The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and eighty-eighth chapter scared the old lady

Good Loulan, under the violent typhoon, the skyscrapers building collapsed a lot, scattered gravel scattered everywhere, the sky, filled with thick smoke; in some places, almost became a ruin, even if some did not collapse The house is also cracked and open, and it may collapse at any time; on the ground, it is also a crack like a spider web. It looks like some terror.

The land where I used to live suddenly became like this, so that the people of Loulan had some heartache.

At the moment, Sun Wukong’s body is covered with a layer of fluorescence, but Sarah is so shocked by his side: “Goku, you… your body… what’s wrong?”

“An Lushan is dead, the power of the dragon pulse is also sealed, and time is restored to the normal trajectory. It seems that Goku is going to return to the Era/Time that belongs to him…” The wind and water gate is in oily women’s Help, help.

“How come… will you say goodbye so soon?” Sarah was slightly surprised and watched Sun Wukong’s eyes revealing a trace of reluctance.

“Well… then wait and go back…” Sun Wukong smiled, his body flicked and disappeared.

He came here by borrowing the power of the dragon pulse. When An Lushan died, the dragon pulse was sealed. It is reasonable to say that he will naturally be sent back to his previous Era/Time; but who is Sun Wukong? He wants to come, he wants to go, hey, the rules of this world can be around!

This hand, obviously made a few people surprised by the watergate, but they thought that Sun Wukong had the means to seal the violent dragon pulse before they were released.

“Too… very good… I thought we were going to be separated soon…” Sarah’s face was relieved.

“Watergate teacher…” At this moment, a masked silver-haired teenager walked over with a group of people.

“Kakashi, it seems that you have successfully completed the task…” Watergate watched juvenile.

The young Kakashi looked proud and pointed at the Sa Cai and others behind him. He said: “These people are also saved by the way…”

The group of hard-working Loulan people were very happy when they saw the children and women behind Kakashi. They ran around and hugged together, showing the joy of the afterglow…

“So, I can’t stay here all the time, how, Sarah, would you like to go to the future with me?” Sun Wukong was too lazy to pay attention to the Loulan people who were crying together and turned to look at Sarah. go with.

“Hey? Go… Go to the future? Really can?” Sarah’s facial expression, a hi, surprised.

“Of course…” Sun Wukong nodded affirmatively.

“But…they…” Sarah had some reluctance to watch the people of Loulan. She would like to follow Sun Wukong for a future look, but she still has some disappointment here, but if she doesn’t go, she must be separated from Sun Wukong, which makes her more reluctant, for a moment, my heart is very contradictory.

“They are not children, you still need to take care of them? The dragon pulse can no longer be used, Loulan does not need to have a queen! What are you worried about…”

“Queen Sarah, you don’t care about us, as Goku said, we are not children, we can take care of ourselves… So, you still follow your heart… otherwise, you will regret your life. …” A woman came to Sarah and smiled softly.

After Sarah listened, the face was red.

It’s the watergate on the side, but the brows are slightly wrinkled: “Goku adults…doing this…is it wrong? If you go to the future with the people now, the turbulence of Space and Time may be confusing. … Whenever, even history may change…”

“What history is not history! What do you care about in the future? Era/Time, which you live in now, has your own future…” Sun Wukong waved his hand in disdain.

“This… It seems that I have thought about it…” After listening to Sun Wukong, the watergate thought about it and felt that it made sense.

“Well, Sarah, go, go back with my brother…” Sun Wukong’s fingers were so lightly stroked in front of him, and the space in front of him suddenly opened a big mouth. Under the shocked eyes of Sarah, Sun Wukong Pulling up her left hand and stepping in directly, the rip flashed and disappeared…

Left behind a group of stunned people…

It’s a little scary to tear the space and return to the future.

Moreover, even if you don’t even say a word, just leave, do you want to be so anxious?

Under the circumstance of time, it has become a ruined Loulan, and the three girls in the field are waiting anxiously…

Fu suddenly pointed to the seal altar not far away, exclaimed: “The young field…you look at it…the space there…in the twist…”

Chen Tian and Ying Li Ma looked at each other and saw that the space around the altar of the seal was distorted. In a moment, the seal-like singularity left by the four generations of the Naruto Winds and Waters disappeared and disappeared. And the seal altar…

And the distorted space gradually expanded… Suddenly, the fierce cracks on the surface of the ground shook and the surrounding building walls were cracked and collapsed, and the rumbling sounds of the young women’s facial expression did not change. Fu is loudly exclaimed: “Flee! It’s going to collapse!”

The young girl’s figure flashed, one hand and one hand, and he caught up with Fu and Ying, and luck went away…

Watching the hole that suddenly collapsed below, the dust that rises in the sky, the doubts of the face: “What happened in the end? How could it suddenly collapse here? And even the seals suddenly disappeared… …but the dragon veins don’t seem to look a little different…”

“The power of the Dragon’s veins has not been sensed…can do this… It seems that only Goku’s brother…” The younger watched the soft veins of the dragon. At the same time, the figure slowly landed on the ground and put Fu and Ying down.

“No! That guy is crazy… It’s so chaotic… He don’t tell me, isn’t he afraid to change history or the future?” Fu Lima shouted.

Just a “tear-hook”, the space in front of Fu suddenly tears open, revealing a crack in the dark space, looking at the darkness of the soulless soulless soulless black hole, like a magic beast of nothingness Jukou, but it is scared that the current flower eclipse, hands and feet cold: “Mom! What is this!” “蹭”, directly climbed the back of the back of the field…

“hum hum ~~ dare to say bad things in the back, I can’t scare you…” In the crack of space, Sun Wukong suddenly heard the unpleasant voice, and immediately, I saw two figures gradually emerged, Sun Wukong With Sarah, at the same time, stepping out of the crack in the space, the cracks follow the two out, like a crack on the water, healed quickly…

“Yes… it’s you! Bastard, scared the old lady…”

Seeing the coming of people, Fu’s pretty face suddenly darkened and jumped forward. He rushed directly toward Sun Wukong, opened his mouth and bit it against Sun Wukong’s arm…

“Oh… my teeth!”

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