The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 108 Gako vs Victory Seven

“He…he is in the end…who is it?!…”

“It’s terrible… is he… is it a ghost?”

For a moment, in the Qin army, the turmoil, watching the suddenly flashing figure, shocked everyone else…

Because what happened in front of their eyes is really too shocking, too shocking!

Why do you suddenly disappear and disappear? Yes! It disappeared, not being shot down. When the person appeared, they only saw the person waving a hand, and the rain of the sky was an instant, and the smoke disappeared. Is this really something that people can do?

For a moment, the place is quiet and terrible, and the hands of the bow and the hand holding the arrow have begun to tremble. In ancient times, this was a superstitious belief in ghosts and gods, and this situation made them feel extraordinarily horrified and fearful!

“He is…” Watching Sun Wukong’s face, Li Si’s eyes flashed a dignified, hurriedly fall back, let a team of soldiers to guard their own group, only slightly relieved, watching Sun Wukong, the expression is particularly dignified: “He is…Sword God…Sun Wukong? This means…it’s not like the average person…but I only got the rebellion of the Mohist family and came to this city of Sanghai, but I don’t know that this Sun Wukong is here too. Ah!… This can be troubled… It seems that I have to inform the Fusu son quickly…”

“Is it okay?” Sun Wukong turned and smiled softly at Shilan.

“Thank you!” Shi Lan shook her head and woke up from the daze. Even she was shocked by the way Sun Wukong played! When you are on the scene, it is so that the rain of the sky is in an instant, and the smoke disappears. This is how the sky passes! What awesome domineering!

“Magic Sword!” Victory Seven Watching Sun Wukong The ancient sword that is not at the waist, the eyes are full of intense warfare: “You are the rumor… First Under the Heavens’s sword god Sun Wukong?!”

“What?! He turned out to be…” After listening to the words of Shengqi, Shilan watched Sun Wukong’s eyes, and the person who repeatedly saved himself, turned out to be the sword god in the legend?

“I really call Sun Wukong, but it’s not a shit!” Sun Wukong waved his hand indifferently, and the name of the sword god was not put in his eyes.

“Sure enough, you! Your legend, I have heard it before, I have long wanted to see it! I won’t have anything to do with the seven-year life, just want to fight against the strong guy of TRUE! Come on! Let me today, let me See, in this legend, the strong person of First Under the Heavens, how strong! Drink ~~!”

Accompanied by a roar, Sheng Qi Ki is arrogant, terrible winds swept out of his center, and he was so strong, surging beserk!

“Now, isn’t it time to try?” Sun Wukong watching wins seven, a face of calm and calm.

“Those are not what I care about, what I care about, just want to challenge the world more strong person!” Shengqi roared, pedaling on the ground, actually issued a ‘蹬蹬蹬’ footstep sound, it seems that even the whole ground is in Trembling, the rain on the ground is even more splashing out…

And the giant python in the hand, even with the terrible power of the mountain cracking stone, straight to the sun Wukong roar down! The terrible power is actually making the stone bricks on the ground also cracked open, and the rain curtain of the pouring is also under this sword, cut and opened…

“Mr. Prime! What should we do?” The general watched the field and came to Li Si in front of him.

“Don’t worry! A rare good show, let’s take a look at it! I want to see, this Sun Wukong, what is the power of the day… In the rumors, why did he say so terrible… even Wei Zhuang, Xing Huo and so on, all have no way to take him…” Li Si’s tranquil and calm waved his hand and watched the watch carefully.

“Goku! Be careful!” Stand Sun Wukong behind the Shilan, the facial expression slightly changed, win seven this terrible sword, the power is not the same, obviously facing the expert of Sun Wukong, he did not keep the slightest hand, one shot, then Is doing all the best!

“It’s really awesome guy!” Sun Wukong shook his head faintly, watching the giant scorpion that was slamming down on his own, never had the slightest movement, and the heavy rain that fell down seemed to be invisible. Blocked by the barrier, it is impossible to get close to Sun Wukong.

“Sun Wukong, let’s out of the sword! I will never subordinates merciless!” Seeing Sun Wukong still standing still, Shengqi immediately screamed, and the strength in his hand not only did not weaken, but added even more mighty!

“To deal with you… you don’t need a sword!” Sun Wukong said faintly, it seems to be saying a negligible.

“Look at my words! You will regret it! I am not the garbage you have dealt with in the past!” Sun Wukong’s small vision, so that the victory of seven angry, burning, the current roar, the hands of the giant 阙 Kami Wei, toward Sun Wukong has no mercy to kneel down!

“If you shoot me! But it will cost a lot!” Sun Wukong still looks dull.

Everyone here is holding their breath, watching everything in front of them, they want to know, the sword of victory seven is Sun Wukong, two and a half, still…

The answer, immediately revealed…

There are no terrible collisions, no stunning swords, and some are just a shocking scene…

Everyone just saw that Sun Wukong had stretched out his right hand in the same way as calm and calm. Then, it was easy to grasp the terrible sword of Sheng Qi’s force with two fingers. It looked like a mighty and unmatched sword. The sword fell into the two fingers of Sun Wukong, but it was so soft and powerless that it didn’t start to waver…

Sun Wukong seems to enjoy the shock of the two-finger sword, because such a scene, full of force! Ok, because Shilan is there, Sun Wukong is starting to wave again.

“How… maybe…” At this moment, Shengqi has been shocked and unbelievable. In this world, there are still people who can use two fingers, and it is easy to take his fierce and terrible. A sword, this sword, has the power to open a mountain crack!

“In my opinion… you are the same as the garbage I used to deal with…cannot bear a blow…” Watching Victory Seven, Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm. Lightly pointed to a bomb, ‘When! ‘A scorn, everyone is horrified to see, the giant scorpion in the hands of Sheng Qi, in the ‘ka-cha’ a crack, bursting instantly…

And Sheng Qi, the moment is ‘pu-chi’, a big mouth of blood spurts out, in a twinkling of an instant, it falls out, 狠狠 falls to the ground, facial expression pale as paper!

Quiet! Suddenly here, the silence is terrible! The power of Sun Wukong’s anti-day power makes the people present there feel terrified!

That is the victory seven! Before his violent and formidable, everyone is obvious to all, but now it is in front of Sun Wukong, was pointed to insta-kill! This is the strength of the anti-day! For a moment, everyone is a chill, and a strong sense of power is on the mind…

“First Under the Heavens … really worthy of the name…” Li Si at this time also felt that he was invaded by cold sweat, and it was an unspeakable disaster to be an enemy of such a terrible person.

“Is the decision of His Majesty really correct?” At this moment, Li Si’s heart could not help but be shaken. But in an instant, it was replaced by savage: “This kind of person can’t be used for me, then… only for me…”

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