The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 36—Uchiha

“The big snake pill! Your courage is quite big! Is it not enough for me to learn from me before? I dare to run here to make trouble…” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the second generation of Huo Ying.

“hum hum 哼~~Sun Wukong… I admit that you are very fordable…but now…what can you endure with me?” In the mouth of the second generation, the words of the big snake pill were extremely arrogant.

“Can you resist you? Hehe~~ interesting…” Sun Wukong’s mouth suddenly showed a strange smile: “As the saying goes, if you don’t die, you won’t die…” Saying, the mind is moving, a hint of thought goes into In the eyebrows of the second generation of Huo Ying…


In the cave of a jungle in the remote, the big snake pill suddenly made a scream of screams, and now a mouthful of blood spurts, the facial expression is pale as paper…

“Sun…Goku…” The big snake pill squinted at his eyes, his eyes filled with deep horror, and his eyes closed immediately, and he fainted directly…

After this battle, the soul of Dashe Pill was seriously damaged. It seems that in the future, it can only be walked by people…

“The big snake pill adult…” In the hole, suddenly the voice of the pocket is full of anxious shouts…

“What did you do?” Watching suddenly made a scream, and in the silent second generation of Huo Ying and the original generation of Huo Ying, he suddenly opened his eyes and was full of curiosity.

“Just give the snake a little lesson that’s all… Now that the first and second generations have lost control, if they want to seal them, hurry!” Sun Wukong turned to look at the three generations, a touch of faint. Immediately afterwards, he looked at the shadow of the god of death behind him and said: “But this god of death is really ugly!”

“You… can you see?” The three generations of old man suddenly widened their eyes.

“Oh… do you think that only the dead talent can be seen?…” Sun Wukong watching three generations, but it is a faint smile.

“You…it’s not simple…” The three generations of old men suddenly sighed, and looked at Sun Wukong deeply. They immediately looked at the past and said: “It’s also… you are the most proud of me. The disciple… Next’s Konoha… just ask for it…”

“Hey! What do you want to give to me? The old man, what are you talking about in the end?” The brows were frowned, and a bad premonition rose.

“My time is not much… I can’t delay it… Next, I will ask you… Come on…” Then, the three generations of old men sighed lightly at the moment: “The corpse is sealed!”

The voice just fell, the invisible big hand of Death is slowly coming out, reaching into the chest of the first and second generations of Huo Ying, pulling out their souls a little bit…

“Hey fly! I am embarrassed… I have added trouble to you…” The soul of the first generation of Huo Ying was pulled out a little, watching three generations, not to sigh, and immediately sealed with the second generation of Huoying in the body of death… The souls of the three generations of old men were also taken away together, and the body slowly fell down…

“Teacher! Teacher! This… What is this in the end?!” The three generations who have no life, but they are blind, are unbelievable.

“He used the same ninjutsu as the four generations of Naruto seals, and the ending is already doomed…” Sun Wukong faintly returned, but turned and left here…

“How come…” I was shocked and stunned.

Not far away, Sun Wukong suddenly flashed four figures like Xiang Pho.

“You can save three generations… Why not save?” 玖辛奈 watching Sun Wukong, whisper.

“That’s the road of his own choice… Why should I stop it… Then again… If it breaks the rules of the game, it’s not fun…”

“game?” Watching Everything in front of you, Yan Xinna shook his head helplessly: “Are you so bored? It’s really like your style…” said, with the women like Xiangxiang Pho followed Sun Wukong’s footsteps…

Near time, whole wood leaves are full of sad anger. The whole wood leaves become ruined. Can not bear, not to mention, even more sad, they lost the three generations of Naruto adults they have been loving…

After the end of the three generations of funerals.

Wood leaves, above the tens of meters high wall, two dressed in black trench coats, engraved with clouds, wearing a brawling man watching under the broken and rebuilt wooden leaves, the expressions are different.

“Although it is free from destruction, but the loss is also great… The village that once flourished is now like this, it is pathetic…”

“This is not like you! Even if you are, do you still have a memory of birthplace?”

“No… not at all…” The man’s voice was indifferent and slowly looked up, but it was a pair of scarlet three-hook jade writing round eyes.

“There is a terrible existence that even the one who has suffered a big loss… You suddenly ran here, in the end, what do you want to do? Are you afraid that the person will kill us?”

“If you are afraid…can go first…” The man wrote a pair of scarlet writing wheels, and I didn’t know what to think.

“Afraid? It’s ridiculous! I haven’t been afraid of anyone in my sneaky…” The man on the right suddenly sneered with arrogance and said, “And, I am also very kind to the person who made the big loss for that guy.” Is it curious…”

“It won’t disappoint you…”

“Oh?” The ghost man suddenly looked at the man next to him and looked at him. “Even you are so evaluation to that person? Hey! It seems that the guy is not simple! You look for him, what is it for?” ?”

Listening to the conversation between the two people, it is not difficult to hear who the identity of the two is, sneaky and Uchiha!

“I have one thing to confirm…” The tone was dull, and the wood leaves under the watch were somewhat indifferent.

“What is it, let you take such a big risk?” Ghosts suddenly looked at the astonished pilgrimage.

“It’s none of your business……”

“Oh… it’s really like your style! But as long as there is a fight! It doesn’t matter…”

“Don’t provoke him… Otherwise, you will die…” He suddenly turned his head and his eyes were extremely serious.

Ghosts suddenly surprised and widened their eyes: “You will show such an expression… It’s rare… I’m more and more curious about that person…”

鼬facial expression tranquil and calm looked at the sneaky glance, but it was not a word: “Go!” said, jumping forward, it is toward the wood leaves below…

The thick fog is emerging, but it covers the door to the village of Muye…

The sound of the silk bells is clear and sweet, and the sly and sneaky walks slowly toward the door of the wooden leaves…

“That… that…” The ninja watching the goalkeeper ignored the two of them, just want to say something, just watching 鼬 suddenly turned his head, it was the brain stunned, immediately, fainted.

The two walked in slowly like this… In the fog, occasionally a crisp and pleasant bell rang…

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