The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The third 12 chapter no01

“How… what to do? My sister is going to fight with the master!” Sun Wukong and Shiman, who watched for a long time, watched the moon and the sea next to her, and looked anxious.

Qiu Jin looked calm and jumped in front of Sun Wukong. He looked at the shallow beauty and the whole body was cold. She used her own actions to prove her position. In her world, Sun Wukong is everything, good and evil, and it doesn’t make any sense for a three-no-sister.

“hum hum! This wife’s position will not be given to you… Although Goku’s approach is a bit too radical, but as a wife, it is necessary to do the duties of the wife, even if it is sin, but also bear the burden… “Yuehai’s facial expression is firm, and the body is flashing, but it is also in front of Sun Wukong.

Song came to Sun Wukong’s side, and some nervous watching the opposite side of the road, said: “That… beautiful… different positions, you don’t blame me…”

A few women who came out of the light also came over and hugged their hands with their hands: “My husband has had it, naturally I have to be punished… But you are an outsider, but you don’t have that qualification… I want to hurt Goku, but we won’t promise it… …”

“Mei! You are NO01’s embarrassment, but you have to think clearly! You can’t even play Goku, let alone any of us here, it is not weaker than you!” Mi Yu watching beautiful, very proud and shouted .

“Although I don’t want to fight with the landlord… But if you want to hurt Goku, I won’t promise it…” The prostitute watching beautiful, some tangled, for this kind-hearted landlord, she still has a good impression, I don’t think Tao, if he has not lived in, he has become a confrontational existence.

“You all retreat! You don’t need to intervene here…” Sun Wukong still is very pleased with the actions of the women in the moon and sea. It seems that the personality of the brother is still unstoppable. However, in front of the watch, the face of the dignified beauty of the face, Sun Wukong’s heart is a burst of unhappy: “Sister! For those irrelevant garbage, even dare to draw a sword, I will see how I hang you later… ”

“This way! Well! Be careful!” Several women in the Moon Sea nodded and retreated to the side. They just showed themselves to Sun Wukong to prove their position. Naturally, they did not expect to squat together to slap the beauty.

“Do you really want to fight with me?” Sun Wukong watching, beautiful.

“You do this… I can’t agree…” The beauty is very serious. There is no soft smile on my face.

“Because that is what the shallow man (built)? Because he is a good old man, right? So you are influenced by him, dostistisfied to me?” Sun Wukong watching, the tone is a bit unhappy: “just A garbage, I did not expect that the impact on you will be so big…”

“You are not allowed to say bad things about building people!” Shallow beauty suddenly burst into a tone of excitement, as if he touched a certain scale of the bottom of his heart, and his face was full of anger, and Ki was in an instant, becoming extremely cold and swaying. Ling Lijian ran away, and in the twinkling of an eye, went to Sun Wukong…

Fast, awkward, accurate! Obviously, there is no trace of mercy in Asami…

“What a …… boring…”

Sun Wukong looks like a calm and calm, slamming a bullet, ‘啪’, the violent sword that bursts into the air instantly collapses…

“How… maybe…” Mei Lu suddenly shocked and widened her eyes. Some of them were unbelievable. She was extremely confident about her strength, and her sword, even steel, could easily be cut open. It was Sun Wukong who gave it a hand, and how could it not make her feel awkward… In the previous test, he didn’t tell me seriously?

“Do you understand the gap between you and me now? You…can’t beat me…” Sun Wukong watching is a beautiful, faint saying: “Do your own buds…you know what you will get. Punish?”

“My aunt… you… nonsense… I am not your axillary bud… my axillary buds… only one person is built…” Meishen seems to be said what pain, screaming, flying before The sword in the hand is swaying down to Sun Wukong…

However, just close, the shape of the shallow beauty suddenly suddenly stopped, the foot is soft, and knees directly in front of Sun Wukong, if it is not the sword in the hand, the column is on the ground, she may have fallen to the ground It is.

“Come on me…do you do it? So strong resonance, when can you suppress it?…” Sun Wukong watching Breathing has become a little quick, facial expression is red, shallow, beautiful, smiling The way.

“No!… my axillary buds… I don’t agree with the construction of people!…” Suddenly, the shallow beauty screamed out loud, not knowing where to come from, and stood up, punching Sun Wukong Boomed over…

“嘭~~”, the amazing explosion sounded, and the fierce strength directly shook a huge hole on the ground where she stood!

Asami 哉Eyes miniature, unbelievable! Because, her fierce punch, bombarded on the chest of Sun Wukong, did not hurt it…

And Asami is as good as exhausting all his strengths, and it is directly soft down…

Sun Wukong picked her up and looked uncomfortable: “It’s really uncomfortable!… What kind of slag is built in the shallows… Forget him! Remember, your axillary bud is me… and this In the world, can be your bud, and only I am Sun Wukong!”

Saying, Sun Wukong kissed up under the yoke of the shallow beauty, Eyes…

“I… I… I…” Shallow beauty suddenly became shocked, and Eyes’s boss was unbelievable, and now stayed on the spot…

When you are stunned, the fluorescent light shines, and a sinuous pattern emerges in the shallow back of the beautiful neck. In the ray, in the crepe of the back neck, the feather of the light is ejected, like a pair of winged Angel wings! Guanghua shines, making people unable to open their eyes!

“The power is improving… The source is constantly… How could it be… I… I was feathered?… How could this be…” The shallow beauty at the moment was shocked by its own changes!

The light dissipated, and the shallow beauty looked at his own hands, and the eyes were incredible: “very powerful! This Ki… How could it be! Several times more than before. More then… This… How is this possible? ……”

Looking up slowly, Shimizu watched Sun Wukong, the shocking color of his face: “Why… why can he feather me? I can’t be too much… Why… This kind of thing… I can’t even build people… Do… why… why he can… my heart… beating… even the soul… this feeling… how come…don’t tell me he is really the bud of my destiny ?”

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