The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 26 Children’s Play

“I said! What are you doing at the end?”

“This still game?”

“What a joke… such a person can also enter the finals…”

In the field, suddenly, a lot of people threw out soda cans, banana peels and other rubbish, all in the body of Naruto and Lumaru…

“ahhh ~~ It’s really trouble! It seems that everyone is looking forward to the match of Sakata or Sasuke! I must be thinking about ‘troublesome ” really annoying’… oh, Naruto, since this battle is nothing. If people care, there is no need to fight in the future, right?” The deer pill, which has no energy, is even more motivated for everyone’s performance. The seal is about to let go of Naruto and prepare to surrender.

“I said! What are you thinking about this guy in the end? Give me a good game! So many people watch! So many people are watching us! Do you know how happy I am now? I only You don’t need to let it! I am a whirlpool Naruto! But to be a Huo Ying person! Give me the enthusiasm! Deer pill!”

The Naruto of angry yelled at the deer pill and closed his eyes…

“Hey! The stinky fox, lend me your strength!…”

“Oh! It’s really useless! Do you need my strength to deal with such an opponent? If so, that person is there too… I will lend you some strength…”

The red chakra was spread out from Naruto’s belly, and the hazard on his face was gradually enlarged, and his power suddenly increased suddenly… Under the restriction of the deer’s shadow mimicry, it was actually Struggling a little bit, moving up…

“This… this chakra is…” The three generations of facial expressions suddenly moved, but the watching still kept the sober Naruto, and it was relieved: “When is this guy, can you control the power of the nine tails?” ……”

“What is the red Chakra in the end? The power of Naruto suddenly increased… No, this power is too strong… I can’t control it… ahhh ~~ Forget it, just like this End it…” The deer’s facial expression suddenly changed, and the teeth controlled the shadow mimicry, but still couldn’t restrict the live Naruto. In desperation, I chose to give up.

His shadow imitation is a secret technique that cooperates with the team. On the singles, once you can’t restrict your opponent, the outcome is already divided!

In the end, the deer pill that gave up the test was kicked out by the Naruto…

For the brainless ninja of Naruto, the excellent mind of Lumao is no room for display… The result is over…

“But! Lumao! What are you doing in the end!” Although it has already won, it has made Naruto very unhappy.

“trouble is dead… Didn’t you have won this guy?… Besides, my shadow mimicry is useless to you, so there is no need to try it, isn’t it?” Lumao still doesn’t care. Waving his hand, in this way, in the embarrassment of countless people, he quit.

“The first match, the whirlpool Naruto won, then, the second contestant: Kanjiro and the oil girl are playing!”

“My game doesn’t matter…” After seeing his name, Kanjiro frowned: “And I don’t want to show the enemy hidden in the crow to the enemy before the plan is executed…”

After Kanjiro and the handcuffs looked at each other a little, after getting the other party’s nod, they immediately looked at the Xuanhuo. The loud voice: “Examiner… I abstain…”

“What?” More then I don’t know the color of surprise between the Xuan Huo, even the presence of all the revealed a trace of horror.

“I abstain, continue the game behind!” Kanjiro can still ignore the way others look at him, still the facial expression is calm.

“Abandonment? What a joke… Is this playing us?”

“What is this in the end? This is the beginning of the forbearance, don’t tell me is not a play…”

“Bastard! You are giving us a good game!”

For a moment, the scene suddenly sounded a scream, noisy scenes, even the voices of others were unclear…

“Hey! Forget it” I don’t know if Xuan Huo sighed at the moment, it seems very helpless: “Because Kanjiro abstained, the oil girl won without fighting!”

“But!” Listening to the noise and drinking around, the handcuffs snorted and snorted, pulling out the big fan that was not at the waist, waving the hurricane, and squatting on the fan. Slowly landed down the field…

“What are you doing?” I don’t know if Xuan Huo glanced at it and faintly said.

“It’s my turn to play? Let me go to the subordinates…” The handcuffs ‘jingle’, the iron fan that was put together on the ground, is very refreshing.

“It seems that you still have a heart station… is it a sand handcuff? Then please have another opponent, and show up to the young field!”

In an instant, there was a bang in the field. This time, it was not the sound of screaming, but the sound of cheering and anticipation…

The person who is present, in fact, the most want to see is the comparison test of the big black horse of the young field, and the only remaining orphan of Uchiha, the match of Uchiha Sasuke…

“Go… don’t hurt her…” Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly flashed next to the field, and gently licked her beautiful hair and smiled.

“Well!” Chen Tian blushes and nods. Lightly at the foot, it floated on the field like this! The elegant posture suddenly caused the applause of countless people.

“You are the day to the young field? I have done a lot of investigations for you… I have never been outstanding, suddenly in the second test of this test, I am very surprised, I am very sorry for you. Interests…” The handcuffs looked up and down a lot of fields.

“Hello! I am going to the young field, please advise!” Hsiao Tian red-faced, it seems a little nervous. The applause of countless people around her made her feel uncomfortable.

“So, the third match, start!”

“Forbearance, oh!”

As I did not know the words between the Xuan Huo, the handcuffs were lightly swayed, and the big fan in the hand slammed out. When the wind was raging, such as the sharp knives with the same handle, they smashed toward the young field in front of them…

Brows between the brows, the younger ones in the field, it is to avoid, the wind is like a terrible strangled blade with the same handle, and the trees behind it are scraped out of the cracks… for a moment, the broken limbs are flying, the leaves are falling ……

“Wind Shield Ninja?” Chen Tian whispered, his feet just landed, it was a palm shot: “Gossip… cracked palm!”

The terrible hurricane spurted out of her palms, sweeping all the way, even the ground, but also brought a long gap…

The facial expression of the handcuffs changed suddenly, and when Hsiao’s shot was taken, she discovered that the power of the other’s skill should be above her own…

“It seems that you can’t take time, you can only fight quickly…”

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