The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 194, second stage

At this time, Sun Wukong has returned to Konoha with a few girls in the field.

Compared with the past, the current wood leaves are very deserted, and there is a kind of dignified Ki.

“Is it a wooden leaf here? It seems that it is not as lively as it is supposed to be…” Sarah followed the window and watched the deserted street outside, a little disappointed.

It is rumored that Konoha is a lively and peaceful village. What you see and hear now is very different.

“The former wood leaves are naturally a very warm and peaceful village, but now that the war is coming, everyone is in a tight form, so the village is so deserted…” Chen Tian explained softly.

“War? What war? Don’t tell me Is it still in the end of the war?” Sarah brows suddenly wrinkled.

“This time, but it is more dangerous than the war of tolerance.” Xiaonan’s facial expression is calm, just want to explain, a heartfelt fearful aura suddenly came down, her facial expression suddenly changed: “This… …this Ki is?!”

“God! Good… so terrible Ki… even I feel it?!” Ying suddenly widened his eyes, full of horror.

“Goku brother…this…don’t tell me is?…” Chen Tian is also a face-lifting, can feel the presence of ‘qi’, she is much stronger than a few women feel.

“Well… it seems that the ten tails have been resurrect…” Sun Wukong opened a window and looked toward the end of the sky. There seemed to be a huge monster standing on the sky!

“What? Ten… Ten tails are really resurrect?” Fu’s facial expression suddenly changed: “What are you waiting for? Are you not a savior? Hurry up and destroy it!”

“What are you talking about… What is in the end?” Here, only Sarah, who came through twenty years ago, is very confused. However, after the interpretation of the young girl, it was the O mouth that opened her shocked mouth: “I didn’t expect… the world after twenty years will become like this…”

“Is this ten-tailed… really…weak…” Feeling the “horrible” Ki that permeated, Sun Wukong shook his head with some disappointment.

“This is still weak? It’s so far apart, even we all sense it. You don’t brag B will die?” Futon turned a big eye at Sun Wukong.

“You little girl will really lift the bar with me!” Sun Wukong pulled up Fu, and it was a pinch on her face, and immediately put her on her shoulder and said: “Let’s go, let’s see… …” Speaking, the mind is moving, just an instant, he is with a few women, appearing on the battlefield!

“This… is the ten tails?!…” Just appeared, a few women were shocked by the terrible appearance of the ten tails. Near distance watch, the terrible Ki is more clear terror, and the weak Ying and Sarah are scared and almost shivered.

This can’t be said that their courage is small, can only say that the chakra of the ten-tailed evil thoughts is too terror! Don’t talk about them, even the strong person of the shadow level, in the face of the ten tails, I have to be shocked.

At the moment, the ten tails are only the first form, but it is necessary to see that Ki is about to enter the second form… and the water gate and others, the four bread copy, through the undead body of the earth, they are all launched against the ten tails. A fierce attack.

Especially the third generation of Lei Ying, covered in muscle bulging, thunder and dance around the body, that beserk’s posture, is full of power to destroy the beauty! Every attack is to crack the earth and stone, and the gravel is flying…

Thunder and four fingers! I have used the strongest finger, the low-pitched, the finger lightning flashing, the whole body is lightning bolt, the whole person turns into a stream of light and goes to the huge one-eyed puncture on the top of the ten-tailed head…

It’s just ten eyes that look at him, but it’s a scornful look, a finger sticking out, and a slap in the face, the three generations of Thunder, which seem to be incomprehensible, are flying out of the tail. … roaring, falling to the ground, shaking out a terrible hole! The body that was reborn in the earth was even more shocked, and it looked like a miserable…

At the same time, the golden rays flashed, and the wave door of the fairy mode was turned on. At the moment when the three generations of Raytheon fell back, the top of the head was flashing, and a terrible wind-up spiral pill was lifted in the hand. The tail of the one-eyed bombardment went away: “Sinfa·Spiral Pills!”


The terrible roaring resounded, but did not cause much damage to the ten tails, because at that moment, the ten tails closed their eyes, and the spiral pill bombarded it on the eyelids! Although it did not cause harm, it was so ten years of painful anger! One bar slammed down! The water gate flew directly out, and the body instantly cracked, falling to the ground, and the smoke was filled…

Fortunately, this is only a pure physical attack. For the water gate and the three generations of Raytheon, there is no damage caused by TRUE, but for a moment of time, the broken body of the two people is healed well…

And for for a moment, the second generation of the shadow of the original boundary stripping technique, the second generation of Huo Ying’s multiplicative detonation is also launched at the same time.

The original stripping technique is really a terrible technique like BUG! The bombardment was on the ten-tailed body, and immediately it was broken down, revealing a huge wound… just a moment and was forcibly suppressed by the terrible chakra of the ten…

But this is enough, the second generation of Huo Ying’s inter-multiple detonation is concentrated on a little bit of bombardment on the wound that was stripped out of the ten tails! For a moment, ten-tailed smashed 嘶吼! In the angry, he waved the big hand that covered the sky, and directly flew out the second generation of the shadow and the second generation of the fire shadow, deeply inserted into the ground, the body is cracked and opened…

This makes the three generations of the fire-fighting eyes that have been paying attention to the battlefield situation suddenly shine: “very good! The second generation of the shadows! It seems that your original stripping technique can cause damage to the ten tails, then, Next, you first attack, we Then focus on one point and attack its wounds… so you can beat ten!”

“That technique… really really trouble…” The mask man glanced at the second generation of the shadows, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he muttered to himself: “This way I can’t do it… It seems that I have suppressed the ten-tailed mind too much.” Now… in this case, let you play freely…”

As he said, he jumped down to the body of the ten tails, and the knots were tied up in his hands. He was just able to get rid of the ten tails and suddenly turned into the sky. Ki became more and more terror, and he began to change…

“Not good! It began to evolve… Can’t let it continue like this… Otherwise, it’s trouble…” The second generation of the flaming facial expression has changed dramatically, and the moment is exclaimed.

“hum hum… ten-tailed evolution… you can’t stop it…” The mask man’s voice was cold and indifferent: “Now, the battle is just beginning that’s all…”

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