The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter XIII Goku Battle Gu Ge (2)

“Look at the opponent, but it will be unlucky!” Sun Wukong smiled. Pinch the fists, and smashed toward the temples of Gu Ge! The strength of formidable caused the rocks under the feet of both of them to crack!

“Ah~~” Gu Ge suddenly screamed, his head stunned, instinctively pulled back his right hand and threw Sun Wukong out. The blood dropped from his hands.

In fact, Sun Wukong’s strike was effective because his attack just hit Gugo’s weakness. Gugo’s body is wrapped in scales, how amazing is the defense? But only his head has no scales, and the temple is a dead hole, so it will get such a good attack effect!

“hey hey! This is not good!” Sun Wukong to erase The blood on the corner of his mouth, watching the chest gradually recovering from the original blood hole, but his heart is full of emotion. This immortal body is indeed very powerful, but it is too painful!

Sun Wukong knows that he is ill and wants his life. Direct body transformation Super 2, formidable in the vindictive, immediately full of lightning, body shape flashes, fists like raindrops greet!

However, such an intensive and violent attack did not cause much damage to Gu Ge. Instead, he blurred his flesh and blood, because his scales were like sharp blades. In a crazy attack, Sun Wukong’s hands have been cut and wounded!

When Gu Ge wakes up from the vertigo, he directly squirts a terror and icy Ki. One tail directly pulls out Sun Wukong, and the smashing of a stone mountain not far away stops the figure!

Sun Wukong reluctantly climbed up from the gravel and couldn’t help but take a nap. Watching the fleshy chest and fist, and the ice on it, the facial expression became extremely serious. Just a moment ago, the meat on his chest was directly scraped off by the barbs on the tail of Gu Ge! In the same way, I was shocked by the anger that came out of Gu Ge now! At this point, his temperament, even faintly surpassed the strength of his super two!

Moreover, his temper is different from ordinary people, even with a bitter chill, the surrounding rocks have already formed a thick layer of ice! Sun Wukong didn’t know that the temperature in the end had dropped to minus a few degrees, but he knew that even he felt a cold chill.

“Do you think it’s weird? Why is my gas so cold?” Gu Ge did not attack again, but began to explain to Sun Wukong: “I’ve said it before! I’m like Frysha, they’re all Natural-born variants, but my changes are different from them, my natural-born is full of scales, even with cold chill! With my strength, my body is cold It was getting more and more prosperous, and eventually I couldn’t control myself. As a result, I was blocked by the chill that I have always been proud of in my body! This has to be said to be a great irony! And this ice seal actually sealed me for thousands of years!”

“Speaking here, I have to thank you again! Your formidable strength not only destroyed the Fliesa planet, but also destroyed the ice that was frozen outside my body, plus the strong blaze when the Fliesa planet exploded, and Your flaming temper, along with the ice in my body, has also melted away! Of course, the most important reason is that maybe it has been frozen for so long, my body has already adapted to this cold, so now I have Can completely control the gas in his body, and will not be frozen by himself!”

“Grass! You always say thank you for saving me, then you TM will kill me? Is your head teasing?” Sun Wukong pointed at Gu Ge’s nose and screamed! This guy’s head must not be normal!

“Of course, I really want to thank you for saving me!” Gu Ge, who was smiling, suddenly became a gloomy face, and his eyes were cold and cold: “But I hate you even more! Because you not only save I almost killed me! At that moment, you made me feel deep helplessness and fear. This is a shame of my life, so I must kill you before the snow!”

“Okay! It’s a stupid self-esteem! Don’t talk nonsense, let’s see the real chapter under the still hand! Look at the end is your death still I am dead!” Sun Wukong is ready to attack again.

Watching Sun Wukong The wound that had healed completely on the chest, Gu Ge was surprised by the small: “I didn’t expect you to have a reproductive Ability! don’t tell me Is this the exclusive physique of Super Saiyan?”

Sun Wukong didn’t bother to answer his words. He wouldn’t be foolish enough to tell his opponent about his opponent like a Japanese anime, and then let the opponent find his weakness to kill himself!

Sun Wukong watching Gu Ge, I don’t know how to start, and it’s too bad to get close to the guy. His limbs are sharp and sharp, and he can easily pierce his body and cover his scales. Good start, especially the tail behind him, it is even more difficult to prevent, sharp and vicious level is better than his claws! Now, he really wants to have an artifact in hand, rushing past insta-kill Gu Ge.

“Hey~ Since you don’t attack, still change me!” Gu Ge opened his sharp claws, his flashing light, his body flashing, and his claws turned into a cold light and headed down to Sun Wukong. !

If Sun Wukong is not in a timely manner, he might have been split in two!

Gugo’s claws are too sharp, too horrible, unbreakable, and power forformable terror! Sun Wukong doesn’t want to try it!

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

It seems that Sun Wukong’s scruples are seen. Gu Ge is waving his claws unscrupulously, and occasionally uses a sharp tail to make a raid. It is so busy that Sun Wukong is busy, and his body is also marked with multiple wounds!

“TMD! Don’t be too arrogant!” Sun Wukong screamed, his feet slammed on the ground, hurriedly flew back, his hands slammed out, and directly came out with Kamehameha, Gugo in the middle.

„Ah!” Gu Ge made a scream and was directly blown out by Kamehameha… “Boom” and exploded not far away…

Sun Wukong instantly flew into the sky, and Energy Wave madly threw it out: “Go to death! Go to hell! Go to die…”

The bang is endless, hard as a rock star is also under the crazy bombing of Sun Wukong, the ground begins to crack, collapses, and the rock fragments blow up all around, the scene is not spectacular!

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