The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 176 chapter zero tail

“Oh… Amarus, aren’t you saying that you are willing to help me? How come…repent now?” Shennong watched Amaru, with a kind smile, just the kindness at the moment, it looks so ugly. Immediately grabbed Amaroo’s head and lifted it up. As if thrown and thrown, she threw her out…

However, Sun Wukong, who was suddenly appearing at the entrance of the passage, was caught by a flash, and the three girls in the field also ran from the mouth of the passage…

“You really still have to come… I don’t remember, what is the festival with your wood leaves…” Shennong watching Sun Wukong Several people, no surprise, but the facial expression is extraordinarily gloomy. If the wood leaves are now inserted, it is not a good thing for him.

Because the wood leaves at this time are the most powerful in history, not only the first generation of Naruto, but also the second, third, fourth and fifth generations of Huo Ying. As for Sun Wukong, I will not say it… I would like to ask this lineup. In this ninja world, in addition to the current ‘xiao’, who else dares to provoke?

Therefore, at this time, Shennong, but there is no courage to let the air to attack the wood leaves like the original work! Of course, it only depends on his ability to gain zero tail… But even then, he still tragedy encounters Sun Wukong, which is much more miserable than original work!

“Why… why… Shennong teacher…” Amaru bitterly licked her belly that was bleeding more then, but the pain of the wound was far less than the pain of the heart! She, at this moment, betrayed by her most beloved master! Ask, is there anything more painful than this?

“Oh… you are really stupid and naive! Amaroo… You still don’t understand it now?” Shennong watched Amaroo, the kindness of the financial expression converges and restores his original ugly face, looks It’s so sinister cannot bear: “Then I will explain it to you well… 14 years ago, I sneaked into the village as a wandering doctor in order to get a zero-tailed technique until I got a zero-tailed resurrect reel In the thirteen years, I finally found it! In the village of Muye, then got the power of zero tail, the power of evil chakra!

“Evil Chakra?” Fu is a little surprised.

“Wait… No! Not… The teacher must be right now, right? So be sure to heal the teacher who is not right, beg you…” Amaru watching Sun Wukong, pleading, she Still do not believe that the ugly Shennong at this moment is the TRUE of her original master.

“hum hum… It’s a pity, Amaroo, I don’t have anything wrong…” Shennong sneered out, took the black headscarf on his head, and directly tore the pieces, seeing Amaru Eyes tightening, his eyes suddenly changing. Something hollowed out, the black headscarf is the same as the headscarf she brought. For her, the headscarf is the shackles of her and Shennong, tearing up the headscarf, which is equivalent to tearing her away. Shennong’s jealousy…

For a moment, pain, despair, incredible and other emotions filled her heart, let her gradually fall into the endless evil abyss…Eyes zoomed in, exuding the coldness of disregard of everything, a trace of evil and terror of evil Ki from Her body spread…

“Oh! Come! Come! Haha! Amaroo! You didn’t disappoint me! Come on! Zero tail! Come and wake up! Let me see your terror! Haha~~” At this moment, The expression of Shennong became more and more excited and evil, so crazy.

“This old man is really a big fire!” Fu watched Shennong, but it was uncomfortable and cold.

But now no one is going to pay attention to the Shennong, they are all looking at Amaru.

“I am a zero-tailed, the world is full of war, when the hearts of people fall into the evil, I will resurrect…” The gloomy and evil voice suddenly came from the mouth of Amaroo: “I swallowed the human heart and grew, and unlimited growth, To make this world dominated by evil…”

Saying, an evil monster with a mask like a snake hovered over the surface of Amaroo, and gradually became solid by illusion!

“This is… zero tail?!”

Watching in front of a mask wearing a snake-like evil monster, Ying could not help but exclaim, because she, still sees such a monster for the first time.

“Compared to other tail beasts, this is only a tail-end, it is really disgusting…” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the young girl around him: “You protect them both, I will go to the meeting.” Zero tail…”

“Well…” Hsiao Tian nodded cleverly: “Goku brother, be careful…”

“Hey! People are also good at the seven-tailed person! It is not weak to protect people!” Fu Lima dissatisfied hum hum road.

“But you are not now, at best it is just a little boy, that’s all…” Sun Wukong watching her, smiled.

“You…you… mad at me! Heads-up! I want to single-handedly with you!” Fu was not mad at the time. Well, there hasn’t been playing there yet. She’s already screaming on the side, saying, you are in the end of the station?

“Well! I am playing with you for a while, now I am going to the side to watch the show!” Sun Wukong watching Fu, said.

“I… I… people are really not children!” Fu suddenly cried without tears, and angered: “You guy, why are you bullying me!”

Ying shook her head helplessly, looked at the same tail, but now is not the time to bicker, look at Sun Wukong, some worried: “Goku brother, you … not critical?”

“Oh, it’s just a 蚯蚓that’s all, it doesn’t matter!” Sun Wukong waved his hand and said, “You go to the side with Chitian and see how I abuse it…”

The three women nodded and stood behind the passage…

“Goku brother?” Hearing Ying’s name for Sun Wukong, Shennong’s heart was moving, but he thought of something. His heart beat inexplicably. Some of them were shocked and looked at Sun Wukong. They lost their voice: “You…you Don’t tell me is…Sun Wukong ?!”

“Affection! You recognize me now!” Sun Wukong’s face is a banter.

“Silk ~” Shennong immediately took a sigh of relief, and his heart was filled with horror, who is Sun Wukong? Now the representative of the word ‘strongest’ in the whole world, even the first generation of Naruto and Uchiha in the legend, is far from the opponent’s terror!

For a moment, the fear filled the heart of Shennong, but when he saw the thing that was like a beating heart in the back, the horrified emotions finally improved, but instead became more and more expecting: “What is the strongest?” As long as I have zero tails… even the strongest myth, it will be broken by me… by the time, hey hey ~~~”

I think that the most powerful person recognized by the world is about to be defeated by myself. For a moment, Shennong’s heart is full of excitement and excitement…

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