The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 113—Da Qin is dead

“called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, since it is already in your hands, I have something to say!” At this moment, the government is still full of temperament, the high spirit of the emperor, at a glance.

“Oh? Has it overcome the fear in my heart?” Watching Zheng Zheng, Sun Wukong could not help but smile: “Really, for you, this ancient emperor, I actually appreciate it! The feat of unifying the world can be said to have been passed down through the ages. …… Your behavior is right or wrong. Everyone has a different opinion. I can’t say more. Unfortunately, your person is too cruel and domineering! Be ambitious and can’t accommodate anyone who threatens you. ……”

“I didn’t intend to pay attention to your weak mortal. Unfortunately, you are looking for death. I think that I threaten your status. Instead, I want to get rid of it. It’s ridiculous! Then, you are ready to die. Yet?”

“I admit that the widows really looked down on you! I didn’t expect that in this world, there really is a terrible existence of thousands of horses and horses in nothing! But don’t forget! The widow is the true Son of Heaven, but is in charge of the whole. The King of the world is to conquer all the ages emperor! Will you lose to the district Wufu?”

When the government sighed, the body shape fell back one step at a time, the stone slab at the foot suddenly split, and the ruling directly fell from the exposed hole, and the stone slab was closed in an instant…

On the top of Sun Wukong’s head, suddenly, “Oh!”, on the roof, the dark space suddenly opened, a purple rain fell, creaking, and the sky was purple, in an instant, Sun Wukong was shrouded in In the purple gas, the pungent smell of the scent is scattered, which makes Sun Wukong’s brow slightly wrinkled. This purple gas contains poisonous!

“Dangdang!”, a iron cage cast by fine iron descended from the sky, trapping Sun Wukong three people in it…

“Hey!” Shilan suddenly snorted, and her body fell softly in an instant.

Sun Wukong was slightly surprised, and hurriedly hugged Shilan, watching her facial expression, a purple lingering, breathing moments, becoming extremely weak, even in a moment, Shilan is a poisonous attack , frequency is coming to death! This poison is terrible!

“Instant purple… one of the most poisonous poisons in this world…” The goddess watched the appearance of Shilan, and the facial expression remained calm and soft. In her opinion, there is nothing to worry about at all, even if it is Shi Lan, she can also resurrect in an instant.

“Sun Wukong, the gift that the widows specially prepared for you, how do you feel?” Above the stone wall, suddenly the organ turned, revealing a sparkling and translucent transparent crystal wall, blocking all the poisonous fog in the hall. And the government, through the crystal, watching the iron cage in the Sun Wukong, facial expression tranquil and calm, a calm face, that looks like a bamboo in the chest, it seems that everything is under control.

Behind the government, there are several prominent ministers and famous generals of Daqin. One of the white-shoulders is full of anger: “The purple gas, but the most terrible poison in the world, the instant purple, even if your martial arts is higher, just smell a little bit, or touch one A little bit, you will lose your skills in a moment, and you will be poisoned. Even if you have a lot of skill, you can only insist on one or two Shi Chen that’s all… and trap your iron cage, it is a meteorite. It’s made, it’s hard to break, even if your martial arts is high, it’s hard to fly.”

“I wanted to spare you a life, but I didn’t expect you to be so anxious to die…” Sun Wukong poured a bunch of fluorescent light on Shilan’s body, slowly got up and handed Shilan to the goddess. , facial expression, indifferent, Chaoyang, and others looked at the past…

“He… no poisoning?!” Watching facial expression As usual, Sun Wukong, Zheng Zheng and others have changed their facial expressions, and they are shocked! Looking at Sun Wukong’s extremely indifferent eyes, their hearts suddenly and violently jumped up, raising a sigh of extreme uneasiness, making them all cold, seemingly dead, already approaching them…


A clearing of the sword, the cold light flashes, the so-called invincible cage, in an instant, is divided into two, the sleeves are light, the purple air is in the twinkling of an instant, the smoke disappears…

Sun Wukong walked toward the crystal wall step by step, but it was a step-by-step fall back to the government and others. The heart was chilling, they finally understood that the people in front of them were irritated by them.

At this moment, they clearly understand that in the face of absolute strength, all the intrigues will do nothing…

“Protect your majesty!”

In a hurry, a large number of Qin soldiers came into the hall. They all had a facial expression and they were determined. For the comfort of the emperor, they were ready for death. They were not afraid of death. Fear!

Holding a spear in his hand, he decided to go to Sun Wukong with sorrow… For their emperor, even if they died, they must fight for even a little escape time…

Unfortunately, in the face of Sun Wukong, they don’t even have a little time!

In the hands of the magic sword, a light hand wave, terrible swords flashed in a flash, the group of Qin soldiers in an instant, the body shape is forbidden to move, no blood flowed out, but their signs of life have passed away, for a moment, softly fell to the ground…

Before Sun Wukong requested the goddess, he did not kill the ring. Instead, he only stunned the Qin army with aura… But now, the government has hurt Shilan with the poison, and touched Sun Wukong most. The bottom line, he is already angry, killing has already started, even if it is a goddess, do not want to stop…

The goddess also knew this very well, sighed slightly, shook his head, and did not block it…

Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and in an instant, it was vacated above the whole palace, watching the lofty splendid palace underneath, on the surface, a piece of tranquil and calm: “From this moment, the Daqin Empire, the end…”

A small Energy Ball slowly forms in his hands…

The goddess took Shilan, who was already awake, and appeared beside Sun Wukong. Some people can’t bear it on the surface: “Do you really want to do this?” As for Shilan, all the way to follow, I have been shocked and I don’t know how to open it…

“You can stop me!” Sun Wukong turned to look at the goddess, a touch of the road.

Looking at the face of Sun Wukong’s face and calm, the goddess’ heart, inexplicably beaten, it seems that there is something important that will leave her. This makes the goddess’ facial expression a little pale in an instant! That feeling made her feel scared…

“What do you want to do… with you…” Tens of thousands of people and Sun Wukong, the goddess chose the latter…

Watching goddess, Sun Wukong’s mouth hangs a satisfactory smile, the left hand gently pulls the goddess’ warm and tender hand, but the light bullet on the right hand slides down from his palm…


The sound of the startling the heavens created a mythical legend…

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