The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and fifty-sixth chapter gift of the big snake pill

“Zuo… Sasuke…” Sakura was shocked by the scene before her eyes. And Yamato is also a look of sorrow, Sun Wukong this foot down, it is not a simple lesson! This shows that it is to kill people!

It’s the blasphemy and the ghosts.

At the moment, the sneaky, watching Sun Wukong seems very vigilant and nervous.

However, it was a faint glance at the big snake pill that was not far away. It looked a little unexpected. Immediately, he watched Sasuke at the foot of Sun Wukong. The tone was calm and calm and slightly respectful: “Goku adults, can you give Sasuke to And me?”

At this time, Sasuke has been stunned by Sun Wukong’s foot, and the sternum has been sunken. This kind of injury is absolutely fatal for the ordinary people! Even if it is Sasuke, it is also a sigh of relief at this moment. If it is not treated in time, I am afraid that it will fall.

Of course, this is just in the eyes of others. This injury is enough to help Sasuke, but for Sun Wukong, this is just a small injury that’s all. Even if he is dead, he can resurrect, therefore, this lesson comes from people, it is not a heavy weight.

Ok, who is the medical standard of the people? Just be willful!

And Sasuke is also a half-convenient son of Sun Wukong. Although he doesn’t like Sasuke, he doesn’t kill him. Who told him to go to Uchiha? The so-called look at the Buddha face without looking at it.

“Why, you don’t think I have to kill Sasuke to prepare to save him?” Sun Wukong watching, faint.

“If he dies, he can only die in my hands…” He looked at Sasuke and his face was still cold and ruthless. It looked very calm and calm: “Because this… is the value of his living…”

“That kind of dress… those eyes… You should be the Uchiha wave that you know?”

Not waiting for Sun Wukong to answer, Sam Yi watched sly and sneaky, and immediately angered and said: “Come on, you in the end will Chirac than the adult how?”

“Chirabi? The eight-man column…” faintly said: “I am afraid that I have already pulled out the eight tails…”

“What? Bastard!” Sam Yi and the wooden man were furious and stunned, and a sword made the scorpion and the sneaky into two…

Just not as happy as they were, the shackles and ghosts that were split into two pieces suddenly broke into a crow, soaring in the sky, and the black feathers fell, which was a bit strange…

“Not good… is an illusion…” Samui and the facial expression of the wooden man suddenly changed.

“Don’t be impulsive… You two are not sly opponents at all…” Sam Yi and the wooden man’s ear suddenly came the familiar words of Sun Wukong, and they felt that the shoulders were gently taken, two people in front of them. The crow and the fantasy moments to shatter…

Watching not far away, Samui and Yuki are full of vigilance: “very powerful illusion… just look at him that’s all… Is this the Uchiha family’s writing eye? It’s as rumored terrible……”

“Reassured, he is not an enemy…” Sun Wukong smiled at the two women. With a wave of flickering, a trace of fluorescence did not enter Sasuke’s body to keep his life, and immediately under his feet, Sasuke flew directly to the scorpion: “Be careful… this guy wants to kill you…”

“Reassured… I know what to do…” After taking over Sasuke, he nodded respectfully to Sun Wukong and immediately disappeared with the ghost. The two came suddenly and went very suddenly. Seeing big and a few people are inexplicable, I don’t know what Sun Wukong is doing.

Just as Sun Wukong, they dare not refute… Of course, one person is excluded…

At the same time, sly and sneaky appear on a mountain road…

Watching in front of the sly, the sneaky brow wrinkled, and finally said: “Hey… you are not going to defect the organization?”

“…I haven’t joined TRUE since the beginning…” He was silent for a while, faintly said: “And, do you really want to be an enemy of him?”

“…your choice is correct…I really don’t want to be an enemy of such a monster…but this Sasuke is your brother? Isn’t our mission to capture four tails? What do you bring with him? ?”

“Some things, it’s time to solve it…” 鼬 faintly said: “I used to have scruples… but there is a person like Goku, and I have nothing to worry about…” 鼬watching Sasuke seems to have made up his mind…

And Sun Wukong is on the side…

“How can you give Sasuke to you, he will kill Sasuke!” Sakura watching Sun Wukong screamed and looked very angry.

“Sasuke will not have anything…” Sun Wukong glanced at her faintly and said, “And, what should you care about now is Naruto?”

The Naruto after the end of the beast has now been injured, and has not yet been awake.

“Naruto…” Sakura apparently stunned. Because of Sasuke’s relationship, she apparently forgot Naruto…watching is hurt, not awake Naruto, hurriedly ran for Naruto treatment. For the time being, I forgot about Sasuke.

“Goku adults…” On the side of Yamato watching Sun Wukong, the words changed abruptly, and things changed so suddenly, when he reacted, he had already left with Sasuke.

“Reassured, there will be nothing…” Sun Wukong faintly waved. Not to say more. I came to the side of the big snake pill and said, “You said, how can I dispose of you…”

“hey hey… want to kill me… it’s not that simple…” The big snake pill smiled coldly and his body flashed away from Sun Wukong.

In Sun Wukong’s intention, he removed the ban on the big snake pill, allowing him to be free, because he found something more interesting…

At this time, the big snake pill, the facial expression seems a bit pale, because Sun Wukong gave him the heavy blow from the soul, so it has not recovered yet, and it looks a bit miserable.

“In the past few years, the pain that you brought me, I have never forgotten it…” The big snake pill can’t escape, the facial expression is gloomy, the hands are fast, and the four coffins suddenly rise from the ground. And up…

“Oh, is your guy’s hands already good?” Sun Wukong smiled, not surprising. The hand that abolished the big snake pill was just a handful of it. It was also expected that the big snake pill was still alive than the cockroach. Because he hadn’t planned to scrap the big snake pill from the beginning.

“hum hum…is surprised, but still behind… Now, let me enjoy the special gift I have prepared for you over the years!”

The big snake pill smiled sullenly, and with the last knot in his hand, the four clamshells suddenly opened, and the four figures inside appeared… but it was not far from the big and Eyes austerity, and now the horror sounded: “He… are they?!…”

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