The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 98—The ridiculous trick

In the ruined crater of the meteorite, the five star-studded teenagers brought back by Sun Wukong and others have been awake. They are surrounded by three consecutive beds that are severely coughing, and they are worried about watching him.

Beidou came to Sun Wukong’s side and pleaded with a look: “Before Naruto said, you can cure three companies, right? I beg you, save three companies!” Said, directly fell over In front of Sun Wukong, it is full of pleading.

“He… can he really cure the three companies?” The other star-shoulders were shocked and looked at Sun Wukong. They all know that Sanlian is like this because of what…

Sun Wukong lifted the Beidou and nodded. The request of the sister paper, still can not be rejected. Came to the side of Sanlian, the fluorescent flash in his hand, poured over the body of Sanlian, but for a moment, a pale three-year-old stopped coughing, his face recovered as usual, stood up in unfathomable, three The eyes are incredible: “I… I am fine?”

The huge surprise made him feel like he was in a dream. He thought he would die, but he didn’t expect it to be healed.

“This is… well?!” Beidou stayed for a while, and his face was replaced by surprise. And the other star hidden teenagers, each and every one widened their eyes, unbelievable. For them, it is like a terminally ill existence. In front of Sun Wukong, just waved his hand, it is healed? This kind of development is like dreaming…

Nowadays, they are all looking at Sun Wukong. If there is any help from them, then they train the stars and will no longer have to worry about the companions leaving them one by one…

“If you don’t want to die, don’t continue training in the future…” Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm watched three, said: “But… the guy who lifted the ban and let you train again, it doesn’t seem to be anything. Ok, yeah!…”

“No…Impossible…The Red Star can’t be the kind of person you said…using the training of the stars is voluntary. We all know what the consequences of using the star train will be, but in order to protect the village, even if it is to protect the village, I will perish, that is our wish… This kind of thing has nothing to do with the Red Star adults… Although you saved me, if you want to provoke us, I will not forgive you…” Emotions are excited, very loud.

“So I said… an idiot like you is the best use of it…” Sun Wukong’s disdainful watching, three-legged, and so on, is like looking at a group of idiots. I waved my hand and was too lazy to go out with the crowd and go straight out of the house. For Sun Wukong, their lives and deaths have nothing to do with Sun Wukong.

Ningji several people greeted the Xingyin teenagers and immediately went out…

“Goku adults…you seem to know a lot of information we don’t know… Can you please tell us about it?” Ning came to Sun Wukong, very respectful.

“After dawn, you will understand, now you have to do … is to rest…” Sun Wukong watching Ning times, a touch of the road.

“…I understand…” Since Sun Wukong said so, it’s not easy to ask more questions. Several people are going back to rest.

And Sun Wukong’s figure is also disappearing here, returning to his own world…

The sky is getting brighter, and a new day has arrived.

In Xingyin Village, in a secret room, a bald star in front of the Red Star watching is very excited. “Are you sure? That person… is it really rumored that Sun Wukong?”

“Yes, I have already confirmed to those children. It is indeed the one in the wood leaf who has the title of ‘the strongest in the world,’ Sun Wukong adults…”

The face of Akashi suddenly emerged with extreme excitement and excitement: “Haha~~ I didn’t expect that person would come to our Xingyin Village… Please come to Wood Leaf, it is a correct choice… He is… hum hum… summer 哟… It seems that you are destined to fail…” Speaking, there was a madness in the eyes of Akashi: “So… it’s time to seduce her. Come out…” Speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared directly…

The process of the matter, in the development of its original trajectory, the use of homing pigeons by Red Star, with its own Chakra, on both sides of the Hell Valley, deceived the ninja who stole the stars…

In the match between the two, the red star lost to, then sent two stars to endure in front of Ning and other people, seeking help, they want to borrow the hand of the Konoha ninja, to remove the person who steals the ‘stars’…

Although Ning times and others have doubts about Red Star because of Sun Wukong, still immediately followed up…

On both sides of the Hell Valley, the red star is still in opposition to the summer. The two hands are sealed, and the chakra behind them surges into two fierce animal forms. Just one big and one small, but it is a stark contrast. The ‘beast’ formed by the red star is simply the gap between the adult and the child compared with the opposite summer.

Watching the Chakra behemoth that appeared in the summer, the face of Akashi is full of sorrow and madness: “How well the standing chakra! If there is 100… no… even 10 ninja like you, this is Unable to fight, the five major countries are not our opponents… It’s not too late, let’s build the most formidable star with us!”

“This guy’s tone is really big!” I don’t know when, Sun Wukong has appeared on a big stone not far away, watching the crazy star, but shook his head in disdain: “It’s really one.” Only a ridiculous frog at the bottom of the well…”

The words of the red star made the summer recall a painful memory of the past. In order to train, the companions around each and every one fell… Unconsciously, the two lines of tears slipped from her corner of the eye…

“I won’t let you repeat that pain, if you want to continue…” The summer angri’s sighs, the Chakra form in the back changes instantly, and a scream of light sings into a pair of huge flaps. Between the flaps, flying over the Hell Canyon, the killing of the Red Star killed the past…

Akashi was suddenly frightened and frightened. In fear, he was actually fleeing, but his feet were cut to the ground by a piece of broken wood. Watching the summer of his own attack, the look of panic: “etc. Wait… if I am dead… Ang is also finished…”

The summer was shocked and the figure suddenly stopped.

Seeing that his threat was successful, the face of Akashi was suddenly replaced by a smug and crazy: “No way… For you, more important than your own life, in my hands, as long as he is there, you are I can’t help but get my…”

“Awful… If you dare to hurt, I will never forgive you!” The summer voice suddenly became extremely angry and cold.

“Āiyā 呀… It seems that I have heard something that is not possible…” Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly appeared in the field, with a sly watchful star, and his face was full of playful colors: “Don’t stare, I didn’t expect to There is such an ugly side…”

“Sun… Goku?! How come you are here?…” The red expression of the red star suddenly changed, and the eyes were full of fear. I want to use Sun Wukong’s hand to remove the summer, but now, the other side knows his true face, then his end, think about it, Akashi suddenly was shocked by a cold sweat. The horror of Sun Wukong, in the whole endurance world, almost already myth…

I thought that the plan of seamlessness, why suddenly became like this?

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