The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter one hundred and twenty-four chapters

“It’s really late! Prepare immediately…” I can’t see the shadow of the face, I don’t know what it is, just the circle of ripples, but it shows calm and majesty.

“People’s strength is more powerful than imagined!” For the shadow of the illusion, Dida is used to it, and does not care. The stone door behind him was slowly turned off, and the stone hole became darkly dark.

The shadow of the shadows is set, and a palm is shot to the ground. With the vibration of the ground, a half-faced demon with a face is slowly summoned…

“Okay, collect it!” As the words of the virtual shadow just fell, the shadow of the huge hands of the magic shadow, flashed six ghosts again, one three. And Dinah and Didara also jumped over one finger and returned to their position.

“So, let’s get started!” The ghost shadow once again formed a fingerprint, and the huge demon suddenly opened a huge mouth, and a roll of scrolls rolled down…

“Now, it takes three days and three nights, and you should pay more attention to the main body… Also, you must use the body to monitor the outside motion! Use the most one of the big ones… Now is a critical moment, I don’t want to make any mistakes… especially the one called Sun Wukong. Although he has evaporated in the past two and a half years, who knows when he will appear again, so, Wood leaves and sand are hidden, you have to pay close attention. If there is news, report it immediately!…”


“Three days… This can be a bit long… If the sudden call of Sun Wukong appears, then for us, it’s a bit bad… you are right! Hey!” The tone is a bit arrogant, and it looks like a ghost.

“Well… if he really does, then this plan may be suspended…”

“Hey! Did you say that he was too exaggerated? If it happened to me, I would let him see the horror of art! Um~” Didara’s attitude towards sneaky and jealousy is very uncomfortable. And for those who are called ‘the strongest in the world,’ obviously not convinced…

“I hope that when you don’t get rid of it…” sneaky look disdainful.

“I won’t be like you, don’t let the guy run away… oh~”

“You guy, do you want to die?” The sneaky look at Didara, and the tone suddenly filled with anger.

“I’m afraid you can’t!” Didara also roared.

“Enough! I told you to come, but I didn’t listen to you quarreling!” The man with the ripples in his eyes was angry and screaming, but it made the sneaky and Dedara open his mouth and finally quieted down. Obviously, for this person, the two of them are still somewhat taboo.

“If you shut up, then let’s get started!” The shadow of the shadow is faint, and the knot in the hand is tied up. On the fingertips standing under the foot, a circular halo suddenly appears, and a big black body emerges: zero !

Later, on the fingers of other virtual shadows, there is also a halo, which in turn emerges a font: blue, white, Zhu, Hai, South, North, San, Jade.

When I was awkward, a dazzling light came from the mouth of the Golem…

“The seal and the magic dragon are all sealed!”

Nine magic dragons, which were substantially incarcerated by Chakra, roared from the mouth of the magical image, and bombarded the body of my love Luo…


The ground instantly collapsed, the dazzling light illuminates the dark cave, and the body of my love is floating in the air, floating in the air, the end of the beast Chakra overflows from its body, is sucked into The magical image is in the mouth…

At the same time, Sun Wukong and others have appeared in the village of Shayin. For those cumbersome things, Sun Wukong is too lazy to pay attention to it. Kanjiro also has Sakura treatment, so Sun Wukong is not intervening, and the handcuffs are dispatched to protect the border. It was the Chiyo mother-in-law who followed Sun Wukong and Kakashi and Naruto to the secret of the secrets of Xiao…

With Sun Wukong, it is naturally easy to find their location… just for a moment, four people are already outside the cave!

“I love Luo is inside?!” Naruto watched the sealed hole, it was very anxious, and it was straightforward without a brain. Kakashi didn’t want to stop.

Inside the cave, the road is suddenly extremely dignified: “The enemy has already appeared outside the cave…”

“What? Enemy! So fast?” Didara looked surprised. The rest of the crowd is also extremely unexpected.

“Is it clear who the enemy is?” The illusion of reincarnation is faint.

“Well…there are quite extraordinary people…have the flag of the ninja, the flag of Kakashi…the hidden Chiyoda mother…and the nine-tailed little demon of the wooden leaves…”

“Oh? The nine-tailed little demon is coming too? Hey, hello, this is your mission. Don’t miss it this time!” Didala looked at the ghosts, not long ago. Quarrel, and he just caught a tail, a rare irony opportunity will not miss it.

“Don’t be too happy…” I haven’t waited for the sneaky rebuttal, but it is a dignified opening: “The Sun Wukong… also appeared…”

“No!” The first one of the sneaky screams was exclaimed, and he refused to bicker with Didala. The first time I played against Sun Wukong, one face was killed by others, and the sneaky screamed at the moment. If can, he really does not want to fight against that metamorphosis.

His eyes flashed and did not speak.

“Hum hum ~~ is the strongest in the world? Finally, I can see how many pounds you have…” The eyes of the eyes also showed a strong sense of war. For him who had handed over the first generation, Sun Wukong was known as the ‘strongest’, which made him a bit scornful. I must see it for myself.

“Oh, it is called “the strongest in the world of forbearance”, and people who have failed in the battle, I also want to see it…” The flying section slammed the tip of the tongue, and the eyes flashed with excitement: “I really want to know In the face of the god of death, will he be called the strongest…”

“Hey… I am in a district. Is it necessary for us to move at the same time? I see still let me go to meet him.” Didara obviously didn’t care too much. The so-called strongest, no insight, for them. Who will be convinced of the stand of the station?

“Although I don’t know how strong he is in the end…but just in case, you still have to work together…” The imaginary eyes with reincarnation eyes are slightly condensed, and the faint opening: “Get a little time for me… …transfer the tail of a human being from here…”

“Oh, huh~~ This is a rare event, it’s really rare! Then everyone, I’ll pick you up!” It’s faint, and its illusion suddenly disappears into the cave…

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