The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40: Finishing the work

“The fate comes!” The youth drunk, the unprecedented death crisis made him crazy, an old robes, hunting with the wind, black hair, and his face was cold, he had to be desperate, Sun Wukong In this case, this person is terrible, and his chances are only once, even if he pays a big price, as long as he can win, he will not hesitate!

In his hands, the rule of the Excalibur is shining, from blood red to black, the blade is bright, and the murderous aura is flown, and the gods can fluctuate drastically.

The main source of the Aura industry has made this terrible fluctuation hundreds of times…

The terrible power made the whole world start to crash…


Aura’s source and the sword that is condensed with the power of the complete rules once again shines a stunning look, like a galaxy falling down, once again colliding with the terrible golden beam…

Outbreak of terrible power, world space layer to shatter…

“Oh… it’s so disappointing… I didn’t use it any more. I wanted to see what level you can hold on… I didn’t expect that even my layer of skill would be old. Life can’t resist it… forget it… that’s it…”

Sun Wukong shook his head with a little regret, and suddenly the force in his hand, the golden beam instantly skyrocketed, and the killing of the killing light was wiped out in an instant, and all the swords that the youth had exhausted would be scattered!

Immediately shattered in front of him, the law shield, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, never go ahead…

The young man was shocked. Perhaps he was destined to be bloody and even squatted, because the opposite enemy was almost invincible.

All of them are regular runes, in the autonomous Aura… and his spirit is also in Aura, ready to launch the most formidable potential, and die!

Just because he didn’t want to give up, because he still didn’t want to die…


Young people’s voices such as Jianming, let the void follow the resonance, his Aura body spirit, his own flesh and blood Aura got up, the rule of the sword is empty, Ki 滔天, launch the most terror blow! The rule of the sword goes forward and stands ahead…

“…Do you want to resist? Do you want to live? Unfortunately, this world is strong person… You fight for your own survival… I don’t think so…”

Sun Wukong’s face is solemn, not the slightest to keep in hand, the golden beam has skyrocketed several times in an instant, enveloped the wide expanse void… with the gesture of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to destroy everything in front…

This time, without the explosion of startling the heavens, the infinite swordsman was drowned by the golden beam of the day, piercing the void, breaking the layers of obstacles, flashing, running through the void…

The youth’s body was swept away by golden rays… The terrible power of destruction invaded his body, tearing his body and destroying everything…

In the dazzling golden beam, his figure dissipated a little…

In the end, there is only one source of this world that exudes eternal eternal…

When the source beads tremble, the light circulates, flashes, breaks into the void, and flees…

Unfortunately, the space here is forbidden. It hits a more powerful space enchantment and cannot enter a little bit…

Sun Wukong grabbed it in his hand, and a willing will erupted from it. Sun Wukong was unmoved, and the volatility in his hands swelled, and the last touch of thought in the source of the eraser.

“Hanging, finishing work…” Watching the source of this source, Sun Wukong could not help but smile. When the mind is moving, the source of the source is in the blink of an eye. It is the source of the source of the source of the sea.

The process of fusion and absorption has lasted for nearly three days. At this point, Sun Wukong became the new owner of this world in the world of the goddess…

“Sure enough… the fusion of the source beads in other worlds is also a way to enhance my understanding of the supreme rule… but unfortunately, it can only be promoted, but it is limited… it is impossible to advance to the highest rule… It seems that it is indeed To rely on the Dimension god beads, you can succeed at the fastest speed.

In the mind, Sun Wukong’s figure is in the air, and it appears on the ground… and everything around it, the house collapses, the bottom shell changes, the pits are smashed, there are magma jets from time to time, the sky is rolling, and there are lightnings falling from time to time. The thick blue smoke rises, the ruins, from time to time crying and mourning, this situation, like the end of the world…

And all of this is caused by the war between Sun Wukong and the Lord of this world…

“It’s really a weak world… Well, in the words, this is already my world…” Sun Wukong faintly shook his head, and when he was thinking, the gods read spread, the collapsed house stood up instantly, broken The ground was instantly restored as usual… The dead people stood up from the ground, they forgot the sorrow, forgot everything that happened before, and everything went back to normal as usual…

Back to my own world, the beauty of the United States, surrounded by Sun Wukong, especially the moon and other people, watching Sun Wukong’s eyes, just radiating the light of a wolf, just now, they are all in Bulma Under the broadcast, I can see clearly, the shock and excitement in my heart, they can hardly describe it in words…

I can only hold Sun Wukong tightly to vent my excitement at this time…

Full of affection, not to mention…

Two days have elapsed since the life of An Yi, Sun Wukong still left the world with her beautiful women and returned to the world that belongs to them, but they all know that the present world is already their aunt. Up…

It’s just this secret, only they know in their hearts…

At the moment, they are happy, because having such a strong arrogant bud, has changed the tragic fate of the shackles, they never have to worry about being separated from their loved buds.

Watching the ruins in front of you, the original Izumo-mura is no longer there. Mei Yan looked at Sun Wukong and smiled softly: “We still have to live here for a period of time. It seems that a place is inevitable…”

“I want to get back to Yunzhuang, you can’t think of it…” Sun Wukong snorted.

“You, this person, is really careful…” Mei Yan shook his head helplessly and smiled softly: “You are my only aunt of buds now… forget it, since you don’t like Yunzhuang, then Just get a house! Can’t you let us sleep on the street?”

“This can have…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, and with a light hand, a Chinese-style mansion was instantly in front of everyone.

“Wow! It’s a beautiful house! Go in and see!” Moon Hai and other women are attracted by the mansions in front of them, and they rushed in…

And the other axils and buddies of the Imperial Capital, also because of the information of the former Zhongzhong Guangren, have frequently launched a fierce battle…

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