The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 116—The Real Illusion

Sun Wukong looked at the side of the cloud and looked at the past: “Let’s go, now go to the side of Jiu Lang, ah, I don’t care about Luo…”

“Here, come with me…” With Sun Wukong’s reminder, the handcuffs were slightly shocked, because Sun Wukong gave her a big shock, almost forgot about it, and now jumped up and led the way. .

Kanjiro’s opponent is just a teenager, but he is a very young boy. The handiwork in his hand is called the longan telescopic sword. It can be stretched freely. Can sense the shape of the master’s Chakra and change it, and strengthen it. It is also a The handle is very powerful.

The battle between the two is the same as in the original work. Kanjiro lost, I will not say more words, skip it.

Just as the sissy boy wanted to get rid of Kanjiro, the Sun Wukong three appeared in time, and the handcuffs were tricked and rescued.

The prey that was in hand was suddenly rescued. The teenager looked very angry: “Damn, catch up so soon…” It was just a peacock that was watched by Sun Wukong under his wrist, but it was slightly surprised: “I really haven’t. The guy who used it! Lost it…”

“Eight clouds, this guy will be handed over to you” Sun Wukong watching the boy in front of him, facing the pommel horse behind him.

“Yes!” The cloud expression of the cloud was serious and his body flashed and came to the boy: “Now, your opponent is me!”

“Oh~ I want a one-on-one contest? Then I won’t lose it…” The juvenile reveals the color of self-confidence. The dragon eye telescopic sword suddenly spurts out a chakra dragon, opens a big mouth, and takes a bite. The head gave me a bite…

“Be careful!” Kanjiro and the handcuffs facial expression were shocked. Just wanted to help, but it was stopped by Sun Wukong: “Watching is, this kind of junk opponent, how could it be the opponent of Yakumo…”

“But…” The handcuffs just wanted to say something, but Next, the eyes suddenly got the boss, and the look of shock. I saw the eight clouds that had been bitten by Chakralong, and the body changed rapidly. With a dragon, the clouds changed. In the sky, thunderclouds rolled, and a TRUE Shenron emerged above the sky, swallowing clouds. It was just a snoring, which made Chakralong instantly collapse.

“Illusion?” The stunned look of the hand: “When did it start?”

“Oh ~ turned out to be an illusionary ninja, huh, huh… interesting…” The juvenile facial expression tranquil and calm, a pair of winning vouchers in the grip, apparently does not put eight clouds in the eyes. In the hands of the knots, lightly drink out: “Solution!” However, everything is as usual, the surrounding scene, no change. The terrible Shenron, who suppressed Ki, was still on the sky, his cold eyes staring at him, causing a chill of the young man.

“Hey?” Watching the juvenile’s behavior, the hand frowning slightly wrinkled, is also trying to bear the illusion of breaking the illusion, but the scene in front of it is also no change, which shows that the illusion of cracking failed. When I opened my eyes wide, I looked at Sun Wukong: “Is this illusion right? Why can’t I crack it?”

“It is indeed an illusion, but the illusion of the Eight Clouds is not something that anyone can solve! It is hard to see the eyes of the Uchiha family!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“What?!” The handcuffs and Kanjiro suddenly shocked and widened their eyes.

“Solution! Solution! Solution!… Why? Why can’t you solve it? I have a longan telescopic sword! District illusion, how can it not be solved…” The illusion can’t be cracked, the teenager seems very impetuous and panic: “Calm I want to be calm… Since it is illusion, everything here is the terrorist illusion created in my brain, that is, illusion, it will not be a real influence…”

“If you think so, you will be hurt!” Eight clouds suddenly appeared on the dragon head, kindly reminded. Shenron’s big mouth, a breath of spurt, turned into a raging fire, swept away toward the teenager…

“Everything is fake… It’s just an illusion that’s all… won’t cause…” The teenager whispered, watching the raging fire dragon, but self-hypnosis. But the words have not been finished yet, the fire dragon is already close to the front, the blazing temperature makes his scalp numb, fear is very, this clear death threat, how could it be illusion? … In fear, I want to avoid it, but it’s too late…

In the instant, the fire dragon will be the young cage, raging the fire Aura, the screams of fear, echoing the sky…

Thundercloud dissipated, and Shenron was in a breeze, and the smoke disappeared and everything recovered. Only the young boy who was alive before, but now he was carrying a blue smoke, lying down on the ground, and being blackened, apparently burned alive.

Watching the charred body, the handcuffs and the Kanjiro are all eyes wide, some unbelievable: “It’s just an illusion…can actually cause substantial damage…this…how is this possible…is this really just an illusion? ?”

“It was burnt to death… It seems that I am not very skilled in the mastery of illusion…” Eight clouds and frowns are slightly wrinkled, and they are somewhat unsatisfactory. She didn’t care much about killing her opponent. Sun Wukong has always taught her that there is no need to show mercy to her own enemies.

“You just have to control your own strength, and it is reasonable to be unable to grasp the strength. After that, you will practice slowly!” Sun Wukong stunned his head and smiled.

“Well!” Eight Cloud nodded and nodded, and Sun Wukong touched his head like a relative, so she enjoyed it.

“What you have just shown is the illusion… Why does it cause substantial harm to him?” The handcuffs came to the front of Yayun, and asked very doubtfully. The illusion that can cause substantial harm is simply terrible.

“Goku brother said that the characteristics of his own ninjutsu is not to be able to tell others casually… After others have mastered the information of their ninjutsu, they will be cracked, that is the way to death…” Eight Cloud Watching Handcuffs, Shake Shaking his head is very serious.

The handcuffs slammed for a moment, and I thought that the eight clouds said it was right. Although my heart was puzzled, I didn’t ask more.

At this moment, Sun Wukong looked up and saw the sky not far away. I loved Luo standing on a sand column, holding my chest with both hands, and a sand whip restricting the arms of my opponent and making it like a hula hoop in the air. It’s so fast, it looks like it’s easy and freehand.

“I love Luo…” Kanjiro’s facial expression is a hi, said: “Sure enough, anyone in front of my love Luo is useless…” Suddenly paused, looked at Sun Wukong, sneered: “Of course, except for you!”

“You go to I love Luo, save the sister paper, and give it to me, this beautiful savior!” Sun Wukong said, handing the peacock in his hand to Yakumo: “Show me optimistic, Can’t let her run away…” Speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared directly.

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