The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 36, second stage

On the way home…

The moon and the sea are on the sidelines…

“Don’t you say that you have had a relationship before? Why not get married with that person?”

“Ah! I really want to ask some troublesome children!” Fenghua was a little embarrassed: “Because I am awkward… The president’s heart already has a woman who has decided…”

“Ha?! President?!” Moon Hai suddenly stopped, and looked at the wind with a shocked look.

“President?!” She was finally stunned and looked at the past, and seemed to feel that she was wrong.

“President? Is that president? Hey… Is it normal?” Yuehai looked surprised at the watch.

“The links are all shocked!” The knot is watching and the eyes are wide open.

“What? Everyone is so awkward, what do you want to say?” The wind was red-faced, and the expression on the girls was somewhat uncomfortable.

“Oh… this kind of man’s interest makes people unable to understand this!” Yuehai shouted in surprise.

“But the result is still being smashed! But forget it…” Fenghua suddenly stepped forward and pressed Sun Wukong’s head to his fullness: “All the time has found one more than him. Tens of millions of men…”

“Rely! Why are you sneak attacking me!” Sun Wukong’s heart is ‘unhappy’ and swears, but his head is extremely enjoyable and gently smashed in the plump of plump.

“Ah! Your patience is limited! NO03! Let 汝 here solve you!” Moon Hai suddenly screamed, the whole body was surging…

“I will emphasize it again to you! Can talk to me like this, only NO01 and the president oh…” Fenghua’s facial expression, while at the same time, with the tenderness of Sun Wukong in the arms, looked at the past, micro Red face, some shy: “And… from now on, only one 苇 君 君!”

“Oh… it’s so good, I’ve forgotten the pain! It’s only a while… I’ve forgotten Goku’s warning…” The light is on the side but hey hey smiles, the two people watching, the gloating scene .

“Hey!” Fenghua and the Moon Sea stopped their bodies at the same time, and they all looked carefully toward Sun Wukong…

Ok, now Sun Wukong is looking happy and smashing his face in the fullness of the wind. Everything outside, he has seen it…

“Call… Moon and the wind are at the same time relieved.

“I said that both of you are going to tell Yunzhuang. When are you still arguing? If you are making Goku mad…we will not lighten both of you!” Mei Yan suddenly turned and looked Smiling watched the road behind the two women. The singular ghost face quietly emerges behind him, making the moon and the wind cool.

“Since Goku has said that he wants to live in peace… then…even!” Sun Wukong, who is watching in his arms, is red-faced and soft. My heart is another look: “Ah! Goku looks like this… it’s great! I really want to eat him!”

“Hey~ Both… Since Goku has said it… then there is no way…” Yue Haitong blushes, his face twisted, and his hands clasped his chest, very proud of the road: “That is a temporary truce !”

“Ah! Izumo has arrived… but I told you in advance… there is no room left empty…”

“Ah… it doesn’t matter! Pull a room with Goku…”

“Damn! You guys are really very hot!”

A group of people walked into the Yunyun Village in the quarrel of the moon and the wind…

On the other hand, the battlefield that just happened, after Sun Wukong and others left, it ushered in countless battle machines and began to clean the battlefield…

MBI President’s Office, Yuzhong Guangren Watching The report of this incident, Brows Deep Lock: “Two hundred and eight 12 people died… including three 12 name buds, Yuzi Shangyu, Bingyan Spring, Yizhigong Xialang… … I didn’t expect that they were all my favorite buds… I just died so inexplicably… I also had 46 people being eliminated… I was eliminated nearly half of this time, this Sun Wukong …is it terrible…”

“The person outside this exclusive control… is really a terrible threat…but since the situation has reached the current level, then the timing is ripe… It’s time to open the second stage of the plan… …and the stage, just in this new East Emperor…”

At the same time, the remaining buds of the emperor have received such a message: the lucky buds, the time is ripe, and the stage for you has been opened, from now on, if you don’t want to The beloved 鹡鸰 is separated, then try to hard to challenge other 鹡鸰 and 苇 buds! There is only one person who stands in the final victory, and he can take his own shackles and walk towards the sky, with the pattern that changes the destiny of the world…”

“However, on this thorny road of love, there is still a tiger blocking your way. He even feathered the NO01 that could not be feathered in the legend… The strength is strong, beyond imagination… …Young girls, can you live with your beloved, eternal life, then use your hands to cration… Haha~~ Also, I wish you good luck!”

The war between 鹡鸰 and , is finally coming at this moment…

On a deserted street, four almost forgotten people walked on the slightly run-down streets…

“Hey! What is this in the end? Don’t tell me Do we want to be with the monster of the previous kind?…” Satoki watched the information on the phone, scared and scared, face Full of panic and fear. Thinking of the terrible scene of the unfathomable before, he felt terrified, and yesterday he was just a general leader of the Ordinary Pass. Today, you asked me to fight with such a monster? God! If it is a dream, let me wake up!

“I…we really want to be like this kind of people?…” Saoqiao looked at the vertebral dish next to Jiali, and his tone was a little trembling. The feeling that Sun Wukong gave them was invincible!

“Āiyā! I thought it was the waste material… It turned out to be my son and daughter!” Suddenly a slapstick voice came, and a capable woman appeared in front of several people with a small horn. Behind her, there are more than a dozen heavily armed sergeants.

“Old… Mom?” Sasaki is extremely surprised at the woman in front of the watch, but at the same time it seems very speechless: “What! For a long time no see, the opening is like this… And why is the mother here? ”

“Ah~ that…what do you want to start from?…All of them, I didn’t tell you before, I work at a pharmaceutical company? Actually…I am lying to you…” Sagashi Yumi is very heartless. The way.

“What? Lie to me?!” Zuoqiao was deeply attacked, and he was deceived by his mother for so many years, saying that this mother has many best products!

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