The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 67—Wind and Yarn Rain

Just came to the door, Sun Wukong just felt a black shadow appearing in front of him, but it was followed by a fragrant smell, and a delicate petite body suddenly slammed into his arms.

“Yes, a sister paper…” Watching her short sleeves in her arms, her head completely covered by a black mask, only revealing a pair of eyes, but it was a small accident.

With his skill, it is a breeze to avoid the person who is hitting him. However, after discovering that the other party is a sister paper, he naturally gave up the dodge… As for the purpose, you know…

The masked girl watched Sun Wukong, her eyes flashed a flustered, struggling to push open to him, but it was a scream, touching the wound on her body, and the blood was stained with the left shoulder of her right hand.

“You are hurt…” Sun Wukong’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and the masked girl, though fierce, couldn’t stop Sun Wukong’s view. Watching this tender and pure beauty, always give him a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it. It just didn’t seem to be a very careful role before, so he also momentarily couldn’t remember who this woman is.

“嗖嗖~~~” However, at this time, suddenly countless shuris flew toward Sun Wukong like raindrops…

Sun Wukong facial expression is dull, watching the bitterness of the flying, like nothing…

“Get rid of it!” However, the girl in his arms was exclaimed at the moment. This product will not be scared, right? Still knowing that I can’t hide, want to take me as a human target?

Suddenly in the heart of the suspicion, but suddenly saw, a woman behind Sun Wukong suddenly flashed, when in front of Sun Wukong, gently play the flute in his hand, the magic sound turned into a road spread, instantly will be that Countless shurikens were shot down on the ground…

During the fluctuations of the magic sound, spread to a few ninjas not far away, suddenly made a scream, painfully grabbed his head, fell to the ground and screamed again, for a moment, no sound…

“She is… more than?” Then the people around him…don’t tell me is…not good! Quick withdrawal!” In the jungle in the distance, several figures suddenly became shocked, and a light drink, The figure flashed at the same time and disappeared instantly. Listening to their tone, it is obviously a lot of recognition, and thus recognizes Sun Wukong! Then the identity of this group of people is already obvious.

“little girl …… your mind is not pure! Brother saved you! Oh, you suspect that I will take you as a target…” Watching the girl in her arms, Sun Wukong smiled and smiled.

“I didn’t have it…” The girl’s tone seemed very weak. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she exclaimed: “You…how do you know what I am thinking about…” The words have not been finished yet, Suddenly awakened, hurriedly covered his mouth with both hands, but it touched the wound again, and once again, the facial expression was pale.

“Since I am injured, don’t tamper with it…” Sun Wukong shook his head and reached for a black mask that she wore on her head. Suddenly, a long hair was scattered, revealing a very cute and quiet face.

“You…what do you do…” The girl suddenly became shocked and stunned. She looked very nervous: “You… you know… do this… but it is very rude…”

“What kind of courtesy is rude… everything that brother does, that is reason!” Sun Wukong is very dominering hum hum, the fluorescence in his hand, in an instant, is to completely cure the injury on the girl.

“This…this is…” The girl suddenly stunned and widened her eyes.

“I saved you… I don’t have a thank you, it should be you!” Sun Wukong watching the girl in front of me, faintly smiled.

“Ah! Sorry… thank you for saving me…” The girl suddenly blushed and bound herself to introduce: “My name is wind and rain…”

“Wind and the rain of the wind…a little image…” Sun Wukong sighed and immediately searched the brain for a message about her, and immediately: “It turned out to be her…”

“Wind demon…will not be a wind demon family…” The red eyes in the evening could not help but show a hint of surprise. Looking at the wind and the rain, said: “Can you tell us why those people are going to chase you?”

Wind magic yarn raining watching three people, looked at the hotel again, the bloody scene, suddenly shocked, full of vigilance, hesitated.

“Those people… I know… they are the people of Yin Rencun…” The one who is on the side is also saying: “Although I don’t know what they are trying to catch this girl, but the big snake pill has been hit by Goku. After the injury, the soul was seriously damaged and was suffering at all times. Therefore, I searched for countless sacrifices and used the ban to continue my life… In the event of taking Sasuke… The hidden place of the snake snake was from the village of Yin Ren Not far…”

“Sacrifice… Sacrifice?! How could it be…” The wind and the gauze heard the words of the more, but instead they were shocked and wide-eyed. It seemed to think of the terrible possibility of Sun Wukong, and all of them began to tremble.

“Is it worried about your cousin?” Sun Wukong watching, the wind and the rain, shook his head, said: “Then you still be mentally prepared! Follow the big snake pill, really looking for the rhythm of death! That guy is a Metamorphosis plus monsters, love to do research, your cousin is not dead, I am afraid that has become a person, ghosts are not ghosts, has long been a victim of the hands of the big snake pill …”

“How… how could this be… no wonder the wind and rain brother… he never went home… difficult…don’t tell me… really…” After listening to Sun Wukong, the wind and the gauze suddenly lost their eyes. Tears could not stop and stayed.

“You guys… can’t you talk a little better?” On the evening of the day, dissatisfied looked at Sun Wukong, and looked at the wind and the rainy road: “Reassured, things are not in despair before they are confirmed.” … isn’t it? Your cousin, it will be fine…”

“Really… Really?” The wind and the rainy eyes suddenly lit up, full of hope.

“Fake, your cousin is dead…” Sun Wukong poured a cold water without mercy.

In a word, I suddenly cried the wind and the rain.

“呃~” Xihonghong suddenly smashed down, although Sun Wukong is not mad, but for Sun Wukong’s understanding, since Sun Wukong has been so entangled, then the truth of the matter may not be so good, the current whisper in Sun Wukong asked, “Is it really dead?”

“Not yet… but not far from death… maybe I can see his last side…” Sun Wukong’s faint road seems to be indifferent. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Now that I have accepted the reality and have psychological preparations, I will not be so sad after I have witnessed the facts.

“I… can you ask for one thing?” After the pain, the wind and the gauze suddenly pleaded and looked at Sun Wukong.


“Can you help me meet the rainy brother? Since you are so arbitrarily… you must know where he is… right?” Winding yarn rained his face watching Sun Wukong.

“Well… Anyway, the brother is still idle, nothing…” Sun Wukong smiled, and it was a simple promise.

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