The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 11: The Red Sun

“Naruto, are you at home?” At this point the door suddenly rang, and a man’s voice rang outside the door. Sun Wukong knows who is coming without guessing. There are no other people besides the three generations and Iruka who can see Naruto. And this voice is obviously not the three generations of the old man, then only the Iluka.

“鐜栬緵濂? you shouldn’t meet others now, still go back to my world ring! There is an old friend waiting for you!”

“World ring? Old friend?” 鐜栬緵濂?doubting watching Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong is a faint smile: “When you go, you will know.” After that, with a wave of his hand, he directly took Yu Xinnai into the world ring. Then patted the sleeping Naruto head, and the sleeping Naruto woke up.

“Naruto? You can’t open the door, I can go!” The voice of Iruka came again from outside the door. When I heard the sound of Iluka, Xiao Ming people suddenly climbed up and ran to the door with joy: “Islael teacher, Iruka teacher, you wait, I am here!”

“How do you open the door now? What are you doing at the end?” The door was opened, and Iruka came in and saw the beautiful girl paper in the room, suddenly stunned: “That… I… Is it the wrong place?” Saying, went out and looked at it: “No…”

“pu-chi ~~”

All the girls were teased by the silly of Iluka. Sun Wukong watching Iluka, smiled and said: “You are Iruka? Naruto, but often mention you!”

“You are the Sun Wukong adults mentioned by the three generations of adults? Hello, I am Iruka, Naruto thank you for your care.” Seeing Sun Wukong, Iruka鈥檚 expression suddenly changed to 360. How respectful it is to be respectful. The old three generations of the old man had spoken, and they also sent photos of Sun Wukong to them. When they met Sun Wukong, they were more respectful than the three generations. I heard that this person’s strength is quite terror, one is not good, the wood leaves will be destroyed, can he be disrespectful!

“Hey! You know me too! It seems that the ability of the three generations to pass the message is good! Sit down! We are going to eat!” Sun Wukong looked at Iluka.

“No… no, I just came to Naruto this week’s living expenses, and I have just taken office soon, there are still a lot of things to do, don’t bother you!” Iluka waved his hand and put a bag After the money was handed over to Naruto, after a few words, he and Sun Wukong and others screamed, and turned away! Don’t leave, no! There are so many sister papers here, can he stay? And the eyes of Iluka watching Sun Wukong feel great pressure!

“Okay! Everyone is coming to eat! Otherwise the food is cold!” At this time, the nephew came out with a plate of vegetables.

“Oh…oh…have dinner…have it…” Xiaoming people happily ran to the dinner table and sat down…

On the second day, Sun Wukong left Muye Village with his sister paper. Now that Uchiha has just been annihilated, Konoha has been in a warning form, and Kobe鈥檚 famous sister paper, such as Xi Rihong, has been assigned tasks. Sun Wukong has no chance to improve their feelings with them, so they have to leave temporarily. Because there are a lot of sister paper outside!

This is to let the three generations and others really loose their mouths, as long as Sun Wukong stays in the wood leaves for a day, they are afraid of a day. However, Naruto and Hiroshi are very reluctant to leave Sun Wukong and others. Sun Wukong originally wanted to bring Xiaotiantian, but after thinking about it, still gave up. First, the young field is still small, and the children always have homesickness; second, the story has not yet begun, Sun Wukong does not want to change the future story!

“Goku, where are we going now?” The crowd walked on the street, and Gui Lizi curiously told Sun Wukong.

“Walk around, anyway, nothing!” Sun Wukong faintly replied, but he remembered the white and fragrant phosphorus in the original work: “I don’t know if the white has been turned away? Phosphorus?”

Along the way, after a few hours, Goku and others are about to leave the area of 鈥嬧€婱uye Village. After passing through a jungle, I found a sound of fighting in front of me, everyone curious to find out…

“Who are you in the end, why have you come to my wood leaf borders three times and five times? Do you think that we have lost the Uchiha family?” An 17, 8-year-old girl looks angry in front of her. Five masked figures, but calm but calm. The other five people have the strength to endure, and there are several people lying on their sides, and there are only three people standing, and they only have the strength of Zhongren.

“Red, let’s go first! Let’s get some time for you, or we can’t walk alone!” A 20 old man shook hands with a sword, and his face was decided. It turned out that this beautiful and sexy girl is not someone else, it is the famous beauty of the wood leaves. As for the other two men, one is called Xiongyi, the other is called Xiuzao, and the white point is the two dragons.

“How can I leave my companion regardless of it! Everyone will hold on to it, Asma and Kakashi will arrive soon!” Xi Lihong said, while concealing a handprint.

“The third child, you still immediately solve them all! Time dragged for too long, I think their reinforcements are coming soon!” The leader of the other party embraced his chest with both hands, a touch of the road. That attitude obviously does not put the three people in the evening.

“Yes, Boss!” I saw only one of the five people, a thin, wretched man came out, his eyes staring straight at the red sun, sticking out his tongue and rubbing his hand in his hand, and the smile was overcast: I have to be very good at Peugeot. If I put it in peacetime, I really can鈥檛 bear to kill you, but now…”

When I only said half of it, I saw that his figure suddenly disappeared. When it appeared, it was behind Xiongyi, and the sword in his hand turned into a cold light, and he cut away from the neck of Xiongyi.

Xiong Yi was scared and widened his eyes, and he was sweating coldly. When he was in a hurry, he stooped to escape this fatal blow.

“Response is good!” The third child sighed with a cold sigh, and the sword in his left hand stabbed his heart again…

At this time, suddenly a sword was shot straight toward his face, and the third had to give up the attack and knocked out the shuriken. It turned out that Xihonghong shot a shuriken at this critical juncture and saved Xiongyi.

However, all this is nothing but a sham. When the third child just shot at the red sun, the mouth of the mouth hangs a sly smile. The figure flashes and suddenly appears behind the red sun. A handbrake is driving. Red neck: “The game is over, this is the difference between the endurance and the tolerance, beauty, advise you, oh, next life, don’t be a ninja battle higher than yourself!” said, the hand in hand The ruthless touch of the sword, accompanied by the exclamation of the male or two, the blood splash…

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