The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 140—魍魉

“Hey! Everyone is here, this is what I want to do!” The leisurely voice suddenly sounded in the Huo Ying office.

“Goku Big Brother!” Watching Suddenly appeared in Sun Wukong, Naruto’s face was filled with joy, his face full of excitement: “Hey~ I heard that there was something like a cockroach, do you want to go with us? Solve that guy?”

“Oh, it’s really time for you to come back! Goku!” Seeing the sudden appearance of Sun Wukong, the frown of the hand was stretched out. My heart is only sighing, Sun Wukong is really an unfathomable guy, no matter in serious problems, as long as he appears, always can give people a feeling of peace of mind.

“Goku adults!” Ning, Xiao Li, and Sakura are very respectful and have a bow to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the Naruto. He smiled and said: “When is this kid so bold, you are a strange monster, not a general terror…”

“What…what!…” The sensational Naruto suddenly began to tremble: “I am the most troublesome terror story…”

“Oh, this kind of monster, if it really makes him completely resurrect, the dangerous level is more terrible than the tail beast. This kind of existence is not something you can deal with!” Sun Wukong watching Naruto a few people, but It is a faint road.

“Is there such a terrible thing?” Sakura was surprised and widened.

“Well, it is so…” The facial expression is a serious expression: “The ninja who used to dominate the mainland in the past used the power of the monster to create a legion with an undead body. , pushing the mainland to the brink of destruction, this is the true face of the Ghost Legion that now threatens the world…”

“The then witch, Maitreya, used formidable ninju, to seal the soul of the scorpion in the underground palace of the Ghost Country, and the physical body was sealed in the ancestral hall of the country of the Marsh. After the seal was sealed, the incident was finally settled… Now, The resurrect’s scorpion led the Ghost Regiment into the Ghost Country, pointing to the seal of the seal. Once the soul and body of the scorpion are combined into one, completely resurrect! It will cause irreparable situation…”

“What situation?” Naruto looked curious.

“The world is ruined!” The master’s face was a dignified road.

Naruto has a few people with a facial expression.

“Oh… oh yeah… I want to see it, what kind of guy is there strong?” Sun Wukong smiled faintly: “Give it to me! You will be here with peace of mind.” Let’s go!”

“You…what do you want to do? Don’t mess around!” The hand watched Sun Wukong’s face of interest, and could not help but be shocked: “This is related to the comfort of the world, you can not momently rise, really put That guy gave resurrect!”

“Reassured, I have a sense of proportion!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, said: “Wow the witch of the Ghost Country? She seems to know the most, then I went to her and asked about the situation!” Sun Wukong said But it’s a direct flash, breaking the window…

“This bastard… fast! You will keep up with me, don’t let the guy mess up! With my understanding of him, if the bad madman will make 魍魉resurrect, then challenge it… “The hand immediately pointed to the Ningci in front of him.”

“Understood!” Ning’s facial expression is dignified, and now the window is broken and chased up. Naruto Sakura, Xiao Li three people immediately followed up… This is related to the destruction of the world! They have to be nervous!

“Masters… Do you think they can stop Goku adults?” Silently watching the disappearance of a few people, a worried face.

“…What are you still doing? Let’s go to the eve of the red sky, they are going to talk, you must be optimistic about Goku! Although his strength can end the abuse of the beast… but it is the comfort of the world. Can’t let him come!”

The reason why the hands of the hands are so worried is entirely because of the incident that I loved being caught in the past! Others may not know, but she is very clear, the goods actually went to fight with the one-tailed crane, but actually directly put the crane out! Although Shouhe was completely abused by him, it can be proved from this matter that this goods is a reckless owner. If he is really momentarily, he will give resurrect, and he will be big. .

Although the master is confident in the strength of Sun Wukong, he does not dare to make a bet with the comfort of the whole world! If she had to sit in the house personally, she really wanted to catch up and stop him.

“Goku adults…you…you really don’t plan to resurrect?” The few people who caught up with Sun Wukong were watching Sun Wukong. If this product really wants to do this, who can stop it? It is rumored that he has finished the big monster that ran off the crane and turned around!

“But! Look at you nervous! Is that kind of person?” Sun Wukong smiled at a few people: “Since it has caught up, let’s go together! This time we will go all the way! If If you encounter a ghost army on the road, you will kill them all by the way!”

“Oh! Just do it!” Naruto suddenly screamed with excitement…

In the dimly lit room, a young girl lay alone in the bed, with purple eyes shining in her eyes, and a blind eye like a dreamy star with flowers, Mystic/mysterious and beautiful! This is a can that predicts the death of others!

Under the night sky, Sun Wukong and his party had already camped and stopped. Sun Wukong, who was lying alone in the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and at the corner of his mouth, there was a hint of inexplicable laughter: “This Aster’s Ability is really interesting…hehe…no want, your It is predicted that Ability will be transferred to my head. It seems that Naruto is destined to make soy sauce… Since you want to see it, I will let you see what the future you see will look like. … In fact, I am also very curious. When you meet, what news will you tell me…”

Dim sky, dark clouds rolling, terrible lightning, four dances! It seems to bring nothing to the world! An evil shadow that obscures the sky, with a terrible sinister Ki, comes to the world, thousands of tentacles flying, like tearing the heavens and the earth…

In front of the shadow, just standing alone, he is proud, even if it is the most terrible encounter with the world, he still has a facial expression as usual! Shenwu is alive! Hooking the fingers, scorning the attitude makes the shadows of the shadows screaming and screaming, the magic is rolling, thousands of magical snakes cover the sky, breaking the air…

“He… who is it… why?!…” The teenage facial expression is stunned, swearing, and the moment of the picture makes her heart tremble! why? Why would you resurrect… Why… This world is actually so despised and dare to challenge it…

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