The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 16: Crow feather

“Walk! Brother, take you shopping!”

In the morning, just after breakfast, Sun Wukong is going to go shopping with his sister paper. He is looking forward to seeing what Sun Wukong is like today?

“Really? Great! Goku long live!” A few women screamed and cheered.

“No, there are still a lot of things to do today!” However, the beauty of the mouth is a smile that breaks the enthusiasm of several women.

“What… what? Beautiful, you are too treacherous! Can we do it when we come back?” Mi Yu suddenly looked uncomfortable.

“This can’t be done! There are still a lot of weeds in the yard that need your help. Those flowers and plants also have to be watered by you… Also, we have a period of time in the Yunzhuang, there is no big cleaning, since it came all of a sudden. Many people, then, please, please…” Meilu is still still smiling.

“How can this be done! Beauty, you are too bad!” The little voice suddenly grinned and looked uncomfortable.

“Okay! Since the beauty has said this, then you can help her to clean out Yunzhuang! After all, we are also a part of it…” Sun Wukong watching a few women, laughed.

“Still Goku understands things!” Watching Sun Wukong smiles.

“Hey~~ Since the owner has said this, then there is no way…” Mi Yu looked disgusted.

“Come on! I am going around and going around…” Sun Wukong said, he got up and walked out of Yunzhuang…

“I want to protect the safety of the owner…” Qiujin’s facial expression was calm, but there was no expression, but he got up at the for a moment and followed.

“I… I also went…” A long time blushing, looked around, weakly said a sentence, but also hurriedly got up and ran to chase Sun Wukong.

“Hey? Can you still like this? Then I also…” Mi Yu’s eyes turned and just wanted to slip away, but she was stopped by Mei Biao with a broom: “No! There are two of them already enough… …and again, with Goku’s skills, you don’t need to protect it anymore…”

“How can this be like this! Abominable Qiujin, awful for a long time, you are too cunning…”

The usual bustling streets, today, seem to be a bit deserted, the breeze blows, the leaves of the leaves drifting with the wind, and finally, falling on the feet of a woman…

Sun Wukong stopped and watched the woman in front of her. It seemed to be thinking about it… And behind him, the financial expression suddenly became extremely dignified: “It’s her! MBI dog…”

The woman is very beautiful, holding a long sword, it looks extremely heroic, and there is a kind of queen-like aura, just in the faint, Sun Wukong is sensed from her body, the thick bloody Ki that comes out, When you look at Ki, you can be sure that this woman is definitely a murderous person…

“NO04…Crow feather!” Watching the person in front of him, he was able to hide behind Sun Wukong with a look of fear. The fearful body was a little trembling.

“What are you afraid of! You are not weaker than her now…” Sun Wukong smiled a little and could hold it in his arms for a long time. Gently stroke her head to encourage.

Surprisingly, I have always been timid and afraid of things. Suddenly, I am not afraid, but I still have no courage to fight against the crows. Because of the terrible crows, the people who know them will be afraid, even if they are met, they will be dignified. .

This person, who does not know what is called sentimentality, has basically been killed by her, because she is too loyal to MBI and is nicknamed MBI by other dogs. He is the current MBI punishment force. Captain: Crow feather.

When Sun Wukong walked past the crow’s body, it was stopped by the crow feather: “This is what the president told me to hand you over…” She handed over a cell phone. Each reed shoots will have a mobile phone, as well as a card, exclusively for MBI card, this card, but that can unlimited ATM card ……

“No need…” Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm, waved his hand and walked past the crow feather.

“Sure enough… as the president expects… don’t accept it?…” The fat expression of the crow feather is calm, but the Ki is becoming more and more fierce. The thick bloody Ki is diffused and the cold is shining. The long sword is already in her hands: “For those who want to get rid of MBI, they should be sanctioned!”

“Are you sure you want to draw a sword against me?” Sun Wukong stopped and slowly turned around, and looked at the crows with interest. The faint Ki leaked out, but it was a heartfelt feeling.

“This Ki… really good terror! Even I feel scared…hehe~~” Crows suddenly became crazy, not only did not fear because of Sun Wukong’s Ki, but more excited Get up, bloodthirsty Ki is more powerful…

“Terror ah! terror!…… Let me fight the Cold War!… You really are not comparable to the average person!” The facial expression of the crow feather suddenly became crazy, and the bloodthirsty Ki was like a beast born only for killing. Sun Wukong went straight, and the sharp blade in his hand turned into a cold light, when the chest stabbed away…

Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm, looking at the sharp sword, never moved step…

The cold wind whistling, the temperature suddenly dropped to a few degrees below zero. In an instant, the ground condensed into ice, and a cold ice thorn stabbed suddenly at the foot of the crow feather…

The facial expression of the crow feather changed slightly, and the body shape turned, twisting into an unfathomable arc, avoiding the ice thorn, and the sword in the hand still went to Sun Wukong without fear.

The sound of the wind broke through the wind, and numerous ice spurs spurred behind Sun Wukong, taking the whole body of the crow feather…

Emei slightly wrinkles, the crow feather can only stop the body shape, the sword in the hand waved a beautiful sword flower, shot down the ice thorns that are currently spurting from them, and jumped back, looking at the flash Qiu Jin in front of Sun Wukong, his eyes are full of surprises: “The plaque in front of the forehead… Are you the one that was abandoned? Hehe… I didn’t expect you to have been feathered. Is it the strength to compete with me? It’s really interesting…”

“But… defying the MBI order… Do you know what the price will be?”

“I only know that anyone who stands on the opposite side of the master should kill!” Qiujin’s facial expression is calm, but the more the Ki is getting cold, the whole body is covered by the ice… Sun Wukong For her, It’s everything, even if it’s against the whole MBI, she’s not afraid, because she’s abandoned, she’s only loyal to her Sun Wukong…

“Also in other words, have you already prepared for the MBI? Then, I don’t need to be in the subordinates…. Today, let me kill one! Haha~~”

The crow feather is extremely crazy, and the bloody Ki is blowing. To say that it was just a temptation before, then the killing of TRUE has just begun…

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