The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 34 is full of love

“It’s really amazing… even I feel some unfathomable… I didn’t expect that one day, someone would replace the status of building a person in my heart…” The tone of the shallow beauty is soft, the face is above, the smile Full face: “He is really an unfathomable person…”

“Oh… this way… it’s fun…” Raven’s eyes squinted, and the watchful eyes were filled with deep warfare: “This time…you have a weapon…”

Saying, aura suddenly soared, and in the blink of an eye, the sword was cut away.

In the light, Mei Yan’s eyes are condensed and she just wants to have some action. However, Sun Wukong’s speed is faster than her, and she’s just looking at it. The two fingers are gently pinching the chopping down of the crow’s sword. Refers to a bullet in the wrist of the crow feather, suffocating, the sword in the hand of the crow feather is out of the hand…

“In front of me… can’t be allowed to use force…”

The sound of ‘叮~’ is crisp, Sun Wukong’s two fingers are slightly hard, and the sharp sword is instantly folded into two pieces and dropped to the ground…

“You really are very powerful! Formidable makes me fear… and character, I am also very interested… Haha… Only a strong person like you can become the bud of my crow feather. ……”Crow feathers were made, not only without the slightest frustration, but more and more excited, the facial expression was red, and the eyes of watching Sun Wukong were extremely hot and crazy…

Sun Wukong’s formidable has deeply attracted her. Sun Wukong is not restricted by the secular, but her behavior is even more crazy. Only such a person is her perfect, the most beautiful aunt. ……

At this moment, the instigation in her heart is so intense, so intense that her whole body is burning like fire…

“You… really is what I am destined for… 苇 大 大 …… ” ” Finally, Crow Yu can no longer restrain the impulse of the heart, flew forward and kissed Sun Wukong directly…

When the time is shining, the white light shines, and the light feather flashes out in the crepe pattern. The thick icy sword is engraved with a terrible killing, like Demon from Awaken, amazing and terror…

“Well…very powerful!” The women in the Moon Sea are shocked and wide-eyed. If the beauty is feathered, it is so gentle, then the feathering of the crow feather is full of violence and berserk…not to be Sun Wukong suppressed, those terrible swords, I am afraid that the destruction of the surrounding area has long been shattered to shatter…

“… Is this the power that has been feathered? This feeling… is really fascinating!…”

“Crow feather… You are really cunning… Goku is obviously a big man of the family… No… I want to…”

The watched crow feather was feathered in front of himself, and finally it was no longer able to restrain the sigh of the heart, but also into the arms of Sun Wukong, and put on his own lips… in the dazzling light, light The feathers shine again…

“Oh~~ Since you are so enthusiastic, then… call my name… Fenghua… You will belong to me… Auntie buddha…” At this time, it was also red and beautiful, and came. In front of Sun Wukong, holding Sun Wukong’s face in both hands, his eyes are blind…

“Get out of here! Hey! Goku… What are you doing at the end? Let go of her!” At this point, the moon that has come back to the moon is finally shouting loudly. The number of people who compete for the position of the wife is already enough. The heart has suddenly appeared one after another, which is simply unbearable.

“It’s amazing! Goku, it’s already the eleventh feather, let’s do it!” It was a pair of eyes that were light, and a happy face urged.

“汝in the end, what are you talking about? It’s a newcomer… what a joke…”

“Being so supported, my heart is always a little nervous…唔hū hū~~” Fenghua Jiaoyan is red, his eyes are already fascinated, and his body is under his body, revealing the endless charm of Ki, a slight effort, it is to give Sun Wukong Pushed to the ground, Mei Xiang said: “Is it felt? My violent heartbeat…”

“Your formidable… your domineering… your full masculinity… and your heart to protect your own woman and do whatever it takes to do, I have already felt deeply… like you The people, what we need, the wind you blow into my heart, though domineering and arrogant, but unusually warm and reliable…”

Said, Fenghua is holding the face of Sun Wukong, bowed his head…

“When are you going to kiss! Bastard!” The two men who haven’t seen each other for a long time, the moon sea is finally starting to worry, and a wave of water, the pouring water column is pouring down to Sun Wukong… but it is a breeze Blowing away…

“hum hum… I am sorry… some are fascinated…”

“It’s really unfathomable… The burning sensation in the body… is slowly melting my thoughts about that person… but it’s so gentle and slightly domineering…hehe… I really thank you, I finally got rid of the old That love looks like…can meet you…it is really good…”

When you look at it, the enamel shines in the dazzling light, the soft breeze blows, and the light feathers flash out again…

“Oh… NO03’s style… She is really like me… Sun Wukong… It’s really an unfathomable person…” Shallow beauty watched the figure in the light, it seems to see the former self A soft smile.

The radiance is exhausted, revealing the perfect petite body, mature appearance, and some fascination. Looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes, full of tenderness: “鹡鸰NO03, admit that you are my axillary bud… then …new love… let us start this…”

“A new love? Hehe…” On the top of the delicate beauty, the same is a real and charming smile. Yes! In the past, we will all meet a new beginning.

The president of MBI, the screen of the watch in front of the eyes, no longer has the brain and the calm and calm, but instead becomes extremely dignified. In the eyes, there is a deep fear and fear.

Yes, he is afraid, Sun Wukong’s formidable is beyond his imagination, even the crows and the beautiful are not his enemy… Now even the crows and the beautiful are also feathered by him, and the knot In the body, there is also a presence that is no less than the existence of both of them… This terrible lineup is simply a nightmare… a nightmare that cannot be controlled…

“Why would it be like this… my plan, it shouldn’t be like this… Sun Wukong…don’t tell me Can this guy really feather any cockroaches?…can’t go on like this No… otherwise, even if I have an ‘artifact’ in my hand… maybe it is very dangerous… It’s really a terrible person…”

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