The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 207 Sun Wukong vs spot

“My strength…not what you can understand…”

Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm watching Uchiha spot, slightly hard in the hand, two shadows in his hands as a mirror-like crack dissipated…

“is it?……”

On the spotted face, there was a trace of pride, one handed the sky, the black spheres flew out from the palm of his hand, suspended in the sky, the suction of the terror came out from it, when the ground collapsed, the clay sands were scattered. Suspended flying, wrapped in black spheres, above the sky, forming a huge sphere, like a meteorite…

“This is… the number of exploding stars… so much?” Xiaonan’s facial expression changed, watching dozens of huge spheres in the sky, with amazement.

“My mother! This is dead…”

“This…this kind of attack…so as long as God can do it… how can we be hostile to God…”

“I hope… I hope that Goku can stop…”

For a moment, the ninjas of the national coalition forces are all dismayed and discolored. The dozens of terror’s ‘ground explosion stars’ in the sky mean the death…

They are all looking at Sun Wukong, hope he can re-creation miracle…

“So… what do you do…”

Spotted to Sun Wukong, the evil smile, the right hand waved down, the sky whistling, and a huge ‘Blasting Star’ fell to the ground like a meteorite…

The crowd below is shrouded in the shadow of death…

“It’s boring…”

Sun Wukong tranquil and calm, the life and death of those ninjas have nothing to do with him, but this is the pick of the spot, but can not be seen as not seen.

I saw him slamming, hitting the sky with a punch, the sky was turbulent, the terror wave spread, and the ‘Blasting Stars’ under the shocking eyes of the crowd, all broken, turned into a sky of debris falling from the sky… …

Everyone is shocked! This is too strong, it is terrible! He was so stunned, punched and shocked! It is also strong and powerful.

Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the spot, his body suddenly disappeared…

The facial expression is slightly changed. Just want to move, but I feel that the throat is tight, and the whole body has been lifted in the air by Sun Wukong…

“Don’t think that it has become a ten-man column, and you can compare it with me… you, still is too far…”

Everyone was shocked. Everyone has widened their eyes. What is the formidable of the ten-tailed person? How is the domineering of the spotted? At this moment, it was so easily swayed by Sun Wukong as a chicken.

“It’s so powerful…” The spot was difficult to breathe, and he looked at Sun Wukong. His eyes were full of horror. He didn’t expect that he had become a ten-man column and had the world’s final martial arts. He couldn’t even watch it. Clear Sun Wukong’s action, which is simply unfathomable.

The expression of arrogance and arrogance slightly converged, and the face of the spot became very dignified. With a move, the staff suddenly flew back to the hand, and the face of Sun Wukong was squatting down…

However, it was blocked by Sun Wukong, and the force was pinched in the hand. The staff was actually under the contraction of Eyes, and it shattered…

The spot was only in the moment of a slight shock, but it was a reaction. The surrounded-out jade behind the scenes turned into a smattering of the shadow of Sun Wukong.

Under such distance, ordinary people can’t dodge at all. However, Sun Wukong is only partial to the head, that is, it is all dodged to dodge, and then the hand is slightly forced, throwing the spot directly to the ground in a savage posture!

Hey! The roar of the earth, the earth is a shock, the ground cracked along the road, and a huge hole came out…

Spotted hemoptysis, lying in the pit, all the internal organs have moved, if there is a cell between the thousand columns, vitality is strong, I am afraid that only this one fell, he has already died.

The face is full of shocks. So far, Sun Wukong has not used any means at all. The power of the physical body alone has made him fight back! The gap between the two is that people can see at a glance.

“don’t tell me… Is this the power of TRUE’s ‘God’? The power gained by external force… Is it just a side-by-side?…” Spotting Sun Wukong at this time, the gap between the two Like a world, it can’t be said in the same breath, and my heart can’t help but sigh!

Too strong, formidable is heartbreaking!

In the original work, open the eight-door Kadu can disfigured the spot, let alone Sun Wukong! Although the current ten-tailed force is several times stronger than the original work, but in the face of Sun Wukong, the same can not bear a blow, but people do not know how many planes can be exploded, or if Sun Wukong subordinates Reluctantly, you can make a slap in the face!

After a violent fall by Sun Wukong, Rao is an amazingly resilience spot. At this moment, momentful can’t climb up. In the shock of his heart, he also gave up the plan to compete with Sun Wukong! Because of the power gap between the two, it is impossible to make up for it…

At night, the night has come, and the moon has already hung in the night sky!

“Can train the body to such a terrible realm… You really are a monster…” Spotted Sun Wukong, sincerely sighed, and immediately, the dark eyes restored the light: “But… I have not lost ……”

As he said, he suddenly got up and vacated, staring at the moon in the sky: “According to the record of the stone tablet, the person who has the power of reincarnation, when approaching the moon, can realize the eyes of unlimited dreams… will open his eyes And reflected on the moon…

The plaque slowly closed his eyes, and he carefully sensed that a slap of the tin of terror emerged, which seemed to cover the world with a terrible shadow…

“What is he doing? Goku, fast! Stop him!” The master shouted at Sun Wukong.

“Block…how…there is just a good show…” Sun Wukong did have a faint smile.

“Don’t play, Goku! Generally speaking, when others are most proud, there will always be accidents… the big bad guys in the book… are all killed…” Samy is also a loud voice. .

“Don’t compare me to those garbage. Your quiet watching is… very quickly, something very interesting happens…” Sun Wukong was unmoved. Watching the spot at the moment, but shaking his head: “It’s a sad guy… I don’t know… I’m stepping towards death…”

Spot, for Sun Wukong, there is no interest at all. What he is interested in is actually the final hidden big BOSS, Hui Ye Ji!

As the fearful aura becomes clearer, the spot’s forehead is slowly cracked, and a vertical eye is grown. The shape is like a reincarnation, and nine jade jade appear inside.

And the moon in the sky, with for a moment, has become like this! The light shines on the world, and the unlimited monthly reading starts!

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