The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 100 Four Generations of Star Shadows

“My training is my own groping. It should be far less than your normal orthodox training. But what do you want now? Where did the previous strength go?” Red Star Watching Summer, tone Very proud, at the same time, in the eyes, there is also a hint of disdain: “It seems that even if you are, you can’t escape the side effects of training!”

“Side effects? Don’t tell me that aunt?” Naruto suddenly surprised at Sun Wukong.

“Well… that star is not a good thing. When you gain strength, you have to pay the corresponding price…” Sun Wukong watching, in a faint way.

“Yeah… So, the star is really not good thing… can you ruin it? Goku adults…” looked at Sun Wukong every day and asked.

“Of course can…” Sun Wukong nodded and said, “Don’t say this first, watch the drama critical…”

“Looking at the show?” Several people listened to Sun Wukong every day, and suddenly they were speechless. Feeling so intense battle, people just treat it as a scene! Is this the so-called strong person mentality?

The two beasts are biting and fighting, and there is a fierce collision. In the middle of the battle, you bite me. I bite you. I am fighting like this. Really, there is really no technical content. With such a ninja, the red star is still trying. Pressing the five major countries? The loss can be compared to the can.

Although Sun Wukong is very disdainful about this kind of battle, but the summer is gradually getting rid of it, the side effects caused by training, with the passing of the chakra in the body, her Ki is getting weaker…

“Awful… I can’t do this in this way… I have to stop this from happening… even if I fight this life, I will never let you go…” The blue-eyed eyes in summer eyes are more prosperous and raging. The Chakra broke out from the body without reservation, and the Chakra beast suddenly surged and the power increased. Now the terror screams, opens the blood basin, and bites the neck of the Chakra beast. For the location, the screams of screams, suddenly echoed the sky…

The facial expression of the red star is instantly white, a mouthful of blood directly spits out. At this moment, his heart is placed on his Chakra beast. Once the Chakra beast is severely wounded, he is also suffering from a minor injury. In the midst of change, my eyes suddenly showed a deep fear…

“Red Star!” When the summer wants to give the final blow to the Red Star, the nine boys and girls suddenly flashed this, the teenager in the forefront of the watch, the summer figure suddenly trembled, the whole action Stopped, the glare of the eyes dissipated, and Eyes shook, apparently the mind was greatly affected.

She was so stunned to watch, the memories of the past were like tides, and the empty doors were exposed, and the chakras lost their chakra supply in the summer, and they became extremely weak…

“It’s now!” Red Star’s eyes suddenly brightened, and strong killings emerged, clenching his teeth, controlling his Chakra beast to reverse the animal’s head, and in turn biting the neck of the summer Chakra beast. In the middle of the squat, the mouth is wide open and the mouth is bitten.

“Not good!” When the summer reaction came, it was too late, I saw that the rushing Chakra beast opened his mouth and ruthlessly bit his head, if it was bitten, the head was absolutely move……

Surprisingly, the summer full of nostalgia, the dynasty looked over the past, and there was a deep disappointment in the eyes… still a smile that could not be opened… Can see his son before he died, it is also dead. No regrets…

It’s just that she suddenly felt her body flashing in front of her, and with a slap in the air, the slamming of the Chakra giant beast was bursting with a terrible wind. Turned into a day of chakra light spots, dissipated and disappeared…

„Ah!” Not far away, Akashi suddenly gave a screaming scream, the facial expression was pale and bloodless, and the thick blood spewed out, directly “噗通”, slammed to the ground, and immediately covered with fear. When I pointed to Sun Wukong, I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t make any sound. It’s so wide-eyed, it’s falling to the ground, it’s alive and well, it’s dead…

“Call~” Summer is saved at this moment, suddenly relieved, she is not afraid of death, but at this moment she does not want to die, because not far away, there are children she has not seen for many years…

“Thank you…” Helping you, I don’t know how to repay. At this moment, summer can only be said with gratitude to Sun Wukong.

“Although this is what you are in Star Village… don’t blame me…” Sun Wukong waved his hand, but smiled lightly.

“How come… I am grateful that you are too late… How can you blame you…” Summer smiled softly at Sun Wukong.

Coming to the side of Akashi, the summer explored his breath, and his eyes were full of surprises: “Dead?” It’s hard to believe, she hasn’t heard of it, after breaking up the Chakra beast, the surgeon Will die, at most, it will be seriously injured that’s all, then, all the reasons are in his body… Think about it, summer can not help but look at Sun Wukong again…

“I don’t think it’s the person who is the most powerful in the world. It’s so terrible…” Summer recall from Sun Wukong, it’s a scene of rumbling ‘peacock tricks and beasts’, it’s still difficult calm. Their secret technique of survival in Xingyin Village, in front of this person, is such a can bear hit.

“You…you killed the Red Star adults?!…” The star hidden teenagers who just arrived, watched on the ground, completely lost the vitality of the red star, slaved Sun Wukong and others, full of anger. Obviously, they have not yet understood the TRUE face of Akasaka.

“Ang…” Watching his son turned out to be so hateful to himself, summer is very sad.

Next, naturally, there is no explanation. Although they are very surprised, they survived the night eagle and the recognition of the 4th and 3rd, and also learned the truth of the matter… and the summer is also recognized by the ang… because Sun The existence of Wukong, everything has become simple…

In the summer, the hidden stars were handed over to Sun Wukong, and the eyes were full of cravings: “Please… if it is you… you must be ruining it…”

“Destroy it… that’s not going to be…” Sun Wukong watching the ‘planet’ in his hand, but a faint smile.

“The existence of this thing will only be a scourge… If it is used by people with ulterior motives, it will only kill more people…” The summer facial expression is a little excited, and watching Sun Wukong’s eyes also gave a hint of vigilance. . She also thought that Sun Wukong was reluctant to destroy it and wanted to take it for himself.

“You think more…” Sun Wukong watching Summer, but it is a faint smile: “As a person who will inherit the fourth generation of stars, I will give you a gift…”

“Hey?” The summer expression suddenly stopped…

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