The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 79—Fog Snow

“You call Lan Wan, right!” Sun Wukong watching the boy in the package, a touch of the road.

“Yes… Laiya is dead… Then, I have no need to live… Please kill me…” Lan Wan is lying in the parcel, motionless, facing life and death, still calm.

“Ear and the eyes… Hands and feet… Hey…” Watching Lan Wan, Sun Wukong looks like a gentle and calm road.

“You…can see my heart…but…I can’t feel you…you are really scary…yes…I just live as Laiya’s eyes and ears…and he is I took my hands and feet and took me around the world…because I was sick when I was young, others were hiding from me… I could only hide in the quilt and observe the world… We are all the same… Live very painful, I don’t know what the meaning of living is in the end… until he tells me… let’s make two in one…”

“That time, I was leaving the village for the first time. I saw the outside world… everything outside is so fresh for me, I am very happy… From then on, whenever and wherever I am They are all together with him… But now, he is dead, and I am once again a lonely person… Without Laiya, I can’t live alone, I lost the reason to live… So, please Kill me!”

“Goku brother… this kid… so good…” Yau Yu pulled the sleeve of Sun Wukong, and there was a thirst in his eyes. He hoped that Sun Wukong would not kill him.

“One person… can’t live?” Sun Wukong watching Lan Wan, his brow wrinkled, thinking about how to treat him, the flute suddenly burst into his ear, his mind suddenly moved, and looked at the battlefield below…

I saw a whirlwind that was spinning rapidly and was sweeping away at an alarming rate…

It was a group of black scorpion ninjas holding a sharp weapon, overlapping together, the storm formed by the high-speed rotation gesture, people smashed and hurt, touched and died, even if it is a rock wall, can also cut out the road rip…

It’s a pity that they are faced with more than this, this sister paper, which was developed by Sun Wukong, has a full potential. The jade flute is placed in the lips and gently blows up. The magic sounds linger and turns into a sound blade. The rapidly rotating wall whirlwind screamed away…

In the sound of ‘pu-chi’, the screams continued, and the rotating storm stopped. A group of stacked figures was like a collapsed tile wall. All of them fell to the ground. Among them, with blood and broken arms, the scene was terrible… …

“More…more…and shots…is it too heavy?” Xiaoxue and Yuyue saw some facial expressions of turned pale. This bloody scene made it difficult for two sisters to adapt.

“It’s bloody…” Sun Wukong climbed his chin and smiled. It was just such a sister paper. There is also a strange sucking gravity. Isn’t it?

Only in a moment, the black gang of people has been killed by more than the same, because she got Sun Wukong’s order is to clean up the slag of this black family…

“No… don’t kill me… I haven’t done anything! I’m not a bad person! Please, don’t kill me!”

In the screams, there was a sudden wave of pleading. A young man watched a Demon-like girl who was slowly coming towards herself. She almost scared her pants and crouched on the ground, but she was pleading for mercy. That way, it’s almost a soft egg…

It’s just that he has simply ignored his pleading, facial expression tranquil and calm, and the cold light in his hand, the shuriken has been ruthlessly stabbed down…

„Ah!” The yelling of fear, echoing in the night sky, is really startling the heavens, weeping ghosts!

“Wait, more!” The faint voice suddenly sounded, and the cold shimmering shuriken was stopped at the neck of the young man. The latter’s face is full of fear and there is no movement, and the cold sweat slides down the face, showing the inner fear and tension.

“You are called Tang Si, right?” Sun Wukong, with a few people in the gauze, suddenly appeared on the side of the body, and asked the man in front of him.

“Yes…Yes…I…I am…Don…” The voice of Tang Shi trembled, watching Sun Wukong, a few people, full of fear.

“A soft egg like you, do you want to be a triad? Are you looking for a dead egg?” Sun Wukong watching Tang, it seems very disdainful.

“I’m sorry… I just thought it was so prestige… I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous… I… I didn’t do it… I immediately got out of the Black House, I beg you, don’t kill me…”

“Right you, can…” Sun Wukong pointed his finger at the blue pill, faintly said: “But from now on, he will live with you, no problem?”

“no problem …no problem … as long as you don’t kill me, tell me what to do…” Tang Si nodded, and in order to survive, he was willing to do anything. In the bottom of my heart, I swear, after I have escaped this catastrophe, I must go home and honour my grandmother, and I will never come out again. The world outside is too dangerous.

“Very good!” Sun Wukong smiled, the ball of light in the hand condensed, poured in the body of Lan Wan… The faint saying: “Now you… already like the ordinary people, follow him, you will find new The meaning of living…”

“I… my illness… well…” Lanmao stood up, shocked and wide-eyed, and it seemed unbelievable: “New…live…is it?” Falling in front of Sun Wukong, it is very firm: “Thank you, I will be a new person…”

Fluorescence not only cured the pain of Lan Wan, but also dispelled the evil in his heart… Sun Wukong troublesome The way of the trouble, he liked this very effective and direct method…

In the end, Lan Wan went with the Tang Dynasty who had changed the past. Although it was somewhat different from the original work, the ending was not much changed…

The village was saved. A group of villagers were naturally grateful to Sun Wukong. They were all grateful to the hoe for digging the graves, because the people in their village were all buried by Laiya, since the wide eight is still alive. Then maybe there are other people who are alive…

Seeing the hard work of their digging, Sun Wukong also helped them, and saved all the people who were still alive. There are still five people alive, one of them, so that Sun Wukong has some accidents, she is a A woman is a ninja in Shuiyin Village…

In the guest room, the woman wearing the water hidden village protection came to Sun Wukong. I was very grateful: “Thank you for saving me… I am the foggy snow in the foggy village… I don’t know if the benefactor is…”

“Sun Wukong…from the wood leaves…” Sun Wukong faintly said, interested in the watch in front of the woman, original work, there is no such ring, now very curious to ask: ” Saying, why are you here? Have you been buried by Laiya?”

“Speaking of it… Laiya is the rebellion of our country of water, recorded as one of the seven people of the knife… My task is to bring him to justice and then bring it back to the village…”

“It’s just that I can’t beat others… The result is buried by others, right?” The woman’s words haven’t finished yet, but Sun Wukong is faintly picked up.

“Oh… yes…” The foggy snow facial expression is slightly red, and it seems a bit embarrassing. This person, how to speak so directly.

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