The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 73—Yin Ren Village

“Wind and wind… Brother…” The wind and the gauze rain both hands clasped the big hand of the rain and pinched his throat. The painful color of his face, even talking, became a little difficult.

The gentle brother who used to face it was gone. Instead, it was the monster that didn’t even know and kill the killer at the moment…

“Goku…Save the gauze rain…” The red sun on the side is full of anxious colors.

“hey hey… don’t act rashly! Otherwise, the neck of this little girl weak I can’t guarantee that it won’t break off…” The monster’s big hand was slightly tight, and the eyes were only cold and crazy. The facial expression of gauze is even more painful. Facial expression The reddish sputum began to suffocate.

“You are looking for a dead end…” Sun Wukong glanced at him with a faint look, and his heart was almost the same. The thoughts and movements of the monsters were suddenly caught by Sun Wukong. In the arms. At the same time, looking at the doorway, I said: “There are many miscellaneous fish, and there are a few miscellaneous fish that have escaped…you have to cook them all…”

“Yes! Goku adults…” Many responded with a compliment, a blink of an eye, disappeared.

The monsters are stormy, but at this moment they have been restricted by an invisible force. They can’t move, even if they are a roar, they can’t send out…

Watching the look of the gauze at the moment, Sun Wukong gently rubbed her head and said softly: “Now you should understand that he is not the wind and rain?”

“Why would it be like this… awful big snake pill… I won’t forgive him…” The gauze burst into tears, and the eyes were full of hatred for the big snake pill.

“Being with me, I will give you the power of revenge… Now let the wind and rain be freed!” Sun Wukong’s hand flashed, and an ancient sword flashed his hand: “You come…still me?” ”

“I… come on!” The gauze overcame the fear in my heart, took over the ancient sword in the hands of Sun Wukong, and slowly walked over to the wind and rain…

“Wind and rain brother… Sorry… I think now, you must be very painful? I… I will be free for you right away…” The rainy eyes are tearful, but the heart is painful, but still calms the mind, closes his eyes, hands The ancient sword straight into the body of the wind and rain…

Above the ancient sword, the fluorescence emerges. It is a trace of power that Sun Wukong deliberately attaches to it. Can purify all sin…

The body of the wind and rain is also in the fluorescence, a little dissipated… In the end, the original soul of the wind and rain…

“Yarn rain… I can’t go…”

The sound of a flies slowly reverberates, and the soul of the wind and rain disappears.

“Wind and rain brother…” The gauze rained out and was unable to sit down on the ground.

Sun Wukong patted her shoulder to show comfort. Now it’s useless to say anything, cry, cry, then it’s fine…

“Goku brother…” Yau Yu suddenly plunged into the arms of Sun Wukong, crying and crying…

A few people walked out of the Chamber of Secrets, and the house in front of Sun Wukong watched, and the ground slammed and the cave collapsed. In an instant, the house in front was buried under the ground and became history.

“Goku adults…” The same time, more than the figure also appeared in the side of Sun Wukong.

“Is it done?” Sun Wukong watched her and asked casually.

“Yes… a total of eight people, one does not stay…”

The place where the Wind Devils live. Watching only the remaining wind demon family, Sun Wukong said faintly: “Now you already know that the big snake pill is a human being, and you have escaped the shadow of him. I believe that the goods don’t dare to come to your trouble again. Give me a solid life, don’t think about some unrealistic thing…”

“Yes, Goku, this time, I really thank you very much. If it weren’t for your help, I am afraid that we will be stunned by the guy of the big snake pill.” A middle-aged man is very grateful. Sorry for Sun Wukong.

“Nothing… I’m going to do it’s all, we have something to do, let’s say it first…” Sun Wukong waved his hand.

“Yes… then we will not bother you… the child of the yarn rain will ask you…” The middle-aged man nodded reverently, turned his head and looked at the gauze, saying: “Yarn rain, In the future, you must be a good student to wait for Goku, and learn from him. He is the great benefactor of our whole family!”

“Yes…the patriarch…”

Watching Sun Wukong A few people are away from the back, in the eyes of the man, there is a hint of the color of the wings: “Even the big snake pill are so afraid of Goku adults, I think… Come on! Yarn rain, the future wind demon family, I am afraid I will rely on you…”

“How far is it, how far is it from the village of Yin Ren?” On the way, the road that stretched in front of the red sky was not seen by the turn.

“It’s half a day away… If you have full strength, it only takes a few hours…” It’s also known that Xihonghong’s position in Sun Wukong’s heart is very polite.

“Half day? Goku, I see we still don’t hurry in this way. In the village, there are still a lot of things for me to deal with…” On the eve of the day, I frowned and looked at Sun Wukong. He is particularly tolerant of the wood leaves, but also his own class to bring, but not as leisurely as Sun Wukong.

“Well… since you have said that, then okay…” Sun Wukong nodded and waved, and the shape of several people suddenly appeared in a village.

On the street, it seems a little calm, can not see a figure, the doors and windows are closed, it seems that no one shadow.

Familiar streets, familiar scenes, and much more by the obvious, the face is full of shock: “Here… is the sound-bearing village?!…”

The gauze is also shocked and wide-eyed. The eyes of watching Sun Wukong are full of the color of worship: “Is this the ‘Ninjutsu’ of Goku’s brother? It’s so good… This far away, it’s coming… ”

“Do you know where the Yin Ren Village is?” On the eve of the day, I suddenly looked at Sun Wukong and saw that I still walked so many roads. Do you have nothing to do with idle eggs? As for the power of this ghost, she is already eccentric, and it is good to be a space between the Space and Time in the legend.

“Isn’t I told you before, I don’t know anything, I haven’t…” Sun Wukong smiled a little, but his eyes turned around and said: “But this sounds the village, it is really full of us. Hostile…”

As the words of Sun Wukong just fell, the surrounding streets and houses suddenly appeared in a large number of sounds, grotesque, sinister, and watched Sun Wukong’s eyes were full of hostility…

“More than you, you betrayed, do you still have the daring to go back to the village? Hey! Today, you have to come back and not…”

A group of voices did not say much. Instead, they immediately showed their weapons and launched an attack on several people in Sun Wukong. Because they have been identified as enemies, there is no need for nonsense, and their mission is to get rid of the traitors… …

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