The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 48—The Death of the Pocket

I took a blood-sucking pill from my arms and stuffed it into my mouth. I immediately got my own blood, picked up the left hand of the big snake pill, and stroked it on the wrist of his wrist. The palm is shot above the ground, and the formation instantly extends out of his palms: “Psychic!”


The white smoke is pervasive, and a huge snake appears in the field in an instant, above the head, standing on the shoulder and the big snake pill.

“Go! Give them all to eat!” The big snake pill coldly smiled. With the sound falling, the serpent swims, but it is smashing toward the place where the three women are in the evening, for a moment, earth and stone rolling…

“Red Teacher!” Hsiao Tian suddenly became shocked, but the golden sand wave has already rushed to her…

“Damn! It must be quick and fast…” The field’s facial expression suddenly became extremely dignified: “You can only use the trick that Goku brother taught me…” When I talked, I saw the young girl with one hand and one wave. Above the right hand, there is a light sword in the blink of an eye. Above the lightsaber, there is a layer of ecstasy, and in this light, there is some rule in pregnancy. The entrainment of faint annihilation of Ki, it seems that can destroy the world’s living things…

“Touch!” The head of the serpent slammed down, suddenly breaking the mountain and breaking the rock, silent and screaming in the evening, was swept away by a huge repercussions…

And the pocket is to see the right time, leaping forward, palms above, Chakra blade emerges, flying across the chest of the fast-falling red sun…

Xiahong was shocked at the moment, and now it is too late to be printed. It can only reverse the body and lean back slightly, avoiding the Chakra scalpel in his pocket…

Immediately ‘touch’, fell to the ground, just wanted to stand up, the facial expression suddenly changed, ‘pu-chi ‘a mouthful of blood spurted, the eyes showed a thick and shocking color: “How come… I have just avoided it… Not good… Myocardium has been split… What is Ninjutsu?!…” In the midst of a big change in the facial expression, the more difficult it is to breathe…

“Chakra scalpel… This is my own ninjutsu… It can save people… It can also kill people…” Stand in front of the evening sun, a smug look: “Now you, myocardium Has been cut off… Soon the heart will stop… During this time, you will slowly enjoy death…”

“Oh… hateful… Goku… you are in the end…where…” The consciousness of the evening red is gradually blurred…

And the pocket, but it has already been flashed, not far away, a face of fear and helpless the hand to kill and go…

“The master of the hand…” Silently shocked the moment, the silver needle in the hand flew out, but it was a few of the pockets to hide, and the shuriken in the hand was ruthlessly stalking the heart of the hand. And go…

“Outline master!” Silent exclaimed, rushed a sneak block in front of the hands, ‘pu-chi’, blood splash, the sword in his hand has ruthlessly pierced the silent left shoulder In a moment, the blood stained the clothes.

“Oh… hateful…” The mute body suddenly fell to the ground.

“Quiet…mute…!” Watching the mute, the hand Eyes tightened instantly, and the trembling hand lifted up a little. She was faintly struggling with fear in her heart: “Move! Give I am moving!…”

“Hey! Bored feelings… can only become a hindrance… so useless, it is worth your life to protect?” I watched and muffled under my feet, looking disdainful, looking at the hand at the moment, but It’s a ridiculous expression: “It’s ridiculous… Is this one of the three tolerances in the legend? It’s really disappointing! Originally… I still want to have a good time for you… Now, you give I am going to die… and then…become a pawn of the great snake pill… for him, heal the wound…”

Said, the dagger in the hand did not hesitate to stab the heart of the hand: “Farewell… the princess…”


The earth shook, and immediately the scream of ‘ah’ came out, a big foot suddenly emerged out of thin air, and then stepped on the head of the pocket, and the sound of ‘砰’ directly fell into the ground, immediately ‘ka-cha’ sounded like the sound of watermelon cracking, red and white things emerged in the hole, the body of the pocket violently shakes for a moment, finally stood still…

“Sun…Sun Wukong!” When I saw the coming, the big snake pill was in a moment of horror, and there was a deep horror on the face. Without any hesitation, I rushed out of my arms and prepared a roll. The reverse psychic summons the scroll, after a burst of ‘砰’, the figure disappears directly…

“Hey! I still want to leave you a life, but I don’t know how to be good…” Sun Wukong’s facial expression is ugly, and the gentle and calm lifted his head and stepped his head into the right foot of the ground. Cannot bear into the eyes, he is actually a foot to the head of the pocket to smash.

“Goku…Adult…” Silently struggling to sit up from the ground, Sun Wukong hurriedly picked her up and said, “Don’t talk…”, the white light in his hand, shining on her wound, in an instant It is already intact.

“This…this is?!…” The silence was suddenly shocked by Sun Wukong’s medical technique. Immediately, I suddenly thought of the red sun, and now I exclaimed: “Ah! Red… Fast… Fast Go save the red…”

Sun Wukong nodded, her body flashed, and immediately appeared next to the red sun, feeling her extremely weak heartbeat, but her brow was a wrinkle, and the fluorescent light appeared in her hand, directly into her chest, in an instant, in the evening The red and pale facial expression is restored to ruddy.

The beauty slowly opened, watching Sun Wukong, the evening red obvious was stunned: “You guy, in the end ran there? I thought I would die this time…” Some hearts have a lingering fear.


However, at this time, a fierce roar suddenly sounded, and Sun Wukong turned around and looked at it, but it just happened to see the young bird flying in the waves of countless golden sands, and then the sword in the hand waved, the sword was spewing, it was a sword. Together with the four generations of shadows and the absolute defenses he formed, they were cut in half…

The sky and gold sand suddenly lost all the power, crashed into the ground, the ground is a shock… and the body of the four generations of wind and shadow is a little gone, until there is no trace…

“The young… The young field is actually… will it be so strong?!” The red sun was stunned, but it was four generations of shadows! Still unrecognized living beings reborn by the earth, I was killed by a young sword, I am not dreaming?

“Well? I actually used the magical power that I left to protect her in her body… Also, the earth is reborn, and for the current young field, only this means can be eliminated…”

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