The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The second chapter is the strongest bud in history.

At this time, although it was a blue sky, hot and too high to hang the sky, such a strange colorful light door emerged on the flowing street, but it did not attract anyone’s attention, because this door was Sun Wukong. Hidden by the magical powers, mortals can’t see…

Looking at the lively street, Sun Wukong at this time, the heart is cut is extra dignity. In the Dimension channel, I accidentally sensed the Ki of the meta-existence, but found that his Ki is more complex than the previous one. Less, this makes his time more and more urgent…

“It seems that this has been a bubble for me, and it’s not going to work. I am also trying hard training training! Oh? No! I am not going to do the surgery of clone? Such a training cheater, I used to Ignore it…”

Sun Wukong’s eyes suddenly brightened, and his mind went straight into the world ring, and he divided out hundreds of millions of clones. For him now, he is too pediatric.

“Training, come, this is the thing of the sister paper, give me this body!”

Sun Wukong hey hey smiles, leaving Dimension god beads, let those shadows participate independently, his own power of the landlord, can also provide a period of time energy for Dimension gods… and he himself, but he Xiaoqu left the world ring…

“I didn’t think of such a way before, it was too bad!” Out of the world ring, walking on the street, Sun Wukong was shaking his head: “It seems that only the bubble paper is gone, even this kind of thing is forgotten.” It’s okay! No!”

The breeze blows the Buddha, but the wine is introduced into the nose of Sun Wukong. When I look at it, I find that a very sexy lady is sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree. The body was covered with her white kimono that was slack.

At this time, she was alone drinking wine, her face was bald, like a abandoned child abandoned by the world, lonely and lonely…

“Hey! How good a sister! But it’s so self-deprecating…” Sun Wukong looked straight and shook his head, but for a moment, he snorted again: “Oh? Not right! Her Ki…not human Ki… Is she 鹡鸰? That was abandoned by MBI because of its strength and no buds that can be feathered… Qiujin!”

For Sun Wukong, although the story of this world has been in his mind for decades, but in his realm, as long as he recalls, he can find out what happened in his own brain. all……

“Akizu?” (Typical three no Yu sister! This is a rare attribute, can not be convenient on the imperial on the metamorphosis …) Sun Wukong pinched his chin that does not have a beard at all, hey hey smile, just Come to this world, you will be able to find such a super singer in the street, it is really a big hit!

“So an outstanding sister paper, it seems so awkward, can’t it be like? If something is wrong, can tell me!”

Came to the side of Akizu, Sun Wukong slowed down and looked very gentle. The god who is high above is so gentle to you as a mortal. Can you stop it?

Qiu Jin’s face with a bald face lifted slightly, watching Sun Wukong, could not help but scream, because the gentleness and concern of Sun Wukong’s face made her cold heart, a warm current, flowing into the limbs. Oh, suddenly, she found out that she is no longer alone…

“Who…who?” Inexplicable, Qiujin’s tone was slightly trembling. She suddenly found that the crepe lines in front of her forehead became so hot, like fire and burning again, and even the breath changed. Extremely rushed…

“don’t tell me, he is mine… impossible… I am abandoned… I can’t have my own axillary buds…” Qiujin was so excited that he was extremely lost.

“My name is Sun Wukong, what about you?” Sun Wukong smiled softly and caressed the lonely heart of Qiujin.

“Autumn Tianjin…”

“Akizu? Is it a good name! So why is a person so awkward here?”

“I…have…homeless…” Qiujin’s eyes are bleak and indifferent, and it seems to be very lonely. It seems so lonely and pathetic.

“Homeless…” Sun Wukong smiled and said, “If that’s the case, then let me be your destination, your home!”

“My home… my … home?” Qiu Jin looked up, watching Sun Wukong, some ecstasy: “You… willing to take me this abandoned… Hey? You… willing to be mine…” Bud?”

“What, what, bud, I don’t care about those…” Sun Wukong smiled and pulled Qiujin up and hugged it into his arms: “So, put a seal that belongs to me!” “Speaking, kissed her lips…

When the lips touched, when it was stunned, the dazzling white light emerged from Qiujin’s enamel mark. A pair of white and dreamy wings opened from her back in the light, and the wind was like a tornado, which swept out. Entrained with terrible coldness, within a hundred meters or so, in an instant, formed a frozen world…

Although Qiujin claims to be impossible to be feathered, but it is limited to others, for Sun Wukong, what is it that he can’t do?

Watching Qiu Jin, who is being feathered in the light, Sun Wukong smiles, so that he has his own first cockroach.

The foremost bud in history is born at this moment!

The light dissipated, and Qiujin looked unfathomable to himself, and it was unbelievable: “I…has been feathered? I also have my own axillary bud…”

“From this moment on, everything about you belongs to me!”

“Yes! Master!”

Qiu Jin crouched in front of Sun Wukong, his voice was excited, solemnly sworn…

MBI, a very luxurious skyscrapers building, is a very luxurious room. The electronic screen of Yuzhong Guangren’s watch is so surprised that it is very unexpected…

“It’s really amazing!… It’s obviously a deprecated cockroach… It’s actually being feathered… What is the reason? It seems that I still have no research on cockroaches. Some factors that are known…hehe…this is a good experimental material…”

Above the street, Qiujin is quietly behind Sun Wukong, without saying a word, Sun Wukong goes to that, she follows that…

“Should… just be ahead?” Sun Wukong took Qiujin to an unmanned alley, looking around and looking at what he was looking for…

“Oh… I found the target…” However, behind him, there was a sudden sneer that was not good.

“Well? Hey… bud… Is this going to challenge me?” Sun Wukong turned and looked, and the corner of his mouth could not help but show a strange smile.

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