The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The ninth 12 chapter of the death of Qiandao

Watching The material in the hand is excellent soft, the style of the luxurious green dress, I just like it at first glance. Although it is very curious why Sun Wukong has such a beautiful girl clothes, but habitual she has assigned Sun Wukong to the metamorphosis category, who knows this guy has a special collection hobby, still do not ask more questions… …

Watching the face of the daughter’s dress up in front of him, gentle, generous, and everyone’s appearance, Sun Wukong’s eyes are not bright: “still you look more pleasing to the eye! Let’s go, it’s time to go to Mengzong to settle accounts…”

“You pay me back to your pocket watch…” I looked at Sun Wukong, but I stretched out my own hands.

Sun Wukong smiled and handed it over: “I hope that after this incident, your time will beat again…”

On the other hand, I don’t know why, Qiandao is always difficult to fall asleep, so I woke up and want to walk around, but when I passed Mengzong’s residence, I found out that he had talked with a group of masked ninjas and found that he should not find out. Secret…

“Bei Chen, this time you are coming… I want to remind you, temporarily stop our plan, the thousand island guys, really brought us a big trouble…” Meng Zongjing sat at the table, the face at this time It has been no longer the affinity of the past, and it has become extremely gloomy and ugly.

And there is no one in front of him, but if you look up, you can see it. On the ceiling, there are more than a dozen masked ninjas on one knee. They are dressed like clothes, and all eyes look solemn and cold. .

“Is it called Sun Wukong? It is indeed a trouble.” Beichen is very serious. In his tone, there are some taboos: “Look at what he has done… If you are against him, we will probably be the whole army.” Overturned…”

“Well…so I told you to come and stop all the plans… After he solved the cursed warrior, he would naturally leave… By then, I could completely replace the status of the heron. Become the name of this country…”

When Qiandao heard Meng Zong’s words, he suddenly became shocked and fell back. His foot suddenly sounded a little…

Beichen and others in the house, the brows suddenly wrinkled, countless sufferings, shurikens, etc. as many as the front door flew away…

Meng Zong hurriedly opened the door, there was no shadow outside the house, and only the remaining blood was left in the corridor…

“Following…there is no more than suffering, and it is highly toxic. Since he has been injured, he will never escape. …To see people, to see the dead…but we all have trouble…” Meng Zong’s facial expression is ugly. Looking at the end of the disappearance of blood, the facial expression is gloomy, coldly.

Beichen and other people are all flashing, chasing away where the blood disappears…

In the dark night, Thousand Island escaped, and there was a shuriken and bitterness in the chest and arms. The blood flowed down, but the difference was not red, but black, it seemed to be in vain. The sword was smeared with a layer of poison…

Also blame the thousand islands this guy is unlucky, because fear in Sun Wukong that terrible strength, knowing that if it is really right, they have no hope of victory, so Meng Zong and other people are smeared with a layer of poison, to Prepare for the occasion…

In their view, if you are strong, if you are poisonous, you can only be killed. Poor thousand islands just happened to hit the muzzle. In the original work, he can escape a life. Now, it is hard to say…

There is no escape at all. The financial expression of Thousand Islands is getting darker and blacker, and the breathing has become more and more urgent. With the running, the poisonous spread on his body is more rapid. At this moment, he is already very poisonous. The blood that has flowed out is already completely black, and the footsteps are smashing, and the consciousness is more blurred…

“I can’t die… I can’t fall… I have to tell Meng Zong’s plot…to the great talents…”

It’s a pity that the poisonous attack and the heart, even if the will of the thousand islands is stronger, can’t persist, and finally fell on a path…

Soon after, Beichen and other people appeared here, watching the figure that fell to the ground, one person turned it over, and reported: “Beichen adult, is a thousand islands… very poisonous and attacking, it seems that it is not far from death… ”

“Oh… It seems that Meng Zong adults told us to apply poison on the weapons, still quite useful… I didn’t expect to be used so quickly…” Beichen’s facial expression tranquil and calm, waved his hand, said: “Immediately Deal with it… do it clean…”

“Yes… but… Beichen adults, Qiandao is a small playmate of the heron, if it suddenly disappears… I am afraid of stunned snakes… If you let that person discover the clues… it is very bad for us…” A ninja Step forward and remind you.

“Well… it’s really a trouble…” Beichen brows slightly wrinkled, and some are guilty.

“It’s not so difficult, because I have already seen it…” The faint words suddenly sounded behind everyone.

Beichen and other people were shocked. Turning around, the facial expression suddenly became extremely dignified: “Sun Wukong…”

“Thousand Islands!” 鸨watching fell on the ground, the financial expression of the black thousand islands, the facial expression suddenly changed, visually observing Beichen, roaring: “What did you do in the end to Thousand Islands?”

“Well? This voice… You are not a heron… but his sister, huh?” The sly in front of Beichen’s watch, apparently very unexpected: “It turned out to be… the original death is not the sister, but the elder brother. ……”

“Sissi… Be careful… Meng Zong… Adults…” Thousand Island opened his eyes with difficulty, and he was so weak that he was watching. Just after saying this sentence, Qiandao’s consciousness has completely fallen into the evil…

“Thousand Islands!” suddenly screamed, and the water mist appeared in the eyes. It was actually ignored by Beichen and others, and ran to Qiandao.

“Oh… Princess… Are you forgetting us…” Beichen smiled lightly, and a cold flash of light appeared in his eyes. The cold light flashed in his hand, but the sword in his hand was stabbed in the heart of the ruthless pilgrimage… Since things have been revealed, there is no need to keep a hand…

Just midway, Beichen’s movement suddenly stopped, because a shuriken had already penetrated his chest beforehand…

“How… maybe…” Beichen’s eyes widened, his face was unbelievable, and he didn’t even have time to react. The other’s weapon had already penetrated his heart…

“You…so…it’s a terrible…Ninja…” Beichen said the last sentence, it was straight and fell down…

“Sorry, I am not a ninja…” Sun Wukong smiled and turned to look at the other ninjas, but it scared them to have a cold back, and did not dare to raise the slightest courage, as strong as Beichen. Strong person, even the moment is seconds, then they are small, if you go forward, what is the meaning of sending death?

Can scare the ninjas who are out of life, enough to see how much pressure Sun Wukong has brought them…

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