The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The ninth and ninety-sixth chapters are ten

At this moment, the scene was quiet, all the spectators were stunned, and they were all embarrassed by the facts in front of them. They all felt extremely depressed and were shocked by a formidable aura, almost suffocating.

They all hold their breath and watch the terror body that flies out like a meteor. They don’t quite believe their eyes.

Ten tails, in this world, are equivalent to myths, but now, this myth is in front of them, and is swept away by a simple punch! That kind of shock, really can not be expressed in words.

Silent and silent, the ten-tailed body that shields the sky is in the terrible roar of the earth shaking, falling to the ground, picking up a terrible sandstorm, sweeping out, for a moment, whole world only rumbling Roaring, earth cracking, gravel splashing, wearing air…

This is shocking, only the rest of the rumbling in the ear, the terrible storm, even if it is a strong person of the shadow level, for a moment are all blown, standing unsteady, swaying west…

“What’s going on?” In the forest at the remote, the ninja reinforcements in the various hidden villages are rushing to their destinations. However, the sudden roar of the Lang Lang and the shaking of the earth caused them to change color. The horror of the color.

“It seems that some people have already fought with the ten tails! Everyone is mad, and rushed to the scene!” Looking at the distance, the beautiful expression is dignified, and the Elites next to them are screaming.

“This movement… will Goku have already shot?” The outline is far away, thoughtful.

Although due to Sun Wukong’s relationship, the fourth end of the original work in the original work of the World Wars, a lot of changes, Bai is even more inexplicable in the Xiaonan that 600 billion explosions were killed.

However, between the five major countries, still carried out a five-film talks, forming a ninja coalition. Because the ten tails are really shocking, and the Uchiha wave spot is an extremely dangerous person. This forced them to form a coalition and be unanimous against the enemy.

And compared to the original work, now also joined an emerging force, Star Shadow Village! ……


A terror of the terror suddenly shakes the world!

The ten tails that were hit by a punch were obviously irritated! The soles of the feet slap the ground, the land is cracked, and it is extremely devastating! A very explosive Ki was filled with openness, and a roar of heaven, a terror of the tail of the extremely terror, the terrible fluctuations that emerged from the sky, so that people such as spots and spots are discolored…

“Not good… Ten tails have been thoroughly mad… even we are all shrouded in the scope of the attack…” The mask male male expression is not changed, the hands are printed, and it is a pity that it wants to control the ten-tailed riots. It is.

The ten tails now, like beasts, have encountered natural enemies that threaten their lives. They are already in a crazy and bloodthirsty form. Only madness, only destruction, only killing, will make a sense of security in its heart…

“There was a ten-tailed feeling of the terror crisis… How could this be…” The ten-tailed behavior made the facial expression not change, and there was a deep horror in the eyes.

Ten tails is the world’s strongest beast, the ancestor of the source of Chakra, someone will make it feel fear? This is simply unfathomable!

The crowd is shocked and retreats like a tide. The terrible tail beast is not a joke! Even if they are all reincarnation, they feel a hint of heart, like the thing, if they hit them, they will completely disappear…

The terrible black tail beast jade is condensed, and the more and more horrible, the devastating volatility that comes out, the discoloration, the fear…

“God! That… that kind of attack… Can Goku stop it?” Ying and other women saw the scene at this time, and all of them changed color. They have the enchantment of Sun Wukong, so they won’t be affected in the fierce battle.

Just in the shock of everyone, the terrible tail beast jade flew away at the place where Sun Wukong was, cracked and disintegrated along the road, and the sound was terror!

I saw Sun Wukong gently squirting his hand. Under the shocking eyes of everyone, the terror tail beast, which was roaring, was held in his hands, and immediately under the eyes of everyone. With a light grip, the ‘ka-cha’ sounded softly, and the tail beast jade that uttered the devastating volatility was so stunned in the eyes of everyone, like a glass ball, broken and opened…

No terrible explosions sounded, no volatility volatility emerged, and with the fragmentation, it directly turned into smoke to dissipate…

“still… too weak…”

Disappointing whispers, passed into everyone’s ears, for a moment, their expressions to solidify! Only the rest of the heart is shocked and unfathomable!

Looking at the man in the sky who is proud of the void, for a moment, everyone’s heart and soul, this is invincible, this is terrible! This… is TRUE…God!

Ying et al, watching Sun Wukong that invincible figure, for a moment, is also crazy…

Watching the ten tails in front of him, Sun Wukong suddenly has a feeling of being bullied by a child, feeling dull, and losing the interest of the battle.

At this moment, the mask male and the spot are all stunned, Sun Wukong’s terrible, simply beyond their imagination, let their hearts feel a sense of powerlessness! They have become less confident, such a terrible existence, can their plans really be implemented smoothly? Even after success, after becoming a ten-man column, did you really play it?

Even the blackness of hiding in the dark is also scared: “This Sun Wukong… Is it a monster from where? It’s terrible!… I don’t know if my mother is resurrect… I beat him…”

Black has always regarded himself as a history of creation, and he sees everything in the world with the mind of the gamer. However, now, in his heart, he is inexplicably worried…

“Slowly waiting, it’s really dull… I will let you restore the peak form, come and fight with me!” Sun Wukong watching ten tails, but made this decision.

It’s just his own words, but it’s a big change in the facial expressions: “Goku adults! Nothing! Tens of terrible, exciting our imagination, if it really restores subversion, the consequences are unpredictable! Still 趁 solve it now!”

It’s just that Sun Wukong directly ignores the pillars, and they have an energy ball of light in their hands, which directly hits the body of the ten tails!

When you are awkward, the ten tails are shining all over the world. In the whistling, the body gradually dissipated, and the fearful aura spread gradually, covering the world, causing the public expression to change…

At this moment, in the legend, that TRUE has ten tails thatrely resurrect!

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