The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40, a light blow

“Ah! Goku!” In the distance, the red watching in the distance is Sun Wukong, which is wrapped in black flames. Now it is scared to be eclipsed, and the voice is exclaimed and exclaimed. I wanted to rush forward without hesitation, but I was just taken by Asma.

It is rumored that the fire of the sun is called the strongest physical attack, and all the thing Aura can be exhausted, and the sky blaze will burn out the captured target to be extinguished.

However, at this moment, Sun Wukong was completely shrouded by the raging fire. This terror scene, not to mention the red, even Kakashi is moving, the eyes of the jade turn, has opened the kaleidoscope, ready to display their own Shenwei came to save Sun Wukong.

However, Kakashi was suddenly stunned, and Eyes was the boss, the unfathomable color: “How… How could it be… The fire of the sky… It was useless to him…”

“This is your sunshine? I remember you used it to me before…” Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm came out in the raging black flame, although Aura was raging black, but even his A hair can’t burn!

“How… How could it be… Tianzhao didn’t work for him? What kind of monster is this guy in the end?!” The sneaky watching was burned by black inflammation, like Sun Wukong, who was nothing but a shocked stunned. He is extremely clear, the sky is terrible!

“Call… nothing to do…” Watching the innocent Sun Wukong, the red is really relieved. Colleagues are also shocked, although she does not know how terrible the sun shines in the end, but there are legends about it that have been heard, but this is said to be nothing but the sun shining, even to Sun Wukong can not afford the slightest The effect is simply unbelievable.

“Sure enough…still is useless…” There was no surprise in his face, which was as early as he expected.

“It’s really a frightening guy… Isn’t it even useless to him?” On an old tree not far away, White’s eyes are on a tree trunk, and the eyes are full of shock. The color.

“It seems…we can only use the last resort…” His eyes calmed and he clearly felt the horror of Sun Wukong, but he did not bring him fear or fear. In the eyes, he had an inexplicable light. Flashing…

In the heart of the mind, the raging chakra is more and more turbulent, covering the body of Suzuki, gradually becoming materialized to form a mighty armor, ten swords, and more It is Aura’s raging flame, and the fearful aura is filled with openness. At this moment, it is necessary to become a Perfect Form. It seems that he is going to use his last chakra to die. Up…

“Perfect Form’s sufficiency…hehe… It looks like it’s very resistant…” Watching this tall and mighty saga in front of it, Sun Wukong’s mouth is a touch of faint Smile, and his small body standing in front of the tall Suzuki, but it seems so small. It’s just that people present are not aware that this small body is a terrible force that destroys the world…

“Just… can you afford me a light blow…” Sun Wukong’s figure slowly floated up and looked at the beggar who was protected by it, faintly said: Don’t be insta-kill by my gentle punch!”

Speaking, the figure flashed, but it was a punch to the tall saga that could be slammed…

A giant shield suddenly stood in front of it, and Sun Wukong punched it on the giant shield…

“Touch ~~~”

A startling the heavens roared, and the people present were shocked to see that the tall body that was completely out of proportion with Sun Wukong suddenly fell off the ground and then flew straight out…

“Boom ~ ~”, fell to hundreds of meters away, shocked a huge hole, and even the ground shook a bit… the sky was full of smoke, for a moment, covering the line of sight…

“This…this…this…” Such a violent picture, but shocked Kakashi and others opened their mouths, and finally a while could not speak. Is this really human can?

“Hey! This shield is quite solid! It didn’t break down…” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, floating above the top of Saskatchewan’s head, and watching the cracked shield on the face, could not help but smile.

鼬facial expression pale as paper, bleeding in the corner of the mouth, which crashed from a few hundred meters away, almost moved with his internal organs, if there is no need to protect the body, I am afraid that more then so a little hurt. It’s just that you have to be covered with cracks, and you’re near the edge of the crack…

Shaking some faint heads, swaying and standing up, looked at Sun Wukong: “You are really strong… stronger than that guy… If it is you… surely can stop everything… …”

“Oh? Is this your purpose?” Sun Wukong looked at the camera in an unexpected pilgrimage. He didn’t expect that he would express his thoughts on his heart and wanted him to stop it.

“You should know all my truth… After all, at the time… you are there…” 鼬watching Sun Wukong, a faint road.

“hey hey ~~ seems to know the secrets of extraordinary…” White couldn’t help but hey hey smiled, and at the corner of his mouth, there was a glimpse of ecstasy.

“Hey! Jumping the clown, don’t give me any trouble here!” However, Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head and looked at the place where Bai was absolutely there. When he was, raging black Aura, the fire was skyrocketing, but it was between the moments. In the wood where the white is located, in an instant, Aura is exhausted, and a black hole is opened 100 meters away…

The people present were all shocked.

“This… this don’t tell me is also a daylight?!” Kakashi and others suddenly widened their eyes, and they were shocked by the sudden move of Sun Wukong.

“Well?!” Away from the hundreds of miles away, a dark cave suddenly felt like a brow, and the brow suddenly wrinkled.

“What’s wrong? Absolute!” The mask man looked at him with a faint look.

“The whites that follow them are…have been wiped out…”

“Is it… Is there any information?”

“I didn’t get any information about the white feedback…”

“…It seems…is what Sun Wukong is doing…the appearance of this person…we have really brought us a lot of trouble… It seems that we have to collect the tail beast quickly…”

“She… is it okay?” Watching Sun Wukong suddenly appeared a terrible black inflammation, and his eyes were filled with a shocking color, and immediately returned to calm, watching Sun Wukong faint. The slightest fluctuation in the eyes is a flash.

“Oh? What do you seem to know?” Sun Wukong looked at the accident with some ecstasy.

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