The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 29

“Big Snake Pills… Where are you going?” Sun Wukong was a little curious.

This seems to be a little different from the imagination! Your sister’s, you shouldn’t fight with the three generations of old men, and then turn to a generation of Huo Ying and the second generation of Naruto, and then all the seals of the three generations of corpse are sealed, and they have lost their hands… You are not seen now. Have you ever played cards like this?

“Butterfly effect is not allowed!” Sun Wukong gave a feeling of heart, but for him, it was only some accidents, but not in the slightest.

I glanced around and found that Sasuke was gone, and Naruto, but still lying on the steps not far away, hū hū sleep. As for Sakura, it has disappeared… And Asma is fighting with Maji… everything has changed a little…

Careful induction, Sun Wukong’s mouth can not help but hang a trace of laughter: “I said where the goods went, even gave up three generations, to help Sasuke … This Sakura, really no brains … … turned out I am with the past… With your skill, have you saved Sasuke? People say that they have no brains, and you don’t have a big chest!…”

“Goku! Sasuke him…” At this time, the women of Meiqin flashed at the side of Sun Wukong, which seemed a little anxious, but they did not dare to act without the approval of Sun Wukong.

“Well! I already know…” Sun Wukong nodded faintly.

See Sun Wukong did not say anything, although the Meiqin has some concerns, but still quietly waiting for aside. And Cinnamon’s gaze is stuck in the ground, hū hū, sleeping on the Naruto, and suddenly there is a kind of love and helplessness: “This stinky boy is really useless! Such a simple illusion Can’t solve it…” Saying, gone over…

“After all, it is an illusion idiot…” Sun Wukong was a faint smile. A few steps forward, I also walked to the side of Lumaru, and slammed my feet on his butt slightly: “I said your kid, when do you want to wear it?”

“Hey~light… lighter!” Lumao suddenly exclaimed, bouncing from the ground, the action of the ass was not funny, and at the same time, it looked a little embarrassed: “hey hey ~~ was discovered… ”

“This… What is going on? Hey… Hey? Who are you?” Naruto, who just woke up, looked confused.

“Now is not a time of doubt…” Chen Xinnai was softly smiling. Although there were a lot of words to talk to Naruto, but still restrained the impulse of the heart, stood up and returned to Sun Wukong. .

“Ah! Big brother Goku! What is happening here?” Naruto, who just woke up, saw Sun Wukong and was overjoyed and asked quickly.

“Well! In short, it is the wood leaves that have been attacked. Well, there is not much nonsense. Naruto, Lumaru, now I will give you an A-level mission to chase the team I loved to escape.” ……”

“A-level mission? I am going to visit me!” Naruto suddenly looked extremely excited, but looked around, very confused: “That, Sakura and Sasuke?”

“They…have their own mission…you are going to complete your own mission with Lumao now!” said Sun Wukong looking towards Kakashi on the side: “Kakashi…Tracking things, Just trouble you…”

“Goku adults…the team is nothing but sand, and there is no need to chase it?” Kakashi said hesitantly.

“You have to go! And you have to be a Naruto… I love Luo, and I have a look at Naruto.” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Like me? Don’t tell me that I love Luo too…” Naruto suddenly surprised and widened his eyes, and immediately looked at Kakashi with great gaze: “Kakashi teacher, this task is handed over. give it to me!”

Kakashi brows and wrinkles, think about it, and finally still sighs, psychic out of Parker: “Although I don’t know what your intentions are… But I believe you will not do useless planning… Parker, tracking Things, it’s trouble you…the sand there, the smell you want to pursue the target…”

“Teach me!” Parker jumped to the playing field, smelled the smell left in the yellow sand, and returned to the side for a few days: “The smell has been locked, it seems that they have gone a lot of time.” , we stepped up, two little demon, hurry up!” said, Parker jumped out directly…

“Wait for me!” Naruto shouted and followed.

“It’s really trouble! Why is it me?” Lumao didn’t work hard, but he was very helpless and had to follow up.

“So! Let’s go to Sasuke to see it… I will teach you here…” Sun Wukong nodded to Kakashi, and with a few Meiqin, disappeared at the same time, and disappeared with it. There are also young fields and evening sun.

When it reappeared, it was in a dense jungle, presented in front of a few people in Sun Wukong, but it just happened to see the big snake pill stretched out of the neck, biting in the neck of Sasuke…

And Sakura, it is lying on the ground, covered with clay, very embarrassed, apparently fainted…

“Zuo… Sasuke… Damn… It’s late…” Watching Sasuke’s curse at the neck, and the painful color of his face, the beautiful expression of the violin is changed, in an instant, full of anger: “Bastard! I kill You…””, in the drink, Meiqin raised his hand, ‘ka-cha’, the space of the big snake pill was instantly shattered, accompanied by a scream, the half body of the big snake pill was instantly smashed…just At a critical juncture, he was still a flash, and escaped a fatal blow…

“Space and Time Ninjutsu?! You…in the end who is it?!” In the eyes of the big snake pill, suddenly filled with deep horror, unbelievable, the other hand to make a move, it made him hit hard! This made him understand that the gap between the two is not a star or a half.

“Stop it! Meiqin…” Seeing that Meiqin is going to kill the big snake pill, Sun Wukong has hurriedly stopped her.

Meiqin’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and although her heart was angry, she stopped her hand.

“Oh ~~ Big Snake Pills… I escaped the first time, I don’t know, can you escape the second time?” Sun Wukong looks at the tranquil and calm watch.

“Sun Wukong! Hehe… your formidable, and really exceed my imagination… the people next to me are all terror… but this time your opponent is not me, but they…”

In the strange laughter of the big snake pill, the figure of the pocket suddenly appeared beside the big snake pill, leaving only one hand of the big snake pill, borrowed from the right hand of the pocket, quickly printed, two coffins suddenly in the ground rising……

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