The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 171st chapter

As Ying Ying entered the body, Chilabi’s lost vitality gradually recovered. At the same time, a ball of light rose from the ground, flying, and fell into the body of Chirabi…

This is like an empty shell, suddenly injecting a living soul, but for a moment, the lifeless Chirabi, is to open his eyes…

“Where is this? In the end what happened? How come you are here? Payne that idiot ah bastard? Oh yeah~”

“…” Sun Wukong watching, the uncle who sang and sang in front of him, felt a pain in his eyes, turned his head and turned to Sam Yi, two women: “You still have to take this tease back home… He talks and hurts…”

“Odd…Chirabi is an adult…Retro…It’s really resurrect…too…very good…” Sam Yi and Yuki apparently ignored Sun Wukong’s spit, and watching suddenly changed. Chirabi, who was alive and kicking, was very happy.

Sam Yi is even more excited to hug Sun Wukong, the huge chest on the chest is on the chest of Sun Wukong, suddenly let him all a little fluttering, and immediately slammed his face: “Goku! Thank you! Really thank you!” After that, he seemed to realize what he was, blushing and pushing him away.

“Don’t end so soon~ Come here…” Sun Wukong watching Samui’s big breasts, some disappointment.

“You want to be beautiful!” Samui’s pretty face is more red, and now gives Sun Wukong a big white eye.

Chirabi just wanted to talk, Sun Wukong hurriedly snapped a finger and directly banned him. No matter how Chirabi was open, he couldn’t make a sound…

“You still don’t talk, you can’t help but want to beat you when you talk…” Sun Wukong watching Chirabi, faintly said: “I know what you want to say, really want to thank, Go to Konoha, teach the Naruto how to use the power of the nine tails… When it comes, it may be a good battle…”

Chirabi can’t talk, only nodded very seriously. This is a life of grace, but it is not a light person!

“Goku adults! The Chiraby has been saved. I think we have to go back to the village immediately. Now, there are still a lot of things waiting for us to deal with in Yunyin Village… If you want to be a guest, we But it is very welcome~” Sam Yi watching Sun Wukong, intentionally or unconsciously quite her pretty big breasts.

Sun Wukong’s eyes were suddenly attracted to the past… Well, this can’t be said to be his color, so much sister paper, what shape has not seen? This is just a man’s common problem. If you see a big one, you can’t help but look at it a bit. You even want to marry her twice and feel how it feels!

“When I have time, I will definitely go to your Yunyin Village to be a guest… Now that I have something, I will not go…”

“What can you do?” Hearing Sun Wukong’s refusal, Sam Yi and the wooden man’s heart suddenly disappointed.

“My things are much more, the sister papers all over the world are waiting for me to save…” Sun Wukong looks very serious.

“…” Sam Yi and the wooden man suddenly looked speechless: “Then you still have to go on your own…”

Their current time is really tight, and they can’t always hang around with Sun Wukong, the big idler. Yunyin Village is still under reconstruction, and there are still many things waiting for them to deal with.

“Then we will go back first! Remember to come to Yunyin Village to see us!” Sam Yi waved at Sun Wukong. “I said before, but I am talking…”

“What?” Sun Wukong’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“You want to go by yourself…” Sam Yi smiled and left.

“I said, have you forgotten anything?” The three people who were about to leave, Sun Wukong shook his head.

“Well? What?” Sam Yiyi was puzzled and looked at Sun Wukong.

“To save Chirabi, more then only us!”

“Ah! Karui… Darui… How do I forget them…” After Sun Wukong reminded him, Sam Yidun suddenly realized, “What are they there now? Nothing.” What about it?”

This is not to say that Sam Yi and the Mu people lost their original calmness and calmness. Just following Sun Wukong’s side, it is that they have a sense of security and security that they have never had. Therefore, everything is They don’t need to worry about it and do it. Naturally, they have a blind trust and dependence on Sun Wukong, and they have left some of the simplest things behind! Anyway, everything is Sun Wukong, then what are they doing?

“Do not worry! It was only seriously injured, not dead yet…” Sun Wukong pointed in one direction and said: “From here, you can find them…”

“Thank you~ follow this guy, it makes us a little bit like a ninja…” Sam Yi smiled softly at the wooden man, and he was somewhat helpless.

After bidding farewell, Sam Yi and other three people are directly a snap, disappearing here…

And Sun Wukong is holding his chin and meditating: “Just Samy said what he said… wouldn’t it mean marrying me?…”

In the meantime, Sun Wukong walked toward the depths of the cave, while the young field was quietly followed by his side. In a short while, there was a deep pit a few meters wide in front, lying in the pit. A girl with no vitality…

Watching the girl in the pit, the younger face is unbearable: “Goku brother…her…”

“It’s already dead…” Sun Wukong faintly said, with one hand reaching out, the girl in the pit suddenly floated up and flew back to Sun Wukong, slowly falling on the ground: “So cute. A little loli is also a poisonous hand. The person who knows the organization is really human!”

“Her life is completely removed … also in other words, she is also a human column?” Honda watched little Loli, soft.

“Well! The seven-tailed human force seems to be called Fu…” Sun Wukong nodded. “Since it is met, you can’t see it and you can’t save it…” He said, the fluorescence in his hand appeared, and he poured it on Fu’s Jiao. Above the body, the scars on it are restored to the naked eye at a speed that is visible to the naked eye…

At the same time, a ball of light rises from the ground and falls into the body of Fu. It is the soul of Fu… When you are, the fire of life is again Aura…

“Here… is it?” Fu faintly opened his eyes, seemingly confused.

“Hey! Little Lolly! You woke up!”

This little doubt Lolita seems to be stepped on the tail of the monkey, suddenly bouncing: “Who is a small loli? Who is small? Where am I small?” Said, also angry patted her Small chest with a flat plate.

“…” Sun Wukong: “I see you are very small…”

“Small…small…small…” These two words are like a curse, and have been echoing in Fu’s ear.

“Ah! I am mad at me! I am fighting with you…” Fu screamed and leaped and rushed toward Sun Wukong…

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