly merged together, and an amazing formidable Ki emerged from the light…

Waiting for the light to shine, Sun Wukong watching the same figure in front of himself, the excitement just did not jump up: “Successful! Really successful! Haha! Shadow clone can also use the fusion technique! And, This Ki, even like me! One of the two very ones, after the fusion, almost has my 100% strength! This… too unfathomable! Haha~~ With this technique, who else is in the future? My opponent? Haha!”

“So! Now I can not merge with the merged shadow clone again?” With excitement, Sun Wukong himself and the merged shadow clone began a further integration!

“Fusion!” With the big drink, the light shines again, and the two people’s figure slowly blends together…

Waiting for the light to go, standing here is a more robust figure than before. No change in appearance, just become more masculine and perseverance! The muscles of the whole body are stronger and more prominent!

“Ha ha! Success! Really successful! Haha ~~~ Sure enough, I think the same! Shadow clone is just an energy that I have differentiated, and it is materialized by special means! Since it is materialized, then naturally Can use fusion, and clone is my own, so there is no limit to the number of people, as long as I can stand up, can unlimited integration … then how can I fuse several times?”

As a result, Sun Wukong once again separated dozens of shadow clones, and began the first fusion, and the merged shadow clone once again carried out the second fusion. Then, Sun Wukong and the clone that has undergone the second fusion have once again completed the fusion! The strength is soaring again! Now, he has no body transformation into Super Saiyan, and his strength has been limited to close to 2! If you perform a body transformation, how will the level of terror be reached? Moreover, his fusion is not limited by time, because he is fused with his own clone. The film clone is his own form of energy, there is no time limit after the fusion of two different people!

Well, to put it simply, two people can’t always maintain the fusion when they are merged. Because they are two independent individuals, they have time constraints and can’t integrate with others in the case of integration. Unlike Sun Wukong, the shadow clone is actually his own, part of his own energy. He just blends and strengthens the power of the clone into his body, that’s all, so he has no such restrictions, unless the physical exhaustion The fusion technique will be lifted.

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