The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and thirty-fourth chapter of the corner of the flying segment of the death

Originally, Sun Wukong didn’t know about this matter. The world is big. He can’t pay attention to everything. Hefeifei is arrogant and wants to kill Sun Wukong. Who is Sun Wukong? That is the head of one of Dimension! Everything about him, as long as he is mentioned, will be known by his clear sense. This flying segment actually kills him, and naturally he is clearly aware of it. So, if you don’t die, you won’t will die!

In the original work, the two were captured by the wooden man and the corners, and the tail was taken away and died. But now, it is because of the emergence of Sun Wukong, which changed her destiny.

“Why, wasn’t it that I wanted to kill me before? Now how suddenly I am smashed!” Watching the flying segment and the corner, Sun Wukong looks at the calm and calm.

“Hey! You are very strong, we have to admit it, but we are not weak! Don’t be too arrogant!” The flying segment was stunned by Sun Wukong’s words, and now it was roaring, and the ground was under the feet. The scythe in the hand is directly screaming at Sun Wukong!

“You don’t seem to be long-term memory…” Sun Wukong watching the flying segment, but faintly shaking his head, slowly extending his right hand, the facial expression flatly slammed into the roaring scythe…

“Not good!” The flight expression of the flight suddenly changed, which reminded him that the one who used the creation of the transformation is also so easily held by the other party, and then, by the second!

Under the shock, Fei Duan just wanted to stabilize his body and pull back, but how quickly did his movements get through Sun Wukong?

The right hand that slowly grabbed seemed to be unpleasant, but when the flying segment just moved the thought of falling back, the scythe in his hand was already held by him, and then, under his huge facial expression , ka-cha, was pinched and broken into a few knots, leaving only a bare handle in the hand…


The broken shovel in the hand is turned into a stream of light. In a twinkling of an eye, the head of the flying section is cut down…

Watching away from your body, the flying section feels, this scene is so familiar…

Not to say that the same trick is not available for the second time? What is the situation in this in the end? The flying segment was suddenly blinded, even if it was the body, he was still in seconds. The gap is a bit big! Even the family can’t get close, so what about Next’s plan?

“very powerful!” The two people not far away were shocked by the wooden man. The guy who almost killed her, was just a face-to-face in front of Sun Wukong, was killed?

The headless body ‘噗通’ fell to the ground…

The corners are all under the guise of heart, now he, but only two lives that’s all, this one is the situation of the second person, people simply do not dare to fight with Sun Wukong! He is a calm and reasoning ninja, knowing that the other side is invincible, he naturally will not go to death in vain, and directly pinch the seal of the blink of an eye…

However, he still stood still and nothing happened…

“Why? The surgery failed?!” The corners are all in a big change, and the moment is horrified.

“I still want to escape in front of me? Is it possible?” Sun Wukong smiled a little, and pointed a shot, a cluster of black little flames in a twinkling of an eye, it was ejected in the corner of the body…

“Bake ~ ~” black flames on the body of the corner, in an instant, it is spread his body, accompanied by a scream, directly by Aura became a nothingness ……

In the face of absolute strength, everything is just illusory. Formidable is like a corner, in front of Sun Wukong, it is just an ant, no to resist.

The flying segment lying on the ground was still trying to make a big noise, scaring Sun Wukong’s proud declaration of his undead body. However, when I saw this scene, I was so scared that I couldn’t even breathe. He did not expect that Sun Wukong was terrible to this level. He used to scream for others to kill. Now think about how ridiculous it is.

At this moment, he lay quietly on the ground, closed his breath, pretended to die… I even moved my head, he should not find that I am still dead? At this moment, the flying segment has been praying to his respected evil god.

Because of the terrible black flame, let him feel the threat of death, that thing, it is a hundred times more terror than the sly sunshine, even less than a second of time, it is to give the corner to the moment Aura, even if he owns Undead, it has to be played!

Now, flying, I feel the terrible of Sun Wukong! Now, he finally understands, sneaky and awkward, why is it so afraid of Sun Wukong! I used to think that I have always been stupid, and I have the undead body and the curse, the death department, and the blood, can scream with others, now think about it, really damn funny…

The two men on the side have been shocked for a long time without a word. Body transformation Perfect Form She couldn’t beat the two, so it was so easily solved by Sun Wukong! Doesn’t this mean that the strength of this person is far better than the tail beast?

“The most forbearance is strong… No wonder he will be called by someone else… This kind of title, only a strong person like him can have it…” The two were amazed by the wooden man.

Came to the side of Sun Wukong, the tone of the wooden man is also extremely respectful: “Goku adults, this time I really appreciate your help, now I have to go back to the village to report the matter to Lei Ying adults, If you can, please go to Yunyin Village with me, so that I can thank you for your help…”

“Yunyin Village?” Sun Wukong nodded faintly: “Well, anyway, I’m free, I’ll accompany you to play 1.” It looks like there are two beautiful sister papers in Yunyin Village. of.

“But before that, still solve him first!” Sun Wukong said, but the head of the flying paragraph went, and immediately lifted it gently, faintly said: “Hey! You still want to pretend to die.” When? Where did you want to kill me?”

The flying section does not slam…

“It’s really dead! Forget it, since you pretend to die, then I will let you die!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, and the black flame in his hand came out, but he was scared to fly and immediately opened his eyes. Exclamation: “Wait! Wait! I just kidding you that’s all…”

“He…he is still alive?!” Two heads watched by the wooden man can still speak, and the eyes of the shocked eyes widened, seemingly unfathomable. Rao is a well-informed woman. She is the first time she sees a strange situation in which only one head can still speak.

“Your joke is not funny at all…” Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm, but for the guy who wants to kill himself, he has nothing to say, the flame in his hand is divided into two, directly to the first stage of the flying segment The body burned into nothingness!

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