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Chapter 137 Chapter TRUE Invincible

At this time, the four generations of Raytheon’s whole body shines brightly, and Ki is fierce. After the body activated by Thunder Chakra, it is full of strength berserk!

At this moment, the four generations of Raytheon, speed and body reaction have reached an amazing height! In the flash of a body, almost instantly, it was near Sun Wukong, and the fist with the explosive power screamed at Sun Wukong with the power of shaking the mountains…

Unfortunately, Sun Wukong was still caught with one hand, and the ground under his feet was not damaged, but the ground around it was already cracked!

At this moment, the four generations of Raytheon brows are deeply wrinkled. He feels that he is bombarded on the palm of Sun Wukong. It is like bombardment in an unstoppable Qingtian Mountain, and his power is fierce and fierce. Inciting it!

Now, the four generations of Lei Ying finally understand that the other side really has the power to despise him! This terrible strength, even in the face of the tail beast, he has never been as powerless as it is now! But if you can’t move a step in the footsteps of the other party! That is simply a shame! Natural-born, he is not satisfied with losing, what is this happening?

In the popping sound, the four generations of Raytheon used the Thunder Chakra to activate the cells of their bodies to the extreme, strength, speed, and nerve reflex have reached an extremely terror height! That speed is almost faster than the speed of sound!

Lightning flash, the onlookers only saw the four-generation Raytheon from time to time, with a terrible berserk roaring, the shadow shuttle back and forth in the air, the naked eye can not see, the continuous attack to Sun Wukong bombardment, surrounded The ground is almost completely destroyed!

Such an amazing battle, has been stunned, so people, everyone trembled and horrified!

Watching the silhouette of the calm and calm stand berserk center, the left hand is inserted into the pocket, but the right hand is turned into a virtual shadow, blocking the terrible attack from all directions!

Facial expression calm and tranquil and calm, that face with a relaxed expression, shocked everyone around almost forgot to breathe!

This is too unfathomable! Under the supersonic attack, Sun Wukong was still calm and calm, with only one hand blocking the continuous attack from the four generations of Thunder shadows, no movements under the feet! This situation! Shocking people! Now they understand that what is the invincible attitude of TRUE!

Along with the continuous attack, the surrounding grounds have emerged one after another terrible cracks, but the ground under the foot of Sun Wukong is intact!

At this moment, everyone can clearly understand that their so-called invincible Lei Ying, the gap with this person, what a terrible gap!

“This person… actually soformable…!” The linen was completely stunned at this moment, Sun Wukong’s formidable, has completely exceed their understanding! Is this really the strength that people can have?

Samy is also shocked by the slightly open mouth, the tempting mouth shape, really makes people can’t help but want to stuff into some thing…

“Damn! This guy! It is so strong!” Long time to attack, the most shocking, is the four generations of Lei Ying himself. His fist is very clear, even if it is a mountain, it can be smashed in half, but Sun Wukong that gentle and calm standing body, but like an invisible high heaven, can only make people look up!

Powerless and desperate to emerge in the heart, but it is the anger of the four generations of Raytheon! The lightning bolts of the whole body are getting up! This fact makes him somewhat unacceptable!

Yilei is angry and thunder! Lei Li hot knife and other means are exhausted, Sun Wukong’s body is still stable as a mountain! This invincible figure and divine power, so that the four generations of Lei Ying can not help but produce a deep frustration! He has already seen that the gap between him and Sun Wukong is like the difference between heaven and earth! This person, he can not beat! Even the Ability that even moves the other side of the move can’t do it…

For the first time, he was killed in front of a person without a bit of temper…

“It seems that you have lost the war! It is really dull…” Watching the four generations of Lei Ying, who slowly slowed down, Sun Wukong faintly shook his head, and immediately banged out, ‘嘭’, the earth shook, four The body of Dai Leiying’s berserk was directly hit by the ground with Sun Wukong! The earth is rapidly spreading and cracking, and a huge hole of nearly 100 meters emerges…

In the hole, the lightning dissipated, and on the skin of the four generations of Raytheon, the bloody traces of the cracks appeared! Seeing people frightened, this terrible scene makes people worry about whether his body will be cracked!

The body bones, multiple comminuted fractures, this injury, it is really a terrible!

“This is the price of your rudeness to me! Go back and lie down and put me in the hospital bed for a few months!” Sun Wukong watching the four generations of Raytheon’s miserable appearance, faint.

A dry medical ninja swarmed up and diagnosed the four generations of Lei Ying… and the large group of Yun Ren was also surrounded by the past, full of worry and concern…

But the same, a lot of Yun Ren looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of hostility, but more, still taboo and fear! The invincible Thunder is in front of him, and it is like a play! Although the heart is angry, no one dares to come forward!

wrong! One person was an angry face of Sun Wukong, and in Ki, full of murderous aura…

Darui, a sloppy, modest person, is extremely loyal to Ai (four generations of Lei Ying), and now watching the four generations of Lei Ying is labeled as this unfortunate life and death, do not have an angry reason?

In the angry, the knife in the hand is screaming directly at Sun Wukong!

“It’s just a test, it will make you so angry… It’s already killing people. So, are you aware of death?” Sun Wukong glanced at Darui, the killing in his eyes. Flashing away! The hostility and pick-up of the other party made him very unhappy!

He is the one who wants to do whatever he wants. Since you make me miss my mind, then I will die! The right hand slowly lifted up, and a beam of glare emerged from his hand…

“Not good! Darui, come back!” Feel the terrible killing of Sun Wukong, Chirabi was shocked, even the rap was forgotten, the hands together, two huge octopus tentacles from his Quickly stretched out behind him…

A touch of beam broke through the air, and the speed was so fast that Dalui’s heart was cold and dead, so close to him…

“pu-chi !”

Blood splashes, a piece of octopus breaks through the void…

The rest of the beam is not diminished, and there is no slight obstruction. It is necessary to see through the heart of Darui. An octopus giant tail suddenly flashes, and it is drawn on the body of Darui. Flying out…

Unfortunately, still is a little late, and when it flies out, the beam has already penetrated his chest…

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