The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 164, Reincarnation

Sun Wukong’s strength in the gestures is simply an invincible feeling. Even if it is arrogant, such as Uchiha, it is shocked!

In this world, some people can’t catch the full version of Suzuki’s attack, and still so relaxed and casual, from which he saw the terrible power gap between the two!

At the same time, the people who were born out of the earth, although still in deep shock, but their bodies are involuntarily moved, each and every one, are showing their own strongest Surgery!

The three generations of old men summoned the demon, turned into a diamond stick, the water gate directly opened the tail beast mode, the golden corner silver angle directly nine tailed, the second generation of water shadow directly showed his strongest technique: steaming critically ……

Then he turned to the most fierce attack on Sun Wukong, who had just smashed the big sword that had been crushed by the hand…

The Kir of a terror is diffuse, and this lineup is simply a terror…

Among them, the surface with the most terror and shock, is the two mini version of the nine tails…

Watching everyone around the siege at the same time, Sun Wukong’s mouth, suddenly a faint smile: “This is right! In this case, I can play well…” The form landed on the ground, standing still, and seeing that everyone was close in front, he just faintly said: “God… Heaven!”


The power of rejection of terror suddenly takes Sun Wukong as the center, and goes all the way to the direction of all directions. Everything around, just in the blink of an eye, is the Energy of Destruction. Those who have been reborn, the body is instantly disintegrated. ……

Even the Uchiha wave spot must be under the repulsive force of this terror, cracked and opened, and the figure was shattered and drowned in the dust and smoke…

And the so-called explosion that will explode will also be destroyed in an instant by the Energy of Destruction! In front of Sun Wukong, it has no possibility of explosion.

“This…this…this is…”

When the smoke is gone, here, it has been moved to the ground.

Sam Yi’s eyes widened with shock. This familiar scene, once upon a time, she also witnessed it, because they are in Yunyin Village. Under this trick, they were given an Energy of Destruction by Payne!

The only difference is that because of the intentional protection of Sun Wukong, they are unscathed.

Now, Sun Wukong uses the same moves, but it is the reincarnation of the big snake pill, so Fengyun person, in a flash, all solved! Among them, it is the two fabulous people between Yu Zhibo and Qianshouzhu. It is so shocking and unbelievable as a dream.

It’s just that this time, the gods’ gods’ levies are 100 times more powerful than the ones that Payne casts!

Numerous shards of paper smashed from the ground like paper, and those who were instantly disintegrated and so on, the body slowly formed and finally became intact!

Those who have been reborn by the earth have their own immortal body, unless they attack with the immortality, and the gods are levied by the gods, although they are the eyes of the reincarnation, but they are not among the angels!

“God Luo Tianzheng… This is the Ability that the reincarnation can have! You…has it also has a reincarnation?! And… this power…” The facial expression of the sun, the watchful Sun Wukong, looks unremarkably serious. It’s terrible, Sun Wukong seems to be far beyond his imagination…

This person is far better than the fact that he and the hand column, so the spot is very uncomfortable.

He thought that in this world, there were only six immortals between him and the thousand-handed column. I did not expect that now, there is one more person!

“Well… this Ability… I haven’t used it for a long time…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, and his eyes changed, forming a ripple of the road. This is the look of the reincarnation!

“That is… Goku actually has … reincarnation?!” Sam Yi and others watched Sun Wukong’s eyes, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

I remember that at that time, Sun Wukong still had a otaku’s heart. Naturally, I liked the round eyes of the cool and smashing days. Therefore, the first thing that crossed the fire shadow was to transplant a pair of writing eyes, and Using his huge spiritual force, he directly evolved into the eye of God, but as his strength improved, this is the use of the Wheel’s Ability, he is rarely used.

With the improvement of his strength, the physical body continues to reshape and strengthen, this writing has already become his own blood following the Ability, and later his descendants will also open the writing eye! Moreover, there are no side effects! It is unmatched by Uchiha’s writing wheel.

“It’s really a reincarnation…” The eyes of the watched Sun Wukong, the facial expression became extraordinarily dignified. Although I don’t know where Sun Wukong’s reincarnation eyes come from, it is indeed a reincarnation! And the power is more terror than his!

“Now is not a time to be shocked! It’s rare that you have all been born together! Then, let me play with me!” Sun Wukong smiled at everyone, suddenly taking a palm on the ground. : “Psychic!”

‘嘭’, two strong smokes, accompanied by roaring resounding, two red figures appeared in the eyes of everyone, nine tails swaying, eyes full of blasting and murderous aura, they are just one Appeared, the air, is filled with a strong bloody gas, is so sinister, accompanied by the Kir of terror, people can not help but be scared!

No, it’s just one of the seemingly sinisters, while the other one is much gentler. Two nine tails, one yin and one yang, the opposite is the character.

“Nine…Nine tails? There are actually two nine tails!! What is this in the end?!”

As a ninja, no one will not know the two huge monsters that emit terror and evil spirits in front of them. The nine-tailed fox, the head of the nine-tailed beast, is rumored to have the power to destroy everything, sinister’s Fusion.

“Nine-tailed Chakra…disappeared…” Two huge nine-tailed faces in front of the watch, but the water gate was surprised and widened. It was shocked: “He…had given the nine lamas in my body to the psychic.” Going out? This…how?? Then…the other nine-tailed don’t tell me is…”

With this in mind, the eyes of Watergate swiftly swept through the field. Finally, the eyes fixed on the Naruto who yelled at a distance, because he recognized the Naruto at a glance, for a moment. Reassuring: “Naruto… I didn’t expect that you have grown so big…”

“Hey? Hey?… How was the stinky fox being sent out by Goku’s eldest brother? And… what exactly is the same nine-tailed?” Naruto at the moment is full of doubts about the current situation. It is also very shocking.

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