The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter IX, by the way

“Okay! Loud, don’t make trouble!” Sun Wukong pulled the bell into his arms and smiled: “In fact, the poor milk is also a rare resource!” After that, Sun Wukong gently lighted her small dumplings. Pinch it…

“Hey~~ Sure enough, the big hand feels good…”

“Ah! I am mad at me!” In a moment, it is thoroughly blackened: “You don’t want to stop me! I have to cut her off…”

Saying, the lightning in the hand is ‘squeaking’, it is the bombing of the secret feathers…

“Help! You have to give me that pervert.” Mi Yu has been scared of facial expression, whitening his hands, covering his chest with his hands, and in the lightning that slipped down from time to time, the wolf fled and screamed… It was chasing after him, and the lightning in his hand was like a powerful bomb, and it was bombarded. From time to time, he also made a crazy laugh, murderous aura…

“You still see? Don’t hurry to stop the ringing? Otherwise she will really cut off the chest of Mi Yu…” Xiaoguang hands chest, watching Sun Wukong, a touch of the road.

“Ah~Oh!…OK…” Sun Wukong reacted, and all the scenes in front of him were too loving, and for a moment, they were somewhat fascinated.

When the lower body shape flashed, it was blocked in front of Mi Yu’s body, and he pulled it into his arms. He bowed his head and kissed his lips. The dazzling white light shone out, the feather of light. In an instant, it shines from the creaking crepe…

With a low voice, it was soft and fell in the arms of Sun Wukong, which was completely quiet.

“Huh~ finally saved.” Mi Yu sat down on the ground and his breathing became slightly rushed.

Watching Mi Yu, Sun Wukong shook his head and took off his coat and put it on her body. He said softly: “As a girl, if you don’t wear anything, it’s a bit ugly…”

“Thank you…thank you…” Watching Sun Wukong The look of a smiling face, the pretty face of Mi Yu is inexplicably red, the cheeks are hot, and the heartbeat is also violently jumping…

“Weird… I… Why did I react to him?… I don’t already have a bud?” I was waiting in the confusion of Mi Yu, suddenly screamed and jumped up: “No! Nothing! I have been disconnected from the axillary buds… Also in other words… I became a form that was not feathered? In the end what happened?!”

“What else can you… You have lost your function… but it was awakened by Goku… oh?! Right, Goku, how can you let the cockroaches stop functioning again?” At this point, the light was only reacted, and they looked at Sun Wukong with surprise.

“You should be a special kind of mine for me! Even if your function stops, I can wake you up, so you don’t have to worry that we will be separated in the future!” Sun Wukong smiled. .

“Is there such an Ability? Goku! You are really great!” The two women excitedly rushed to Sun Wukong, and hugged him into his arms.

“Awkward buds… Is there such a presence?” Mi Mi Watching Sun Wukong, while looking at the light and the sound, the eyes are full of envy and envy: “have such a bud… really it is good……”

Walking to the front of Mi Yu, Sun Wukong crouched down and gently whipped up her chin. He smiled and said: “Your life is saved by me! So, everything about you, from now on, Already belongs to me… It’s my thing, I will give you a brand that belongs to me only!” Saying, bowed, kissed up…

“This kind of heartbeat… This kind of incitement… Is this the resonance between the axillary bud and the cockroach? Sure enough, is he the aunt of the bud that I am destined for?…and the feeling of being forced to emerge before It’s totally different…”

Under the whisper of Mi Yu, the dazzling white light shone again, and the crepe lines on the back of the neck also emerged. The light feathers opened and shone with glory…

“This… this power… is much better than the former forformable…don’t tell me Is this the power that has been feathered by the bud of TRUE?” The light dissipated, and the feathers watched their hands, full The color of the face, the power of formidable, made her feel excited.

“The damn Yuzi Shangyu actually used the characteristics of axillary buds to force me to feather… I will see him next time, I have to teach him a good meal!” Mi Yu at the moment, the face of vicious, formidable power, let Her incomparable self-confidence: “There is that damn Lu O… If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be caught. I will see you next time, not letting you taste the desperation that the machine can stop…”

At this time, the sky is getting late, Sun Wukong is escaping from the three sisters, going to Yunzhuang… As for the ringing and the dense feathers, all the way, but they are spending each other in the eyes, these two sisters, It has become the opposite of natural-born, who said that the previous ring is still thinking about cutting off the Mimi of the people… If it is not because of Sun Wukong’s arrogance, the two women may have already started playing.

Back to Izumo-dori, a few women in Asami have already prepared meals, waiting for the arrival of Sun Wukong, but at the dinner table, there is one more person, a man who looks very handsome.

“篝 (flame)” saw this person, Sun Wukong brows can not help but slightly wrinkled. For this flame setting, Sun Wukong still is speechless, not male or female…

This Nima is simply a metamorphosis in the legend! Moreover, his gender, can also be determined by his own axillary buds… Well… For such a best, still find Zaoqiao all the people, let him take it quickly…

“Master… sit here…” Sun Wukong, who was able to see the house, was very happy to take a seat next to him.

“Axillary buds?” Light and other women looked at each other, immediately recognized the identity of the other party, the only one that was not recognized by them, only the shallow beauty.

“Who is this product? Don’t you introduce it?” Sun Wukong sat in the middle of Jiu Neng and Qiu Jin, and looked at his eyes and faint.

“He is a sly, but also a tenant in Yunzhuang…” Asami 哉 哉 with a friendly smile, soft voice. The spine is about to look at the light and the three feathers of Mi Yu looked: “But who are they? Mr. Goku, just after going out, there are three more outstanding women around me… really extraordinary…”

“There is no way, heavy rain, I see that they are very poor on the street, just come back…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

The three women frowning at the same time and slightly wrinkled, the three slender hands stretched out from under the table, and twisted at the waist of Sun Wukong…

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