The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Please don’t ignore me in the fifth 12 chapter

Above the sea, a large ship sailed above the sea. Sun Wukong put his head on the rounded legs of the young field, watching the busy three-player and the director and others, and the snow that had already entered the show. Paint the princess. At the corner of my mouth, I couldn’t help but show a faint smile: “This girl started to be unwilling to do so. I didn’t expect to enter the role of acting, and immediately brought it into the role… great!”

“Well… Miss Snow Painting is really amazing…” Chitian sat on a soft mat with his legs on Sun Wukong’s head, gently pinching his shoulders and softly.

An assistant watched Sun Wukong’s appearance as a grandfather, and his brow suddenly wrinkled and came to the director. He whispered: “Director, can the two people really protect our safety? You see They look like a ninja’s consciousness… I think they came to take the opportunity to play…”

“Don’t say… The five generations of Huo Yingda have already guaranteed… this person, but they have the strongest ninja in the wood leaf… there is protection for him, absolutely no fault…” The director suddenly glanced at the assistant and warned: “After Not allowed to talk nonsense…”

The sky is gradually darkening… The starry sky at night is extraordinarily bright. Sun Wukong walked out of the cabin and watched the lonely figure on the plywood, but smiled a little: “For this embarrassing trip, you seem to be very resistant…”

“Don’t talk to me…you guys of this troublesome…” Snow painted his head and glanced at Sun Wukong, snoring and turning his head, not paying attention to him.

Sun Wukong smiled a little, did not know how to focus on him, slowly came forward, came to a place not far from her, watched the starry sky at night, faintly said: “Don’t be afraid! I will protect you. ……”

“…” The snow-painted body trembled a little, but it was coldly snoring: “Who…who is afraid…who wants you to protect…”

“Oh… don’t you be afraid? That’s a good thing…” Sun Wukong smiled and said: “This trip, I think, will be very exciting, right…” Sun Wukong blinked at the snow. The tone is another turn, said: “The night is deep, hurry back to your room to go to sleep… Otherwise, if you encounter a ghost, you can trouble…” said, got up and walked toward his cabin. .

“Hey…what are you scaring about?” On the face of the snow painted, there was a trace of disdain. At this time, suddenly a cold wind blew, it seemed a bit smoldering… Snow painting could not help but fight a cold war, watching the dark sea, my heart could not help but burst into a hair, my heart suddenly annoyed: “Awful guy… I was so scared of me… oh… what the ghosts are… I am not afraid…” said, the snow painted tightly, but it was back in his cabin…

And Sun Wukong went back to his cabin and watched the baby field that had fallen asleep in bed. Hey hey smiled, and there was only one big crotch in the moment, and he got into the bed.

“Enlightenment…Goku brother…” Hsiao Tian was shocked and opened his eyes. After seeing Sun Wukong, the facial expression instantly became blood red…

“Sleep and sleep!~” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled, holding the young field, closing his eyes…

The next day, early in the morning, Sun Wukong was awakened by an exclamation. Open your eyes and watch the young fields in your arms, you can’t help but smile: “Brothers have been holding you for a night, but what a shame! Hurry up and see what happened outside…”

“Well…” Chen Tian passed the red face, and if it was a mosquito, he hurriedly dressed his clothes and sorted it up for Sun Wukong. The two went out at the same time.

Watching the plywood is full of people, can not help but ask: “What happened? Early in the morning, called spring!”

“No…not… our way is blocked…” an assistant immediately explained.

“Director, what should we do now?” Some people look at the director.

Sun Wukong, regardless of others, came to the forefront of the ship’s board with the young field, and watched the white snowy mountain in front of him. The corner of his mouth could not help but smile: “This is… interesting…”

“Goku brother… what’s wrong?” Hsiao Tian immediately doubted.

“Be careful, our enemies will appear soon…”

“Is the enemy? I know…” Youngfield’s facial expression nodded solemnly.

The big ship slowly landed, everyone after one by one landed, the so-called drama, immediately started shooting…

It’s just that the play hasn’t been halfway through. It’s a loud noise, but it’s a big jump.

“what happened?”

“Everyone…Welcome to the country of snow…” A man was born in the snow of smoke, and the look of the chest and the chest with his hands on his chest was extremely confident.

“Welcome! Princess Snow, have you brought the hexagonal crystal?” A woman appeared on a white pointed stone at the same time.

“hum hum ~~ actually sent only two Konoha ninjas, one of them, just a little girl with a creamy smell, haha… you… are you too small to see us…” At the same time, A big fat man came out from the snow not far from the snow painted, and looked at Sun Wukong and the young girl, it looked very disdainful.

“He…they are…” The three-family financial expression suddenly changed.

“Hey… don’t want to die, give me back to the boat!” Sun Wukong watching the group of assistants, a touch of the road. Then I looked at the young field: “You protect the safety of those little donkeys, they give it to me!”

“Yes! Goku brother!”

“Are you going to be alone, face the three of us? Hehe… Are you too arrogant? The wind blows… the freezing rain… The snow is handed over to you… this person… I am going to deal with… …” As the words of the avalanche of the wolf have just fallen, the winter snow that has been closest to the snow painting is a flash of body shape, and it has already launched an attack on the snow painting…

“Little Snow Princess!” The three-fashioned financial expression suddenly changed, and the moment exclaimed.

However, “pu-chi!” accompanied a scream, blood splashing, Sun Wukong’s figure did not know when it was already in front of the winter bear freezing rain, and his right hand, but has easily penetrated him Chakra’s armor, the bloody non-stick right hand, is from his back heart… The blood slips from the wound, the snow, but it has been dyed red…

And the winter bear has a big eyes with frozen rain, and already Ki has nothing…

“All said… your opponent is me… please don’t ignore me… okay?” Sun Wukong grinned at the crane wing and the amphora. It’s just this laugh, but it’s so cold that both of them are cold…

“You…in the end…who?!”

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