The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 94: I am so arrogant, it was just to make soy sauce.

“God…God…Shenron?!” The watch is on the sky, and the sturdy Shenron, which is full of majesty and shocking, fights up and down, and the words are no longer useful. The shudder from the soul told him that this is not an image, but the Shen of TRUE.

“Really… really a dragon?” At this moment, it is also wide-eyed, terrible Ki, filled with heaven and earth, noble and majestic, and a feeling of cultivating, this feeling is so real, definitely not before The image is comparable! A TRUE Shenron appeared in front of her.

“My lord, I don’t know what you are calling under the call?” Qinglong swims in the clouds, and the body that flickers and disappears almost barely sees the end. The blue scales flashed with faint glory, so noble and majestic.

Just looking at her humble, low head, facing Sun Wukong, it seems so humble and respectful, the sound is crisp and sweet, like a girl singing scorn, it turned out to be a Shenron sister paper!

During the shortness of breath, I don’t even dare to breathe in the air at this moment. Watching the huge dragon head in front of me, there is a feeling of horror. If she is not surrounded by Sun Wukong, she may have been fainted by fear. This Shenron’s repressive Ki is too terror.

“There is nothing… just that guy made a few Shenron images to scare me, so I summoned a TRUE Shenron to scare him too…” Sun Wukong smiled.

“…” Shenron’s sister looked at Sun Wukong and looked very speechless. Is it necessary for you to be familiar with such a weak ants? Can you not be so fucked!

At this moment, the treasure has already trembled with fear. He knew that he had played, and TRUE was completely finished. I just use the image to scare you, install a B, your sister actually summoned a TRUE Shenron to scare me, do not bring such a bully!

The terrible Ki scared the rules of the dead, and the fear did not dare to move, even if it was to ask for mercy, it was extremely hopeful.

He was too weak, and in the face of Shenron, he did not even have the courage to speak.

“The purpose has been reached… you go back!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“…” Shenron’s sister nodded silently, and the dragon claws stirred each other. Watching Sun Wukong’s eyes were full of resentment. I was so arrogant that I just came out to make a soy sauce…

During the space fluctuations, Shenron’s figure slowly disappeared into the night sky and returned to the world of Sun Wukong again…

“This guy has been scared, hey, killed him in the past!” Sun Wukong watching was almost scared of the incontinence of the treasure, a look of disgusting waving, facing the snarl.

In other words, you are going to marry a sister paper to kill, is that okay?

I nodded, and I watched the eyes of the treasure without a little bit of pity. The sword that fell from the sword, without the power of to resist, fell into the pool of blood… The image of the tumbler disappeared, and the treasure after death Restored to his uncle’s face like a ghost…

The great hatred was reported, and I felt a little relaxed, unable to sit down on the ground, looking at the dark night sky, tears falling silently: “Father… brother… your hatred… I have already reported for you… You can rest in peace…”

Sun Wukong watching 鸨 At this moment, it is a slight smile: “Lu, you don’t want to revenge for you, just want to entrust this country to her… Hehe… But in my opinion, this ending is not bad… …”

Well, it seems that before the Luke said to him, Sun Wukong is also tampered with it. This unruly guy is really bad and bad.

“Well, since the big hatred has been reported, then the time to stop should be liberated!” Sun Wukong came to the side of the beggar, touched her beautiful hair, softly.

“My time?” 鸨Eyes flashes, take out the hidden pocket watch from his arms, open it, the pointer above is still still moving…

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, whispering a little on the pocket watch, saying: “From now on, enjoy your new life of Next!”


Watching the slow-moving second hand, the sly face suddenly hangs a soft smile: “My time… Moved…”

Beside the tomb, the face of the skull was full of sadness, looking at the text on the tombstone, apparently the tomb of the Thousand Islands…

“Although the big hatred has already been reported…but here…I don’t have a friend anymore…” He held his pocket watch in his hands and watched the tombstone in front of him. His eyes were confused and sad.

“I am not your friend?” Sun Wukong smiled softly: “If you don’t mind, can go with me to Muye! There, I will introduce a lot of friends to you…”

His eyes suddenly turned bright, and he looked forward to Sun Wukong with anticipation: “Are you telling the truth? Can I really go with you to the leaves?”

“of course……”

“But…the country of birds…”

“What does it matter? Isn’t it a big name? I see that the red is good, let him be good… If you are homesick, you can come over and see it at any time…”

So under the ignorance of Sun Wukong’s ‘bad guy’, the bird country has lost a beautiful big sister paper, and Konoha has another beautiful female ninja…

Wood Leaf, Huo Ying Office, Sun Wukong in front of the watch, both of them have small eyes, very obvious, and the eyebrows that watched the hand from time to time, showing that our big milk is very mad at this time, the consequences are very serious.

As for the reason, naturally it is Zhu Xi next to Sun Wukong. You go out and bring back a sister paper, go out for a trip, bring back a sister paper, really want to open a big harem in your wood leaves? Being a man can’t be so fucked!

“I swear… I won’t let you go out to do the task later…” For a long time, the master looked at Sun Wukong, and the brows were very serious.

It has always been quietly muted, and at the moment it is still standing still, not giving tea to Sun Wukong.

Ok, the woman who is jealous, 咋still Don’t mess with it for a while, Sun Wukong pulls up the shackles and looks like a flash, instantly appearing in his room…

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